

Department ofSemitics and Old Testament

CH 722 CULTS OF AMERICA '.Same as PHR 722) (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with therr significance in the development of religious thought and wrth particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective.

OT 716 OLD TESTAMENT TEXT, CANON AND INTRODUCTORY STUD­ IES) Text, canon and examination of the foundations and conclu­ sions of modern historrcal-critrcal methods, with particular refer­ ence ta Pentateuchal criticism; special introduction of selected Old Testament books. Prescribed for M.Drv. and M.A. (8.5., Q.T. students. Prerequ1s1te: 01 603 OT 717 ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE OLD TESTAMENT '.2) A treatment of the archaeological method. Survey of the hrstary of excavations 1n Palestme, Egypt and Mesapatamra, and the bearing of discoveries on the Old Testament Elective: 01 718 ARCHAEOLOGY OF PALESTINE 2' The hrstary of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Elective: 01 725 APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA ) ) Cansiderotran of the non-canonical literature from the perrad between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought durmg the centuries before the advent of Chrrstianity Elective.· OT 730 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (2 Asurvey of the discoverres, the arrgm of the Qumron Commu­ nity, rts beliefs and proctrces and the relatronship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elective.· OT 731 BIBLICAL ARAMAIC '4, Astudy of the grammar wrth emphasis an camporrsans with Hebrew; translating of all the Aromorc of Danrel and Ezra. Prerequisite. 604. Elective. OT 732 SEMINAR IN HEBREW EXEGESIS '2-4 I A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on hrstorrcal background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Prerequisite OT 604 Elective.· OT 801 THE BOOK OF JOB (2) The underlymg problems rn the book, the interpretation of the text, rts light on the problem of suffering, and comparison with the poetry of Ras Shamro and other Near Eastern texts. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permrssion.' OT 803-804 EXEGESIS OF ISAIAH ,3, 3 Atreatment of the text mthe light of rts histarrcal background and style, with emphasis an the fullness of the lsoranic contribu­ tion m the field of Messianic prophecy Prerequisrte: OT 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· 01 805-806 EXEGESIS OF JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL (3, 3) Adetailed consideration of the historrcal background of these prophets, a treatment of the significant Messianic predictions of each book ond emphasis on the textual ond interpretative prob­ lems of the books. Prerequisite: OT 604 . Elective for Th.M.


The Christion leader often deals with problems which ore related to contemporary trends in philo­ sophical and scientific thought For this reason, a knowledge of the intellectual heritage of the western world and the apologetic techniques and postures which ore of most value is needed. Four hours of credit from the offerings may be applied as elective credit toward the major in systematic theology. PHR 602 APOLOGETICS (2\ The acceptability of the Christian faith in the light of the biblical, historrcal and archaeological records, Christran experience, science and philosophy. Prescribed far M.Oiv and M.A. TS.) students. PHR 702 BIBLE AND SCIENCE (2) Crucial aspects of the relationshrp between the brblical record and the methods and findings of science. Elective. PHR 708 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY FROM ATHEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE :2-3) Development of philosophy with special emphasis upon the junctures where philosophy has influenced Chrrstianily. Elective. PHR 710 MODERN APOLOGETIC OPTIONS (2) Reading and evaluation of crucial modern apologists, as, Butler, Poley, Edwards, Machen, Van Til, Carnell and Montogomery Elective. PHR 711 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (21 Philosophy of relrgion in terms of such topics as the orrgm and growth of religran, the traditional proofs far God and the problem of evil. Elective. PHR 714 RELIGIOUS EXISTENTIALISM 2) leading existential wrrters and concepts with their rmplicatrans far Chrrstian faith in thought. Elective. PHR 716 PROBLEMS OF KNOWLEDGE IN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT (2) Major approaches ta religious epistemology, including contem­ porary contributions to the meanmg of mspirotron and outharrly. Electrve. PHR 720 THEOLOGICAL LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLISM 2' The significance and critrcism of theological language with an analysis of biblical usage. Histarrcal and contemporary Chrrstron sysmbals. Elective. PHR 722 CULTS OF AMERICA (Same as CH 722) (2 The distmctive features of the cults of America wrth their significance in the development of rel1g1aus thought and with partrcular reference ta their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective. PHR 724 CURRENT PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES (2' An intensive study of the thought of particular philosophers of religion or important philosophical issues as they relate to theol­ ogy. May be repeated with different course content. Elective. PHR 758 WORLD RELIGIONS (Same as HTM 556) (2, The distinctive features of the world's ethnrc religrans, the philosophical and psychological implications and the signifrcant cultural patterns surrounding their development. Eiective. PHR 767 DIRECTED STUDY (2-4) Reading and research mselected and concentrated areas, as epistemology, ethics, exrstentialism, thealagrcal language and non-Christian religions. Elective.

Thomas J. Finley, Ph.D., Choir FACULTY Associate Professors: Finley, Rigsby

The aim of this deportment is to acquaint the student with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the biblical and related periods; and to give the student on accurate foundation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exegesis, so that his expositions of the English Bible will reflect this sound basis of interpretation. The deportment purposes not to be exhaustive, but rather directive in the matter of further independent study from the original languages 01 506 OLD TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (2 Astudy of the canon of the Old Testament and an exammatian of the foundations and conclusions of modern h1storical-critical methods with particular reference to Pentateuchal criticism; intro­ duction ta the separate books. Prescribed for M.A B.S., B.E.) and M.A. ((JI students. 1Nat for O.l majars. 1 01 603 ELEMENTS OF HEBREW 141 Basic grammar with translation and wrrtten exercises; readmgs of selected biblical texts. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (B.5. O.l students. 01 604 ADVANCED HEBREW : 4 Grammar and syntax with selected readings and exegesis m biblical texts, mcluding passages mZechariah. Prescribed far M.Div. and MA :B.S, O.l students. 01 701, 702 ADVANCED HEBREW READING 2, 2' Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis an readmg and translation. May be repeated wrth different emphasis. Prereq­ uisite: 01 604. Elective. 01 704 OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY 2) The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophecy, with a treatment of princrples of prophetic interpreta­ tion. Elective.· OT 706 ADVANCED HEBREW GRAMMAR ,2) Astudy of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings 1n the Hebrew text. Prerequ1s1te: OT 604. Elective · OT 707 OLD TESTAMENT POETRY (2' The nature, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry 1n the Old Testament. Camparrsans with the poetry of the Near East. Elec· live.· OT 709-710 READING OF SELECTED PSALMS FROM THE HEBREW TEXT 12, 2) Portrcular emphasis upon the devotional and practical values. Prerequisite: 01 604. Elective.' OT 711-712 MESSIANIC PROPHECIES '2, 2 The Messranic prophecies in their progressive unfolding an the basis of the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective: 01 714 READINGS IN THE MINOR PROPHETS '2) Selected passages from the minor prophets with reference to the versions and interpretative problems. Prerequisite: OT 604 Elective:

students; others by d11partmental permission.' 01 807 OLD TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (21

Astudy of the Mossoretrc notes, the parallel passages and the versions with an attempt ot explanation of the vorrotions. Elective far Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· OT 808 OLD TESTAMENT SEMINAR 2-4 Detailed research msome phase of the Old Testament field, such os exegesis, specific topics in history and introduction, or archaeology of selected geographical oreos. Prerequisite: OT 604 and departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. Moy be repeated far credrt with different emphasis: OT 811 SEMINAR IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES (2-4 Introductory grammatical studres mUgorific, Arabic, Akkodran, Syrrac or Modern Hebrew; readings mancient Hebrew ond Aromrnc inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 604 ond departmental permission. Elective far Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. Moy be repeated for credrt with different emphasis.· OT 812 READINGS IN THE SEPTUAGINT '2; A survey of the origin, nature ond value of the Greek Old Testament with o reading of selected partrans and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the translators. Prerequisite: OT 604 and NT 502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permrssron:

"Elec!rves ore offered by rotation and on request

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