
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY TH 606 SOTERIOLOGY, ECClESIOLOGY AND ESCHATOLOGY (4\ The study of 1ol11Jtion, 111 provision in the person und \lllrk of Ch111t ond its opplicotion to mon. The church, including its inception, noture 01 o living orgonrsm ond orgonizotion. The doctrine of future thrngs relating to the destiny of individuals, nations and the universe. Prescribed for M.A. 18.S.' students. TH 725 THE DISPENSATIONAL SYSTEM '.2 An intensive study of Iha! sys tem of biblical rnlerprelalion known 01 di1pen1alionali1m; 111 historical background, modern form ond objections Emphasizing p11mary theological and exegel1col 111ue1 or disagreement betv.l!en di1pen1al1onal and nondi1pen1alional po1ilion1. Elective.

CHURCH HISTORY The aims of this emphasis are to acquaint the student with the enviromnent of early Christianity; the spiritual culture and heritage which have consti­ tuted the mission, purpose and objectives of the Christian church; and subsequent developments in the church's outworking of its commission. CH 505 EARLY AND MEDIEVAL CHURCH HISTORY (3) Church h11lory from Pentecost to the Reformation. Emphosrs upon the development of doctrine, orgonization and the Romon Catholic Church. Place and importance of monasticism, scholosll­ cism, mysticism ond the Renaissance. Influence of leading person­ alities. Prescribed for M. Div. studen ts. CH 506 PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND MODERN CHURCH HIS­ TORY 3' Church history from 1517 to the present. Empho1i1 on the causes and development of the Reformol1on, Proteslonl denomi­ nolions, English and American Christianity. Opportunity provided for each sludenl to familiarize himself with the history and polity of his or her church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. CH 508 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (31 A religious history of the United Stoles from the colonrol to the contemporary period, emphasizing the Church's effect on and ill response lo Purilonism, the westward movement, social ond intellectual ferment, rndustriolizalmn, immigration, urbonrzotron and war. Ottered alternole years. CH 522 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION :3 Europe from the lole fourteenth to early seventeenth century. Stress on changes inouguroted by the Renaissance and Reforma­ tion; rise of notion-stoles and foundation of modern European society. Ottered ollernote years. CH 558 PURITANISM 3 A survey of the _Puritan movement w11h emphasis on its establishment ond practice 10 New England. Theological, social, poli11cal, economic ond cultural aspects considered, including onoly111 of the Puritan influence on American Elllngelicalism. CH 560 THE EVANGELICAL TRADITION (3) Ah11tor1col and 1heolog1cal camporot1ve study of the 011gin1 ond development of Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism and the Anabaptist and Free Church traditions. Emphasis on the beliefs and proct1ce1 of these groups lodoy and their relot1onship to the e11Jngelical Christion. CH 701 HISTORY OF DOCTRINE (2) Ahistorical survey of the development of selected Chrisl1on doctrines from the first century to the present. Emphasis upon the foclors undedying their formulation in the light of church history. Prerequr1ite1 TH 502, TH 603, TH 604, CH SOS and CH 506. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A (IS. students, others by deport­ menial permissron. CH 702 THE CHURCH FATHERS (2' An introduction to the Ante-Nicene, Nicene ond Post-Nicene Fothers with special emphaiis upon the development of doctrine ond church. Elective. CH 705 HISTORY OF REVIVALS (2) The background, development ond resuhs of the greol revi11Jl1 rn Amerrca. Elective. · CH 708 CLASSICS Of THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH '2 1 Astudy of some of the oulslonding literary produclrons of Chrislran leaders ond w11lers. Elective. CH 710 DENOMINATIONAL DISTINCTIVES 2) The history, dislincl1ves ond polity of the sludenl's denomrno­ tion or church. Pre1C11bed for M.Div. students not toking CH 506 in this seminary. CH 71 BRESEARCH SEMINAR (2-4 Supervised research, with pe11odic reports lo seminar mem­ bers, 1n on approved area of special inleresl to the student. Elective.

TH 705 THE DOCTRINE OF INSPIRATION 2: The history of the doctrine; the scriptural evidence for verbol ond plenary inspiration ond orefu totion of oll importont deniols of the infallibility of the Scriptures. Prerequisite: TH 502 or the equillllent in 81bl1ology. Elective. TH 706 THE DOCTRINE OF THE ATONEMENT (2: The history of the doctrine, beginning with the Fathers, traced through the Reformers ond continued into the tv.l!ntieth century, with o refutatmn of heterodox views. Elective. TH 707 ROMAN CATHOLIC THEOLOGY (2 Adetailed study of the tenets of Roman Catholicism; reading from representotive Roman Catholic literature; particular attention given to the di1trnction1 between Roman Catholic and Protestont doctrines. Especially helpful for those contemplating missionary service in countries dominated by Roman Catholiosm. Elective TH 709 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY (2; The study of contemporary theological po11tion1, including a survey of the philosophical and theological thought leading up to the present scene. Pre1C11bed for M.A. IT.S.), M.A. (Mis.) and Th.M. '.Sys. Th. students. TH 710 PNEUMATOLOGY '2' The person and \lllrk of the Holy Spirit both in the Old and New Testaments with particular attention to His m1nr1trie1 rn 1h11 age to the individual believer and the church. Prerequisite: NT 501 -502. Elective. TH 712 CURRENT THEOLOGICAL ISSUES 2 An rnten11ve study of the thought of particular contemporary theolog1an1, prominent theological or theologically significant ethical 111ue1 rn the light of biblical revelation. Elective. TH 717 THEOLOGY OF HUMAN NATURE '.2 Exploration of key areas reloting to the nature of man from both a theological and psychological perspective; the biblical nature of man rn comparison to teaching theo11e1 of human development. The meaning and significance of man created in the image of God; nature and dynamics of sin which lead to 1rn1 or psychological maladjustments; practical application of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and disciple, education and child 1eorrng and church ministry. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite· TH 605, TH 603, or equi11Jlent. Pre1C11bed for reduced M.A. ,CE ; students. Electrve. TH 718 THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN NURTURE (2) Designed for the student with background in the biblical and theological knowledge of 1ote11ology. Consideratron of the noture of personal transformation in regeneration, the means and dynamics of nurture including the relation of cagnrt1ve and relol1onal aspects. Examination of the nature of 1pi11lual maturity and rts relolion lo psychological moturity and hindrances to growth. Team taught by faculty with strength rn theology and psychology. Prerequisite TH 606, TH 603 or equillllent Prescribed for reduced M.A. ICE.1 students. Elective. TH 721 THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN CALVIN :2; Treatment of the text of the ln1tilule1 of the Ch111tian Religion, with consideration of h11 special contribution lo theology and the rele11Jnce of his thinking for our day. Elective. TH 724 ESCHATOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (2) Typical exegelrcol and doctrinal problems in the area of Bible prophecy Lectures, □ 111gned problems with written and cla11room reporls, di1cu111on and library research. Elective.

TH 728 THEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS '.2) Severol major 1heolog1col 1y1lem1 of thought emphosizrng those within the Proteslanl perspective, but also including signifi­ cant Roman Cotholic and Jewish systems. Elective. TH 729 THE THEOLOGY OF THE GOSPELS :2 1 An exomrnation of the theological teaching of Jesus 01 recorded in the four Gospel norrolives. Special attention is pard to the chronological development of themes taught by Chris t in the light of His presentation and rejection. Elective. TH 730 PAULINE THEOLOGY (2' The morn themes of Poul's doclrrne from the biblical theologi­ cal perspective. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elecl1ve. TH 761 DIRECTED STUDY I 41 Supervised reading and research in selected areas of system­ otrc theology. Elective. TH 802 MILLENNIAL VIEWS '2) Acareful and intensive study of the three main eschalological views relal1ve to the mrllenium; the h11tor1cal and biblical strength of the premillennial system; can1iderat1on of the leading □ millennial wri tings. A detailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the ropture, a biblical and theological defense of the pretribulational view, with exegesis of crucial passages of Scripture. Prerequisite TH 604. Electrve for Th.M. students; others by departmental pern111sion. TH 806 THEOLOGY SEMINAR '1-4 \ Selected problems in the field of theology; emphasis upon independent research; extensive reading and written thesis re· quired. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental per­ mission. TH 811 THEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (2; The rn-depth study cf certain theological areas, such 01 the divine decree, the problem of evil, the person of Christ, the atonement and mrnist11e1 of the Sp111t. Specialized research is emphasized. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental perm1111on. TH 813 JOHANNINE THEOLOGY :2) The theology of the Johonnine writings, with empho111 upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes Prerequ111te: NT 501-502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. TH 815 ADVANCED ECClESIOLOGY (2' An intensive study of significant aspects of the church related lo 1t1 nature, purpose and orgonrzat1on. Particular altention directed to current problem areas. Prerequisite: TH 604 or the equ111Jlent rn ecclesiology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deporlmentol permission. TH 818 THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMERS (2: The religious and philosophical background of the period of the Reformation. Acareful examination of the theology of the Re­ formers to ascertarn their underlying principles and their conceptu· al drtterences. An e11Jiuation ol their cantributron to theological thinking in the light of the SC11pture1 and the current Romon Catholic theology of their lime. Elective for Th.M. studen ts; others by departmental permi111on. TH 827 THE DOCTRINE OF THE KINGDOM (2l An inve1tigot1on into the meonrng ond purpose of the Kingdom of God and its progressive development within history. The course includes di1cu111on of h11toricol and contemporary 1heolog1cal positions with emphasis upon the biblicol teaching in 111 historical frome\lllrk. Elective for Th.M students; others by deporlmentol perm1111on.

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