


INDEPENDENT PROGRAMMING CE 570 SPECIAL STUDIES INCHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Designed for students who desire aspecific course content not covered in any al the regularly offered classes. Content selected on the basis of need ond will differ fram semester to semester. Admissions to the course and the content of the course will be by advisor's oppravol. May be taken twice wi thdifferent emphasis. CE 636-637 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1-2, l-2) In-depth investigation af o topic under the guidance al the Chrrstion education department using standard research proce­ dures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor's approval. Elective. CE 691 EDUCATIONAL INTERNSHIP (I) Structured field experience in oCE ministry field site with on approved supervisor focusing on the development of students' spiritual g1hs and personal skills applied to teaching the Bible. Prescribed for the M.A. (CE; 68 unit program only. CE 692 EDUCATIONAL INTERNSHIP (I) Structured experiences in a CE m1nislry field site with an approved supervisor focusing on leadership development including assessing needs, setting goals, planning strategy, implementing programs and evaluating programs. Prescribed for the M.A. (CE) 68 unit program only. CE 693, 694 ADVANCED PRACTICUM (l, I), ar (l, 2) Guided field experiences in Chrrstian educatran ministries in the community based on previous experience in ministry. Admission by instructor's signature only Prescribed for reduced MACE. CE 696 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (l) Directed expenence in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches. Requrred of M.A. (M.f.M.) ma1ors in their first spnng semester. CE 697 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (ll Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches. Required of M.A. (M.f.M.) majors in their lost foll semester. The prerequisite 1s CE 696. CE 698 ADVANCED MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNSHIP (2) Directed expenence in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial mmistrres 1n selected churches. Required of M.A. (M.f.M.) mo1ors in their lost spring semester. The prerequisites ore CE 696 and 697. CE 791-792 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICUM '2, 2) Directed experrences in educational ministries conducted through a local church. Praxrs in leadership for mo1or educat1anal functions for voriaus oge levels. Aminimum of l 00 hours field involvement per semester. Prerequisrte: 48 units af class work. Prescribed for, and limi ted to, M.Div. students majoring in C.E.

CE 622 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES IN MINISTRY (2) Investigation al current practices of ministry through on ana­ lytical perspective. Designed to help the minister evaluate minis­ trres and respond wrth remedial or enrichment strategies. Prereq­ uisite: CE 531 or equivalent. Prescribed for M.A. :CE.) and M.A. M.f.M.) students. CE 633-634 PRINCIPLES Of RESEARCH (I, I) Basic methods of educational research with assessment of each method for use in religious education. Introduction to statistical measurements. formulation and implementation of research projects in ministry situations. Required of reduced M.A.CE. students. CE 638 CURRENT TRENDS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2: Identifying and understanding those issues which ore of primary concern to the field of Chrrstian education today. Opportu­ nity will be provided for individual and graup research in areas of personal concern. The course will investigate current educotmnol trends, alternative church education patterns and new forms of ministry. Elective. CE 641 RELIGIOUS DRAMATICS (2) The place ond value of religious drama. Crrterro for ploy selechon and reading 1n the field. Elements of production with prachcol ways of making lighting equipment, costumes ond set designing. Elective. CE 642 LEISURE, RECREATION AND THE CHURCH l2) Exploration into the biblical concepts of leisure ond the use of leisure lime. Patterns of recreational ond social activities in the local church. leadership development in recreol1onol skills. Elec­ tive. CE 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (2) The place of muSI( in the church's program. Criteria for the selection of appropriate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relationship of music to worship, instruction and fellowship. Elective. CE 648 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM '.2) The fundomenlol principles ond basic forms of wrrting. Atten­ tion to writing for newspapers, denominational and interdenomi­ national publications, radio ond television. The wrrt1ng of drama for Christion magazines. The value, principles, planning and promohon of church publioty. The place of public relations in the life of the church. Practice in preparation of bulletins, news releases, promotional letters and display advertising. Emphasis on direct mail, radio ond television. Elective. CE 649 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2) Administration of the audio-visual program for the local church. Methods for use of materials for vonous age levels. Study of equipment ond source materials, pnnciple ond practices. Elective CE 720 COLLEGE TEACHING PROCEDURES (2) Cons1derat1on given to the various philosophies of education, theories of learning, the factors that influence learning at the undergraduate and graduate level. Emphasis given to becoming a more effective teacher. \\Jriables in motivation, retention, transfer and high level thinking will be discussed. Asupervised classroom teaching experrence is required. Prescribed for Th.M. students. CE 730-731 CREATIVE PERSONALITY FOR MINISTRY (2, 2) Development af a more creative personality and lifestyle. Emphasis given ta creative persanhood, problem salving and presenting. Study into the value of creativity in the ministry One or more sections may be offered each year with different emphasis.

CE 560 PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT :2) Emphasis on personal ond interpersonal growth through indi­ vidual assignments and small graup interactions. Opportunity given for spmtuol, physical, emalionol, mental and relational development. Required of twa year M.A.C.E. students. CE 603 COUNSELING MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH (4 The ministry of counseling in church context. first consideration given ta the strengths, weaknesses and unresolved issues of the counselor. focus of the course an skills in developing relationships, facilitating realization and encouraging responsible living. Atten- 11an given lo crisis counseling as well as issues such as building a counseling ministry team. Prescribed for M.A. (C.E.) and M.A. (M.f.M., students. CE 605 SMALL GROUP LEADERSHIP (Same as PT 724) '.2 Roles of small groups 1n the church in providing fellowship, mutual ministry and edificotian. Skills for organizing ond leading groups. Introduction to dynamics of small group interoct1an. CE 620 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING :2 · Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, en­ gagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures af premarital counseling ore stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis an the use af TJTA, Prepare and family History analysis. Prerequi­ site: CE 603 or permission al professor. Elective. CE 628 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING 4 Advanced course dealing with problems and conflicts within marriage and family settings. Counseling methods and practical behavioral methods Imm a scriptural context designed to meet problems and conflicts; conducted vio demonstrations, case stud­ ies and counseling involvement. Prerequisite: CE 603 and permis­ sion from the department chmrman. Prescribed for M.A. ;M.f.M.) students. Elective. CE 629 GROUP COUNSELING AND THERAPY '2) Training in the principles of counseling and therapy in agroup setting. The class itself used os alaboratory experience with the student participating both 1n the role of therapist and client Prerequ1s1te: CE 605. Elec1ive. CE 673 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS Of THE FAMILY (2) Relating biblical teachings about marriage, family and human relationships la the nucle □ 1 and extended families, early marriage and parenting skills. Prescribed for M.A. (MJM.) students. Elec­ tive. CE 675 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH 4 Ob1ectives, organization and administration of o program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis al current trends in family life education. Prescribed for M.A. (M.f.M.) students. CE 715 FOUNDATIONS Of SINGLE ADULT LIFE CYCLE (2) Astudy af the history and current trends af the nan-family household. Special emphasrs on the single adult developmental life-cycle, identity and needs. Attention ta the nan-family house­ hold impact on church ministries currenMy and in the future. Elective. CE 716 MINISTRY TO SINGLE ADULTS ,2) Investigation al single adult ministries in the context of the local church. Emphasis in the development of on effective single adult ministry \\Jnous proven ond experimental models of single adult ministrres will be examined. Elective. CE 722 COUNSELING TROUBLED FAMILIES (2) A comparison of positive ond negative family systems 1n Scrrplure, 1n theory ond in church life. The development of oteam approach to intervention, enrichment and equipping for ministry to families. Prerequisite CE 603, 628 and 675 or their equivalents. Presrnbed for M.A. (M.f.M.) students. Elective.

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