

Department of Practical Theology

PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING PT 703 THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY (2) A study of current social, politico! ond moral rssues, with special ottentron to the responsibility of the church os ocontributor to change. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 705 PASTORAL COUNSELING (4) Introduction to the principles ond techniques of counseling with on emphasis of the chorocterrst1Cs of an effective counselor, the development of counseling skills, the making of referrals, the 111rious theorres of counseling ond the ploce of counseling in the church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 721 PASTORAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2) Combining of classroom experience with field trips to jails, prrsons, hospitals, sonitoriums ond 111rious sell-help groups. Expo­ sure to the problems of humanity ond specrolrsts who mrk with those problems. Prerequisities: PT 602. Elective. PT 7 40 MINISTERIALETHICS (2) Astudy of the ethicol issues unique to the pastor, his fomrly ond the congregation. Astudy of the practice of church discipline as it relates to srnpture ond society. Elective. PT 774 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRISTIAN LEADER '.2) Aconsideration of the special and unique problems foced by 111cotionol Christion mrkersand their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christion ministry. Elective. PT 802 SPIRITUALWARFARE '.2) Astudy of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light with on emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The tech­ niques of counseling the spiritually afflicted are olso considered. Elective for the Th.M. students; others by departmental permis­ sion. PT 807 INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY 3) Asurvey of the different approaches, models and attitudes for teh 1ntegrotron of psychology ond theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deportmentol permission. (Cross listed wrth RPTI 722.) RESEARCH PT 611 PRACTICAL THEOLOGY SEMINAR l-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serving in the local church. Elective. PT 717-718 RESEARCH SEMINAR 1-2) In-depth 1nvestigotion of o topic under the guidance of the Procticol Theology deportment using standard research procedures. Topic selecllon ond course enrollment is by deportment oppro111I. Elective. PT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR (l-4, l-4) Elective far Th.M. students; others by deportmentol permis­ sion.

PT 622 CHURCH PLANTING IN THE USA (2] The study of the components, such os geography, demography, strategy ond implementation, tha t goes into church plan ting in the USA. Elective. PT 624 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH GROWTH IN THE USA (2 A biblical study of church growth prrncrples. An onolysrs of contemporary practices. Prerequisites: PT 510. Elective. PT 630 DISCIPLESHIP (2) An examination of interpersonal relotionshrps ond chorocter development os applied to the process of discipleship. Prerequi­ site: PT 5IO. Elective. PT 724 SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES :2) Roles of smoll groups in the church in providing fellowship, mutual ministry ond edification. Skills for organizing and leading groups. Introduction to dynamics of small group interaction. Elective. (Some os CE 624' CHURCH MINISTRYAND MANAGEMENT PT 602 PASTORAL MINISTRY 4) Astudy of the pastor's call, philosophy of ministry, orrentation, role, ethics, sprrituol life and ministry, with attention to leadership in mrship ond special services. Consideration given to long-range planning, odmrnistrotion and church and community relotrons. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 730 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 2) The biblical prrnciples and practices of developing leaders within the church including theologicol truth, spiritual chorocter ond practical skill. Prerequisites: PT 602. Elective. PT 733 CHURCH MANAGEMENT (2) An examination of contemporary management concepts, orgo­ nizotion ond interpersonal theorres os applied to the local church. Prerequisite PT 602. Elective. PT 734 CHURCH FINANCE ANO ADMINISTRATION 1 2) An examination of the biblical principles of linonciol steword­ shrp, fund rorsing ond budgeting. An introduction into finoncrol bookkeeping ond the use of the computer in the church. Prerequi­ sites: PT 602. Elective. PT 591 INTRODUCTION TO FIELD EDUCATION :n Introduction into the procticol elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on coreer planning, field experience ond preparation for Field Educotion Internship in the M.Drv. programs. Prescribed for M.Drv. students. PT 592 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly in111lvement in ministry with sotisfoctory completion of student's sell-e111luotion form, supervisor's e111luotion form ond pastoral interview form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 691 FIELD EDUCATION (Oi Weekly in111lvement in ministry with sotisfoctory completion of student's sell-e111luation form, supervisor's e111luotion form ond loy leader's interview form. Prescribed for M.Div students. PT 692 FIELD EDUCATION 10) Weekly in111lvement in ministry with sotrsfoctory completion of student's self-e111luotion form, supervisor's e111luotion form ond sermon e111luation form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 791-792 FIELD EDUCATION (2, 2) Aprogram designed to give supervised experience rn 111rrous phases of Christion ministry. One hundred hours of field experience eoch semester, including classroom interaction. Prereqursrte: com­ pletion of first hall of the M.Div. degree program. Prescribed for M.Drv. students.

FACULTY Associate Professor: Ande rson Assistant Professor: McI ntosh Ins tructo r: Boersma

The purpose of the Practicial Theology depart­ ment is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to equip Christians to build up one another; to train them to reach their community for Christ. HOMILETICS AND WORSHIP PT 609-610 SERMON PREPARATION ,3, 3; Aconsideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pulpit ministry. Astudy of the techniques ond lundomentols of sermon construction ond persuasive delivery of expository sermons. PT 609 is prerequisite to PT 610. Prescribed for M.Div. students; PT 609 prescribed for M.A. (Min. J students. PT 617 THE PASTOR AND MUSIC :2) Astudy in the theory ond practice of church music, on analysis of contemporary music and the development of bosic skills 1n leading congregotronol singing ond mrship. Elective. PT 620 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF WORSHIP 2; Exploration of brblicol psychologrcol, procticol, historrcal and contemporary dimensions of Chr1st1on mrship. Elective. !Cross listed with BCMU 501 PT 711 ADVANCED SERMON PREPARATION 2) Askill-refinement practicum in the essentrols of expository preaching, including e111luatron of off-campus pulpit ministry. Prerequisites: PT 609, 610. Elective. PT 715 PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS OF COMMUNICATION '.2) An explonotion of the prrncrples of communicotion and how they effect learning and change. An exomrnotion of the ethical issues of persuosron such os emotional oppeols, use of guilt, leor and personalities. Elective PT 718 CREATIVE PREACHING 2) An exploration of several ways to proclorm God's Word such os topical, textual, inductive, drological, dromotK narrative, e111ngel­ istic ond life situation preaching. Prerequisites: PT 609. 610. Elective. CHURCH GROWTH PT 510 EVANGELISM The practical examination of the theology of e111ngelism and drscrpleship with on emphasis on developing the skills of personal e111ngelism and equ1pp1ng others to shore their forth. Presrnbed for M.Div. students. PT 612 ADVANCED EVANGELISM (2) Asurvey of the history of e111ngelism and 1ev1111ls. An exami­ nation of 111rious strategies such os IV., mass, crusade, street ond pulpit e111ngelism and the grving of invitations ond oltor calls. Prereqursrtes PT 510. Elective.

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