

MIN 808 BIBLICAL MODELS FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES+ Models for personality, partnership, parenthood and peer relationships examined in the light of the Word of God with aview to improving skills in individual, marriage and fomrly counseling. Emphasis will be placed on the cose study approach to learning. Problem situotrons in the lives af people will be presented in closs and processed through discussion, diagnosis and rn the lrght of the Scriptures MIN 809 THEOLOGY Of THE CHURCH' An exominotion of the fundomentol doctrines concerning the church including rts nature, orgonizational structure, ministry, ordinonces, purpose ond place in God's design. Discussion of the significonce derived from each of these areas for the procticol life of the church, wrth speciol focus on current theologicol issues inllllved. Emphosis on the meaning of these doclrrnes for the procticol life of the church. MIN 810 CONTEMPORARY BIBLICAL PREACHING' Examination of contemporory preoch1ng. Attentron given to o lllriety of preoching forms, such as e11Jngelistic, expository, life­ srtuation, socio-prophetK, biogrophicol, dialogue, as well os rodio ond television techniques. Closs members in11Jlved 1n both onolysrs and actual preoching. MIN 811 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN THE CHURCH' + Ab1blicol and proctrcol examinotlon of whot believers ought to do with and for each other in the locol church. Specrol attentron grven to: ways of focilitotrng fellowship, the place of confrontâ–¡· Iron, the hondling of rntrcism, reoct1ons to chonge, the potentiol of small groups, the odministering of discipline, the meaning of love, the noture of forgiveness and the importonce of unity. Key biblicol words and concepts studied and proclicol implicotions developed for the progrom of the locol church. Drscussion of relotionships omong the staff, boards, committees ond the congregation ot lorge. MIN 813 IMlRSHIP' Attention given to two areas: l asurvey of biblicol moterrals on the noture and importonce of worship for the people of God, and 2) a survey of contemporory literature on worship in the church. Afoundotron provided for the development of o biblicol theology/philosophy for worshrp in todoy's churches ond for fundamentol discussion of the proctrcol aspects of both plonning and executing meoningful services of worshrp MIN 814 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES + A course designed to brooden ond deepen the pastorol understonding of Christian mamoge in the contemporory world. Emphasis on the sociology of morrioge os an institution, the psychology af intrmate rel9transh1ps, and the nalure of love and sexuality. Husband-wife roles studied in the light of Suipture and the movement toward egal1tor1an marriage. Attention given to the problems of di11Jrce and remarrioge, single parent, blended fomily and other current issues. MIN 815 THEOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR PARENTING+ Development af a theologrcolly consrstent and psychologicolly heolthy understanding of the process of child rearing. Includes o criticol review, both theologicolly and psychalogicolly, of anumber of current approaches to parenting. Closs members responsible to I) formulate acomprehensive progrom of parent educotron for a locol church, or 2) develop and conduct a parent educotion seminar or workshop. MIN 817 BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH RENEWAL An examination of b1blicol principles for church life wrth the aim of spiritual and mission renewal. Course emphases will cenler on the pastor's style of leadership, in11Jlvement and training of lay leaders, congregational creativity, impacting the community, and preaching style and content, plus the pastor's and congregation's spiritual life.

MIN 819 WORLD MISSIONS AND THE LOCAL CHURCH" An overvrew and analysis of the development of world mis· srons with emphasrs on current specific world views. Issues such as self-supporting missions, hidden peoples and third world mission· arres will be explored, along with considerations on how to develop aworld-vrew congregatron. MIN 822 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION + A course designed to lead the student through a biblicol, sociologicol and educotronal investigation of fomily life educotion. Discovery of common elements of an effective fomily ministry in the church. lntegrotion of this data with existing resources allows each person to develop astrotegy of family life educotion for his church. MIN 823 FAMILY LIVING FOR All SEASONS + Acourse desrgned to provide the pastor or Chrrstian 111Jrker with o developmental approach to family living. Exposure to developmental life changes in persons and how change evenls in life - such as birth of achild, job change, death of parent - con affect mamoge and family. (Required for all persons 1n Marriage and family Ministries.) MIN 824 THE PASTOR'S SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH"+ Acourse designed to examine the hazards of the ministry as they pertain to the mental and sprritual health of the pastor. The pastor assisted in identifying the area of potential personal weakness and given resources for dealing with these problems Attention given to aspects of the minister's role conflicts in hrs personal lrfe, family life and minrstry. Problem areas such as anger, depression, assertrveness, leadership and relationshrps will be explored. Techniques for self-modifying behavior to grow sp111tuol­ ly and emotronolly presented. MIN 825 SMALL GROUPS: AN EXPRESSION Of THE BODY Of CHRIST'+ Acourse focusing on brrlh, core and development of biblicol small groups as they function in the life of the locol church Philosophy of small group ministry explored with stroteg1es for beginning groups and mointaining them in the locol church. Participants will learn how to troin lay leaders, how small groups function effectrvely and will be able to set up a small group program in their ministry. MIN 826 DYNAMICS Of CHURCH GROWTH' Acourse designed to understand scientific principles developed to date in the field of church growth, to cover relelllnt conlempo· rory literoture on the subject and to ocquire the basrc skrlls necessary for diagnosing the health of the locol church and desrgning programs for future growth. Course is designed to provide laborotory field experience in studying church growth lnllllves direct research into growing churches in Southern Califor­ nro. Additionol work will be expected outside of doss hours during the course.) MIN 827 INTEGRATION Of THEOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY IN A COUNSELING MINISTRY + An in-depth examination of lllrious leaders and models of counseling in lllgue today. E11Jluation of their success 1n integral· ing psychology and theology rn counseling. Course rs designed to assist the church leader to establish a lifestyle of integrotron as well as a philosophy of integrotron that will have proctrcol expression 1n acounseling ministry in the locol church. (Required for all persons in Mamoge and Family Min1st11es.) MIN 828 PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING SKILLS + Acourse designed to help the pastor sharpen skills in pastoral core and counseling. The student will learn and proctice amodel of helping which incorporotes technrques and approaches of rhe behavrorol sciences as well as biblicol principles. The student will be exposed lo lrve counseling sessions, extensive counseling proclice and professronals in proclice. 1Add1t1onal work will be expected outside of doss hours during the course.)

MIN 829 THE PASTOR AS ACRISIS COUNSELOR+ Studenl will develop skills lo help indivrduals confronting typ1col crises such os the birth of achild, illness, the loss of ojob, marital conflict, coreer od1ustment, bereavement, pre-marital pregnancy, retrremenl and terminal disease. Allention given lo preventron of stress in predictable developmenlal crises as well as recovery management following a rnsis. Acombinatron of dinrcol exposure, cose study and student experience used in this seminar. MIN 830 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP IN THE LOCAL CHURCH" A course desrgned to lead the student through a biblicol, organizational and psychologicol understanding of leadershrp, motillltion, planning, managing conflicts, worker troining, e11Jlua· lion, change prrnuples and organrzalionol development. Portici· pants hove the opportunity to exomine their leadership style and to develop styles through group experiences and cose studres that will make rhem more effective leaders. MIN 831 THE TRAINING Of LAY PASTORAL COUNSELORS+ An in-depth course armed to provide tools for rhe equipping of leaders such as deacons, elders, small group leaders, Sunday school reachers and youth workers to do the work of counseling in the locol church. Attention given to the strategy of troining, using current locol church progroms as models. MIN 832 MASS COMMUNICATION Of THE GOSPEL· A procticol course designed to enhance the skills of the Christion cornmunicotor in using the tools of the printed media, rodio, television and film. Pnmory focus on the skill development within the studenr's chosen area of specialization. MIN 833 DISCIPLESHIP IN THE LOCAL CHURCH An in-depth exominotron of rhe biblicol princrples, hislory and methodology of drsciplesh1p. The course will emphasize the proctKal concern of how lo develop an ongoing discrplesh1p progrom in the locol ministry.


Prescrrbed for D.Min. students.

Applicoble to the field of concenlrolion in church leadership. + Applicoble to the field of corrcentrolion 1n mamage and family minrstrres.

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