

Department ofChristian Education Robert Radcliffe, Ph .D., Chair FACULTY Professor: Brooks Associate Professors: Dirks, Radcliffe, Wilson Assistant Professors: Anthony, Johnson The aim of the deportment of Christion education is that of developing Christion educators who under­ stand the sign ificance of on educational ministry and who possess the skills necessary to function as Christian educators. To this end, course offerings have been designed to blend theo ry and practice. Most elective courses ore designed for tracking to accommodate the student's vocational specialization. ADMINISTRATION CE 500 INTRODUCTION TO MINISTRY 2) Investigation into biblical prrnciples of ministry; development of aphilosophy of ministry and its relation to amult1-stott context. Discussion of personal and professional growth, family life, rela­ tionship with stott boards and total life management. Develop­ ment of creative problem solving, decision-making and time management skrlls. Elective. CE 511 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP :2) Investigation into leadership theory and practice leading to lhe development of abibliocentric phrlosophy of leadership; proctrce rn boSIC leadership skills; study of application of concepts rn the church and parachurch agencies. Presrnbed for M.A. (CE.) stu­ dents. CE 513 WOMEN IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (2) An rnvestigotion of the role of women in ministry and leader­ ship in the light of Scripture and current trends. Assessment of role expectancies and role relationships Elective. CE 610 LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS (2 Consideration of interpersonal relations between members of a multiple staff as well as management principles rn church related groups. Elective. CE 611 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION 2 The management of program development, finon;rol affairs, IJIOperty, office work, personnel and public relations. Deals with the responsibilitres of pastor, director of Chrrstion education and other personnel. Elective. CE 612 MISSIONARY EDUCATION (2) Objectives, programming, activities and administrative meth­ ods of implementing aprogram of missionary education. Investi­ gation into the auxiliary organization of the church's educational program through which missions ore taught. Elective. CE 614 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT 12' Study of design and building for the worship, educotron and fellowship func ti ons of the church. Basic procedures in building and remodeling. Projections, evaluation and purchase of equipment for these functions Elective.

CE 615 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION (3) An analysis of odmrnrstrotive prrncrples and processes as they apply to the church and porochurch agencies. Special attention to the relo11on of administrative functrons and ministry. Prescribed for M.Dlv. (C .E. majors), M.A. (CE.) students and M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 616 PRINCIPLES Of CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Consideration of essenliol elements 1n cu111culum formation. Intensive study of varied existing cu111culo. Analysis of contempo­ rary trends in cu111culum productron. Elective. CE 683 CAMP LEADERSHIP (2) The philosophy, objectives, administration, program and lead­ ership of achurch-related comp. The use of worship, study, crohs, recreation and counseling in church comping. lnvest1got1on into trends of comping, centralized and decentralized comping. Tech­ niques in planning and direclrng a comp program, including counselor trorning. Elective CE 684 CAMP AND CONFERENCE 2' An advanced course in conrprng administration, programmrng and srott relot1onsh1ps. The student w1il be rnvalved in a direct work project at a local Christion comp with faculty-staff supervi­ sion. Elective. CE 735 CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION 12) Research rnto lhe prrmory odministrotrve pot1erns of the Christion college and investigation rnto major practices in gover­ nance. History and trends of Bible institutes, Bible colleges, Christion liberal arts colleges and theological seminaries. Elective. EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL­ AGE-LEVEL SPECIALIZATION CE 521 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY AND LIFESTYLE 3, lnvest1got1on into the major issues of educational psychology including growth and development, learning theory, mot1vot1on, individual differences, self-concept, human nature, determrnrsm, social rnteract1on, maladjustment, discrpline, moral influence and retention. Discussion of the major theorres and theorists of psychology. Integration of theology and psychology on emphasis. Also rnvestigotron into personality development as it relates to Chrrstion growth and lifestyle. Prescribed for M.A. iCE ; students. CE 550 LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY (3 A survey of human developmental research with attention given to physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, moral, and faith aspects as they all relate to sp,rrtuol development as abosrs for a holistic Christion education mrnistry Prescribed for MACE program CE 557 MORAL AND FAITH DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY (2' An advanced study of the leodrng theories of moml and faith development wrth attention directed toward 1mplicot1on for rnten­ tionol education ministrres that develop aBiblical values system. Prescribed for reduced MACE program. CE 623 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN EDUCATION '2 1 Theory of testing and the functrons of measurements in religious educotron. Supervised practice rn the use and rnterpreto­ tion of specifrc tests and measurement devices relevant to the educotlonol program of the church. Elective. CE 625-626 MINISTRY THROUGH SPECIAL EDUCATION (2, 2 Educational procedures useful in Christion rnstruclion of the deaf and blind ,625J. An intensrve study and survey of the mentally retarded and the emotionally disturbed as well as the gihed, with emphasis upon educational techniques and method­ ology (626). The development of aprogram of Chrrstion educa tion w1th1n the local church amajor portion of the course. Elective.

CE 651 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2, The child from brrth to age five years wrth emphasis on parental education wi thrn the church, 1mplicotion of development fa, Christion education and orgonizotron of church ministries related to preschool educot1on. Consideration given to basic teochrng and ministering skills. Elective. CE 653 CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION '2: The child from age six lo 12 years with emphasis on development of moral and religrous values, cognitive processes and social relolionships. In addition, on onolysrs rs mode of home and church mrnrstries related to childhood education. Emphasis grven to bosrc leochrng and ministering skills. Elective. CE 661 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION 1 2) Findrng and meeting adolescent needs, wrrtrng ob1ectrves for youth ministry, leodershrp of leornrng experiences and outreach experiences, disc1ple-bu11ding and review of available resources. Development of personal plans for ministry. Elective CE 662 YOUTH LEADERSHIP (2 1 Emphasis on the leadership role in the local church, college campuses and mission field. Development of a youth leadership program within the local church. Study of extra-church orgonizo­ trons and parent-teen relol1onsh1ps and ministry emphasized. Elective. CE 671 YOUNG ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION :2) Survey of issues confronting young adults in contemporary life and opportunil1es for the church withrn the concept of ministry lo assist those in young adulthood in meeting these rssues. Special attention to the ureas of srngle adults and single parents. Elective. CE 672 OLDER ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION 2) Focus on the gerontologrcol needs :1.e., phys1olog1col, socio­ logrcol, psycholog1col) of older adults and on the opportunities for the church, within the concept of ministry to work with the community to assist rn meetrng these needs. Emphasis on the value of educational development and the older person's signi fi­ cance and need to contribute lo the church body. Elective. CE 678 MIDDLE ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (21 Astudy of issues and developmental tasks of adults rn the middle years. Attention to the ministry of meeting the needs and utilizing the polenl1or of mid-life adults. Elective EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES, METHODOLOGY AND SPECIAL SKILLS CE 540 APPLIED MUSIC 1-2' Includes pnvate study as well as ensemble. Moy be repeated to amaximum of six units. Elective. CE 601 EDUCATIONAL MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH :31 Analysis of ministries of edification as they relate lo the personal, the congregational and the administrative aspects of ministry with people of all ages. Focus 1s on the explanation of various methods and resources available for ministry and on the development of rndiv1duol skills rn communicotrng and leading 1n these ministries. Prescribed for MA /C.E. 1, M.A 1M.f.M.J, M.A Mrn.' and M.Drv. (C.E., major students. CE 621 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MINISTRY /2) lnvestigotron ,nto the theological, h1storicol and ph1losophrcol foundot1ons which underlie Christion ministry Designed to ord students in forming a foundation ,n which to respond to crucrol rssues rn ministry Prescribed for M.A :u. and M.A. MJM.) students.

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