
TALBOTSCHOOLOFTHEOLOGY Department ofNew NT 604 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS ;2) Advonced exegesis of the Greek text Preporotion of a com­ mentory by the student on a selected portion. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective ·

NT 725 EXEGESIS Of I CORINTHIANS 12-14 (2) An exegetical onolysrs of this section with porliculor ottenlian given lo oreos of difficulty regording the sub1ect of spirituol gihs. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective. · NT 727 NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY (2) New Testament hrsloricol bockgrounds ond orchaeology. Pre­ scribed for M.A. (B.S., NJ) students. NT 72B ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS Of THE NEW TESTAMENT (2) Astudy of the history, philosophy, textual basis, theological perspective and style of vonous English tronslotions of the New Tesloment. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective. NT 730 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE PHILIPPIANS (2) Adetailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with special otlenlion given lo the problems of grammor and interpretation. Prerequ1s1le: NT 505. Elective." NT 801 TEXTUAL CRITICISM Of THE NEW TESTAMENT (2 The ongin ond history of textual rnticism. Study of the relotive volue of monusrnpts and the exominolion of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT 716. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deportmentâ–¡ ! permission.' NT 803-804 ADVANCfD GREEK GRAMMAR 2, 2) An intensive study of A.I Robertson's AGrommor of the Greek New Testament rn the light of Historicol Reseorch along with other stondord works on grommor. Prerequisite: NT 505, 506, 4units NT exegesis electives. NT 805 THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS (2-4) Introduction to and exom1notion of the Synoptic Problem rn o Greek hormony of the Gospels and scholarly works on the subject Special attention to the similorilies ond differences, the impor­ tonce ond unique contribution of each Gospel account. P1erequ1· site: NT 716. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deportmentol permission NT 806 THE ACTS Of THE APOSTLES (2' lntroducl1on lo the book, the emphos1s upon its rmporlonce and its historicity. Tronslotian of the text with exegesis of cerlorn sections. Comporison of style with thot of Luke's Gospel and comporison of Peter's and Poul's speeches with their epistles Elective for Th.M. students; others by deportmentol permission.· NT 808 COMPARATIVE STYLE Of NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS (2) Componson of style, vocobulory ond theologicol concepts of the vorious New Testament wnters on the basis of selected portions of the writings of eoch rn the Greek New Testament Elective for Th.M. students; others by deporlmentol permission. NT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR 1 1-4, l-4) Principles of thorough research. Supervised research rnlo some problem of speciol interest to the student approved by the professor. Periodic reports of progress lo the other members of the seminor ond obstroct of conclusions reached. Moy be token for one semester or continued throughout the yeor wrth the some problem under considerotion. Prescribed one semester, for Th.M. (NJ) students; others by deporlmentol permission."

NT 606 NEW TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (2) New Testament historicol backgrounds; English tronslotions of the New Testament; formation, history, extent and tronsmrssion of the canon, speciol introduction of eoch New Testament book. Prescribed for M.A. (B.S., B1 ond M.A. (C.E. students. NT 706 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE 10 THE EPHESIANS (2) Tronslot1on ond exegesis of the epistle. Preporotion of o commenlory by the student. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.' NT 707 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS (2 Introduction lo the epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in the Colossion church. Exegesis of the epistle. Prerequi­ site NT 505. Elective: NT 708 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE Of SECOND CORINITHIANS '2) Adetailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with spec1ol otlent1on given to problems of grommor and interpretation Prerequisite- NT 505. Elective: NT 709 LIFE Of CHRIST 2) Astudy of the mission, life ond teochings of Christ on the bosis of a hormony of the Gospels. Attention given to the similorilies and differences in the Gospel accounts. Elective." NT 714 THE SYNOPTIC DISCOURSES Of CHRIST '2) Chnst's m â–¡ 101 discourses rn the Synoptic Gospels, with pnncipol emphasis upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Porobles of the Mysteries of the Kingdom ond the Olivet Discourse. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.' NT 715 RAPID READING IN THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT '.2' Directed reeding designed to supplement the student's knowl­ edge of the Greek New Testomenl, to increose his vocobulory, ond to provide him with further opplication ond understonding of Greek grommor. Prereqursrle: NT 505. Elective.' NT 716 NlW TESTAMENT TEXT, CANON AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES '2 Textual criticism; formolion, history, extent and transmission of the conon; speciol introduction of selected New Testament books. Prerequisite: NT 505. Prescribed for M.Div and M.A. (B.S., O.l and NJ students, others by deporlmentol permission. NT 717 SENIOR SEMINAR 1-4: Supervised reseorch of designoted problems 111 New Tesloment literature, history, rnterpretolron or theology. Elective.' NT 718 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS 2) A detoiled exegesis of the ongrnol text together with a consrderotron of the historrcol problems which ore involved. Pre­ requisite: NT 505. Elective." NT 719 EXEGESIS Of THE PASTORAL EPISTLES 2' An examinatron of I Timothy, II Timothy ond Titus; reseorch on selected portions by the student. Prerequisite NT 505. Elective." NT 720 EXEGESIS Of THE APOCALYPSE 2) Astudy based on the originol text; term project by the student on on assigned subject. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 722 EXEGESIS Of THE GOSPEL Of LUKE '2) Extensive lronslot1on in the Gospel. Exegesis of selected portions. Consideration of the contribution of thrs book lo one's knowledge of the life of Christ. Exomrnotion of style and vocabu­ lary of Luke. Prerequ1s1te: NT 505. Elective."

Testament Language and Literature

Robert l. Thomas, Th.D., Chair FACULTY Professor: Thomas Assistant Professor Hutchison

The purpose of this department is to impart to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testa­ ment which includes three principal areas: historical backgrounds, Greek grammar and exegesis of the text. The pion is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study ond in exposition of the Word of God. Aqualifying examination in Greek is available to all students with previous Greek training. Those with agrade of "(" or higher on the examination will be enrolled in NT 505 and the rest in NT 501. NT 501-502 BEGINNING GREEK (2, 2) An introductory study of the bosic elements of New Testoment Greek. Tronslotion of portions of the New Tesloment rn the second semester. for those who ore deficient in Greek and pion to study the longuage in seminary Prescribed for those who do not qualify by exominalion for NT SOS. NT SOS GRAMMAR AND INTRODUCTION TO EXEGESIS ! 4 Tronslotion, building oGreek vocobulary, cons1derolion of syn­ loct1col principles and the use of these rn developing ocompre­ hensive exegeticol method. Prescribed for M.Div., M.A. 'B.S.) ond MA (IS.; students. NT 506 EXEGESIS Of SELECTED EPISTLES 4) Exegetical study of four epistles token from the following list: I Thessolonions, II Thessolonions, Jomes, I Peter, I John. Attention grven lo content, author's styles ond the epistles' chorocteristics and lo ossisling eoch student to develop on exegetical method­ ology. Prerequ1s1te: NT 505. Presrnbed for M.Div. ond MA (B.S., NJ) students. NT 603 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (2) Advonced exegesis deoling wrlh the originol text. Speool attention given lo the structure and lo the interpretative problems of the epistle. Prerequisite: NT SOS. Elective.·

'Electives ore ottered by rotation and on request.

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