

(6) RESEARCH TOOLS: Two research tools which provide re­ search skills suitable for the student's oreo of dissertation study ore to be mastered. Validotmn of competency in each tool shall be determined by the program committee. Successful completion of certain courses may serve os research tools subject to acceptance by the committee. Appropriate research tools include: 1 biblical Hebrew language; 2) New Testament Greek language; 3) modern Germon language; 4) statistics; 5) computer programming; 6) historical analysis; 7) philosophical method; 8) interaction anoly­ srs; 9) interview design and procedure and 10) questronnrnre, survey design und procedure. (7) ADVANCEMENT TO CANDIDACY: Upon the successful com­ pletion of all requirements except the dissertation a student will be advanced to candidacy. Upon reaching candidacy a student must register for dissertation. (8) DISSERTATION. (9) ORAL DEFENSE OF DISSERTATION. CURRICULUM OUTLINE Core Seminars 16 units 801 History of biblical education 2 802 Philosophy of Christian education 2 803 Human development and Christian nurture 3 804 Administrative orga111zotron ond leadership 3 805 Models of teaching 3 806 lntegrot1an of lrnth, Irle and learning 3 Electives 12 units BIBLE/THEOLOGY: Elective courses to be taken from existing 700 or 800 level courses al Talbot School al Theology or Rosemead School of Psychology. :8 units) WORLD VIEW: Elective courses to be token from existing 700 or 800 level courses in philosophy of religron, church history, missions or interculturol studies from Talbot School of Theology or the School of lntercultural Studies. (4 units) Emphasis (Choose one) 12 units

Additional Courses to be Used as Electives with Approval of Advisor:

EDD 806 INTEGRATION OF FAITH, LEARNING & LIFE (3) An investigation of the models of integration which serve to incorporate the various disciplines of study appropriate to Chrrstian education into an evangelrcal Christran theology in a consrstent and Biblical fashion. Also to be considered ore the broader implrcatrons al such an integratron os the church interlaces with society os awhale. This required course wrll explore several areas and levels of integration in Christian education 111 order ta introduce the nature and scape al the task to be continued in the student's choice of doctoral emphasis.

The student is required to meet with the professor, before a 700 level course is token to inform him/her that the course rs being taken for doctoral requirements. The student is responsible for putting the professor's required additional assignments in writing before the course begins. The professor must approve by signature the statement of the required additional required as­ signments before the course begins. The Director of the Ed.D. program must also approve by signature the statement of addi­ tional required assignments. See catalog for prerequisites. RPSY 510 Motivation RPSY 513 Sensation and perception RPSY 530 History and systems of psychology RPSY 551 Personality I RPSY 553 Personality II RPSY 604 learning and malival1on RPSY 606 Developmental psychology RPSY 608 Socml psychology RPSY 610 Development of religious understanding in chrldren and adolescents RPSY 622 Attitudes, values and belief RPTI 721 The nature and scope of integration RPTI 722 Systems of integration RPTI 741 Guilt, conscience and socralrzotion RPTI 745 Maturity; psychological and theological perspectives RPTI 748 Christian community RPTI 750 Perspectives on human nature ICS 502 Social Orgonizolion ICS 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment ICS 622 lntercullural Communication ICS 706 Ideological Conflict HTM 550 Christianity and Culture STM 561 Topics in Applied Cultural Anthropology STM 562 Cultural Change STM 563 Sex Roles in Socrety COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Core Courses (required) EDD 801 HISTORY OF BIBLICAL EDUCATION ;2) History of the Christran Church's education mI111stry traced through the educational approaches of the Hebrew notion, the early Christians, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Refor­ mation and the modern era of the church. Special altenlIon given ta the development history of certorn agencies, such as the Sunday School, the Ch11stran school movement and the history of current educatronal practices of the church, such as age-level ministries and professional, vocational staff. EDD 802 PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 12) An advanced investigation of the western and eastern philo­ sophical bases for the educational ministries al the church. The ways in which educational ideas and practrces ore shaped by philosophical systems and specific philosophers drscussed. EDD 803 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CHRISTIAN NURTURE (3) Principles and choractenstics of life-span development with particular attention to cognitive, moral, psychosocial, values­ commitment, affectrve, and physical developmental theories and research; investigation of relationships bellwen development and sp111tual growth; implications of developmental chorocteristrcs for nurture in the family ond in church-related ministries. EDD 804 ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION ANO LEADERSHIP (3) An investigation of current theories and principles of effective adminrstrotion with an emphasis on the integration of administra­ tive theory wrth theology. Administrative and leadership patterns analyzed relating lo the ministries of churches, parachurch agen­ cies, and religious institutions. EDD 805 MODELS OF TEACHING ,3: A laboratory course for developing a repertoire of teaching skills and strategies based on several contemporary modes. Provides an opportunity for students to drscuss rssues and ques­ tions lundomentol lo teaching.

Research Courses (required) EDD 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH 1-4

lndrv1dual study, directed reading or field research into topic of student interest. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit adetarled course proposal and bibliography on alearning contract form ovailoble from the admissions and records office. EDD 885 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) Development of competency in using and interpreting both desrnptive and inferential statistics os related to educational research. Ta enable the student lo opprop11ately choose ond compute vanous statistical packages, analyze the resultant data correctly, 111 Christion Education onented resernch. Emphasis is grven to the use of the computer in the computation of data and statistical applications most relevant for the needs of Christian Educators. EDD 888 RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Plan and complete a modest research proIect and study research methods and techniques. These include: design, sam­ pling, direct observation, data processing, intervrews ond ques­ tIannarres. Competency demonstrative of a research technique required for completran of seminar. EDD 890 DISSERTATION RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Discussron ond development of doctoral drsserlatran research. Approval of the dissertation proposal is necessary for successful completion of the seminar. EDD 891 CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION: DISSERTATION :m Research and wntrng of an approved doctoral dissertation under the direction of maIor advrsar and disserlalion cammrttee. Educational Processes Emphasis EDD 821 INTEGRATION Of THEOLOGY ANO EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (3) Historrcal studies in both Old Testament and New Testament institutions far education from Biblical and other sources. Analysis of the teaching mimstry of Jesus for p11nc1ples and processes in indivrdual instruction, group leaching and training. Special empha­ sis of study in the ministry of the Holy Spirrt in relationship lo learning theories, Biblical instruction, and teacher-learning pro­ cess. Aresearch seminar with emphasrs on creative applications. EDD 822 PRINCIPLES Of TEACHING 2) Analysis and practrce of principles of leachrng. Emphasis on how ta effectively lecture, motivate and leach for retention. Writing of objectives, lesson plans, high level thinking, use of questions also discussed. field experience required EDD 823 SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES (3) The educational process in relation to the purpose of educa­ tion, human growth, the nature ol leornmg ond the dynamics of groups in avarrety of situations. Emphasis on the development of sell-esteem, creativity, importance al affect in the classroom, and different forms al education (formal, non-formal, and informal). EDD 824 CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 12' Curriculum issues and problems, their rationale, and rmplica­ lions for ministry. Emphasis on the development of curriculum far the integration ol loith, learning, and Irle. Different models for desigmng curriculum ond instruction. Curriculum designed for specilrc sellings required. Previous course in currrculum design suggested.


8 u111ts

885 Statistics

3 3 2

888 Research design

890 Oissertatran research seminar

TOTAL 48 units plus dissertation Emphasis: Additmnol courses may be used wrth advisor's ap­ proval. Spiritual Development Emphasis The locus of this emphasis is an the integrative relationship bellwen areas of human development and spiritual maturrty. Sources for areas of human development ore the research studies in the literature and the mrnn source for sp111tuol development Is biblical. The emphasis Is thus primarily integrative in its approach and scope. The belief that all truth is God's truth is central lo this emphasis as "secular" studies ore scrutinized for their relevance to the establishment and advancement of spintual maturity in the Irle of individuals al all ages and in .a family context. 830 Developmental research and spirituality

833 Moral and value development 835 Christmn frnth development 837 Integration al theological and developmental research Educational Processes Emphasis

This emphasis focuses an the educational process in relation to the purpose of education, principles of teaching, human growth, the nature of learning and the dynamics of groups in avarrety of situations. Considerotron given to the teaching ministry of Jesus for principles and processes of education, mi111stry of the Holy Spint In relatlonshrp to the teocher-leorning process and Old Testament ond New Testament educational institutions. Focus on families or specific age level possrble. 821 Integration of theology and educational process 822 Principles of teaching 824 Curnculum design and development 826 Cross-cultural learning 828 Intergenerational learning 823 Seminar in educatlonal processes

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