

Department o/World Missions

SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY AND MISSIONS STM 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES (3) The use of socml science techniques lo learn oboul the people, needs ond opportunities for evongelism rn the city. STM 562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics ond processes of change, the place of change agents ond the speed ond intensity of change. lmplicot,ons of such processes are examined in socml, polilrcol, economic and ielrgrous aspects of society. STM 570 INTRODUCIION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION :2 or 3) An 1ntroduct1an la the pnnciples and problems of 1ntercultural communication with special emphasis an translating the Bible into indigenous languages. STM 661 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH GROWTH 31 Abasic understanding of church growth concepts os related both to the locol congregations and to the task of worldwide evangelizat1on, w1lh due emphasis on lhe Church Growth school of thought STM 665 LEADERSHIP (31 Cross-cultural study of leodershrp including diverse patterns of oulhorrty, legitimacy, public supparl, leodershrp recruitment, and training os they affect communicotron, church growth and devel­ opment v.llrldwide STM 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3 Principles of lhe semantic anolysrs of discourse structure. Prerequisite: Advanced Linguistics. STM 680 WORLD MISSIONS AND THE LOCAL CHURCH 2 or 3) Designed la integrate principles of uass-culturol communico­ t1on ond theology ond strolegy of missrons within o lotol concep­ luol framework to oid the loco! church in mission involvement STM 775 ANTHROPOLOGY/LINGUISTl[S FOR BIBLICAL INTERPRE­ TATION (3' An inlegrotron course, explorrng how methods ond perspec­ tives in anthropology and lingurs11cs may illuminate linguistic and cultural features of scriplure, building upon the foundalron of the grommaticol historicol method of Biblicol interprelalron. Prerequi­ site !BE SOS Hermeneutics. STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES 3 The message, method ond role of the evangelicol church in societies undergoing socio-lechnologicol change. Elective far Th.M. students, others by departmental persmiss1on. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION '3' The concepl of lheologicol educotion by extensmn, including rts history, ob1ect1ves, methodology ond lhe wrrting of programmed instruclron wrth particular emphosrs on missionary applrco11on Elective for Th.M. students, others by departmenlal perm1ss1 □ n. STM 872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3; Discourse cons,derotions in translating from Greek into indig­ enous languages. Prerequisile: Greek.

ICS 510 GENERAL LINGUISTICS '.3) The study of descrrptrve linguistics ond rts relevoncy rn lan­ guage learning ond Bible translation. ICS S20 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT 13) Issues relotrng to rnterculturol Irving with focus an personal ond rnterpersanal adjustment with nationals ond other missionaries; language, volue conflicts, status and role, culture shock, stereo­ types, cullural limitolrons and reloled loprcs. ICS 622 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION _3 Principles and processes of communicating from one cullure lo another. Focus on different perceplrons, ways of thinking, volues, non-verbal expression, language expression and sub-groups within a culture as they relale ta the media and the message ICS 791-792 FIELD PRACTICUM (2, 2] Aprogram designed to grve experience in vorrous phases of intercultural minrstry. field involvement 100 hours each semester, and regular meeting far reporting and drscussion. Prerequisile: 48 unrts of doss work. Prescribed for and limrted to M.Drv. students ma1oring in rrnssrons. ICS 897-898 RESEARCH SEMINAR ,1-4, 1-4 Supervised research into some problem of special interest la the studenl approved by the professor. May be loken for one semester or continued throughout the year with the some problem under considerolron. Elective far Th.M. students, others by depart­ mental permissran HISTORYAND THEOLOGY OF MISSION HTM 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, developmenl and spread of the Chrrs­ tran faith from the apostolic period unlil today. Emphasis will be given lo the modern era, espeoally contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, Asia and Latin Amerrca. HTM S50 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE !31 Anthropology approach to Christian lheologizing; interrelation­ ships between supractultural Christronity ond humon cultures. Focus on conversion, revelatron, communication, tronsfarmatron, indigeneity and othei related lopics. HTM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MISSIONS 2' The nature of Chrrstian outreoch: ostudy of princrples, history, ond methodology of worldwide missions. HTM 640 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FOR MISSIONARIES '3) The nature of man ond hrs culture, speoal emphasis on rnterculturol communicolion of the Gospel. HTM 655 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY Of MISSION (3) An overview ond crrtique of the vorious lheologies of mission odvocoted by vorrous branches of lhe Church down through the centurres, beginning with Edinburgh 1910 ta the liberatran theol­ ogy debate of our day. HTM 742 HISTORY Of MISSIONS 3) The background, development ond spread of Chrrslronrty through world missions; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures. HTM 751 THEOLOGY Of MISSION 31 An analysis of the tensions wrlhin the Church focusing around the mrssron of the Church in lhe contemporary world with on atlempt to formulate a b1bl1col-contemporory expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of those tensions.

ADivision of The School of lntercultural Studies

Dean: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. Lloyd Kwast, D.Miss., Chair FACULTY Professors: Cook, Hess, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Mayers Associate Professors: Bruce, Dollar, Kraft, Liao Assistant Professor: J. Lingenfelter The minister is faced with cross-cultural chal­ lenges in the community and congregation, is ex­ pected to provide adegree of mission vision to the congregation, and will likely recruit people for mis­ sions. The missionary needs cross-cultural training along with theological training. The church needs a true vision for evangelism and worldwide mission. The program of this department is designed to provide such training based on Biblical principles that have been proven valuable in cross-cultural ministry, missions, and human services. Any Talbot student may take elective courses through the School of lntercultural Studies. Students in the Master of Divinity or Master of Theology programs with a major in missions, or Master of Ministry students with an emphasis in missions, are required to toke ICS 502 or 560, STM 570, HTM 640, HTM 655 or HTM 751, STM 661 and STM 772. Students should plan to take STM 570 and HTM 640 as early in their study program as possible. Mission majors should plan to take as many electives as possible from the courses listed below. For acomplete list of courses and course descrip­ tions see the School of lntercultural Studies in the university catalog. INTERCULTURAL STUDIES ICS S02 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION ,3) Cross-cultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and community, engaging the studenl rn field methodology and research, and applicotmn of principles ond data of sacral orgonizo­ tion to mission strategy.

For additional courses see The School of lnterculturol Studies, page G-29.

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