
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Doctor of Education Program ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS (I) Eligible applicants must hold a master's degree from on accredited institution with an average grade of al least a3.25 on a 4.0 scale.

status may also be awarded to a student wi thdeficiencies in the educotianal, theological and vocational foundational requirements far admission. Astudent con take amaximum of 18 doctoral units before foundational admission requirements and positive review by the graduate commrllee serving the program will grant the student full graduate standing. (3) INACTIVE STUDENTS: Inactive students ore those who have requested and been granted a leave of absence from the program. Aleave of absence may be granted upon petition for change of status only if there rs deemed suffioenl reason for interrupting the program and intention ta return to the program. Change of status farms are available from the Director of Records. Aleave of absence must be renemd by petition each semester and may not exceed lwo consecutive semesters. Each leave of absence must receive the approval of the student's advisor and the final approval of the Director of the Ed.D. program. The student will be required ta pay aContinuation Fee for each semester he/she rs not enrolled 1n the course work. Astudent who does not pay the Continuation Fee or the Drsserlalian Cont1nuatian Fee is considered to have withdrawn from the pragam and must: I) apply far readmission to the program, 2) petition the Ed.D. Cammillee for approval of an original dissertation topic or submit a new dissertation proposal far laprc ond committee approval, and 3) pay the Continuation fee or Dissertatran Continuatran fee far the trme of absence. PROGRAM SEQUENCE: (l) Aminimum of 48 unrls beyond the master's degree of which at leost 24 units must be completed within any given 24 months is required. Amaximum of any grven erght units of appropriate doctoral level work from an accredited institution may be transferred. The student must mointarn a 3.S grade paint average la continue rn the program. (2) PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Acommillee consisting of a chair­ man and two or more additional faculty members drown from Talbot Schaal of Theology or other programs of Biol □ University shall be appointed □ her consultation with the student. Cammillee members are to include the professor from abiblical or thealogrcol field. The comm1llee shall oversee ond approve the student's entire program. (3) PROGRAM AGENDA: Awritten individual program agenda that includes proposed courses, emphasis, reseorch tools and growth covenant must be submitted lo the program committee before the completion of 12 units. (4) VOCATIONAL EXPERIENCE: Atotal of four yeors full-time Christian vocational experrence as determined acceptable by the program commillee is required prior lo the granting of the Ed.D. degree. Previous experience applies. (S) QUALIFYING EXAMINATIONS To be token in the lost semester of coursewOlk. o. Written comprehensive examinat1ons will be required cov­ ering: I) History and Philosophy of Education, 2) Human Development, 3) Educotional Theory and Process, 4· Theol­ ogy and Spirrtual Development and S) Research in Christian Educotion. These examinations will be given the third and fourth meks of each semester. b. Aqualifying major research paper in the student's ore □ of emphasis will be prepared. The paper is to be presented no later than the tenth mek of each semester. c. Examination of the student's teaching skills shall be ac­ complished by faculty observation of ostudent-led gradu­ ate or undergraduate classroom leaching experience. The teaching demonstration must be completed no later than the twelfth mek of each semester. d. Upon successful completion of the written comprehensive examinations, reseorch paper and teaching skrlls evalua­ tion, on oral qualifying examination will be scheduled. The examination will be comprehensive and will include a review of the student's growth covenant The oral examino­ tian is to be held no later than the fourteenthmek of each semester. Scheduling far all qualifying examinations is ta be initiated by the student in conference with the student's program commillee chairman.

(2: EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION: Ed.O. applicants must have 24 groduole semester units of Christron education course work 01 equivalent. This should include at least one course in educational administration, educational psychology, history and phrlasaphy of Christian education, counseling, methods ond resources of educo­ lron and group process. Undergroduote course units con count on a lwo to one ratro. Amrnrmum of 12 units must be on the groduote level. l3) THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION Ed.D. opplicants must hove 24 graduate semester uni ts of Bible/theology course work or equiv­ alent These units must include Old and New Testament survey, theology, Old and New Testoment introduction and hermeneutrcs and Bible study methods. Undergraduate units count an a lwo ta one ratio. Aminimum of 12 units must be an the graduate level (4) VOCATIONAL FOUNDATION All Ed.D. applicants must have a minimum of lwo years or equivalent of full-time Christian voca­ tional experience, preferably within a church context. (S) Submit scores an the Graduate Record Examination Apti­ tude Test (GRE;. Information regarding testing dates and locations may be obtained by writing ta the Educational Testing Service, Bax 95S, Princeton, New Jersey 08S40. No opplicont is exempt from submilling GRE scares. Scares mare thon three years old are unacceptable. lnternalionol students are not required to take the GRE if English rs not their notrve longuage ond they do not hold degrees from an American college or university Instead, they must submit scores on the Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL). ;6) Submit completed profiles (not onsmr sheets) of the Minnesoto Mul tiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). These tests must be taken al a college testing service or from a licensed psychologis t. Test maleriol is conf1dentiol. Applicants are referred lo the source from which the testing was administered if they desire clinical interpretation. The MMPI results must be less thon 12 months old. 17) Submit five letters of recommendation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these lellers ore academic references and lwo ore choracter references (one must be a pastor). The pastor and other choracter reference shall provide confirmation of spiritu­ al qualification (I Timothy 3, Titus I), spiritual giftedness, rela­ tional skills and other ministry-related skills. (8: The applicant must submit awrillen statement (700- l 000 words) describing vacotianal objectives and how the degree relates lo those □ biectrves. (9) In addition lo the application and references, the applicont will submit a formal paper of al least 20 pages on otopic relating to Chrrstian educotron which will reflect graduate level research and wrrting skills. 'IO) The applicant must be interviemd by members of the Chris tian education faculty. If married, the applicant is to be accompanied by spouse, when possible. This interview, if required will be scheduled taword the end of the application process. Applicants will be notified if on interview is required. CLASSIFICATION OF ADMITTED STUDENTS Eoch student admitted is classified in one of the following categories. (I) FULL GRADUATE STANDING: Applicants who intend to obtain o degree ond who ore odmrtted without reservation ore granted full graduate standing. Only students with full graduate standing moy become degree candidates. (2) CONDITIONAL STANDING: Conditional admission status may be □ worded to a student whose ocodemic record shows certain deficiencies. The student must demonstrate ability ta do graduate work at a high level of achievement before being considered far admission ta adegree program. Aher completing lwo courses (or a semester of work), the record of a student with conditional standing will be reviemd by the graduate faculty serving the program. The faculty may then grant full graduate standing or request that the student should remain an conditronal standing until specified requirements have been met. Conditional admission

Program Di rector Frederic R. Wilson, Ph.D. PHILOSOPHY Purpose

The Ed. D. degree is designed to provide its graduates with the academic foundation, theological perspective ond skill s needed to be highly competent professionals in Christion education, able to assume signifi cant and distinctive leadership and teaching roles in the church and other institutions dealing with Christion education in o variety of settings, world­ wide. In tegration of fai th, learning and living is o major focus of the program. The program nurtures the competencies of sound scholarshi p, research, effective interpersonal skills and teaching abi lity. Competence is combi ned wi th creativity and imagination enl ightened by research­ based knowledge. The docto ra l program is des igned tostimu late the growth of each student to be oil that God intended in professional competence and in personal walk with the Lord Jesus Chris t. Program Distinctives Holistic Focus: Research oriented with o strong emphas is in combining professional, social, spiritual and me nta l areas of growth. Teaching Skills : Emphasizes pract ical opplico­ tion of effective communica tion sk il ls. Integration: "Faith, Lear ning and Life" course is o core requirement. Throughout the program stu­ dents wil l work with advising commi ttee that will incl ude o theology/Bible professor as well as Chris­ tion education staff. The dissertat ion itself must be integrat ive in natu re. University Base : A wide breadth of knowledge is mode available through the fa culty and various disc iplines of study at B i o l □ Un ive rsity. APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be submitted by February IS for foll entry or October I for spring entry. Applicants accepted for the foll semester may begin studies in the preceding summer Applicants accepted for the spring may begin studies in the preceding interlerm. Decisions are made only an completed applicotions.

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