


Institute of Theological Studies This cooperative program of eight evangelical seminaries, offering lectu res on cassette tapes by outstandingbiblical scholars, is describedon page G- 3 of this catalog. The fo ll owing ITScourses may be ta ken at Talbot fo r graduate level credit, up to a maximumof 12 units. Credit fo r these courses will be given only tostudents who need prerequisites or who experience unresolvable scheduling problems. Studentsmaypurchase the cassettealbums through the Tal bot Associate Dean's office Those desiring to enroll for cred it need tocontact theOffi ce of Admis­ sions and Records. ITS 50 I THE PENTATEUCH '2) Amtical introduction lo the first live books of the Bible Examination of such subjects as the problems of Genesis 1-11 , the Higher C11t1cism of !he Pentateuch, the chronoiogicol issues, and the orchaeologicol and cultural background of the Penta teuch. ITS 502 CONQUEST AND SETTLEMENT '2) A study of the conquest and settlement period in Israel's history from the perspectives of oichoeology, theologicol truths and history Books include Joshua, Judges and Ruth. Special consideration of Late Bronze Age motenols from Palestine which provide insight into the cultural background for this era ITS 503 THE UNITED KINGDOM 2) An his toricol, oichoeologicol and theological analysis of the period of the United Monoichy in Israel. Archoeolog1col discoveries from the Iron Age I period cited to illustrate important cu1tural trends of this era. Poiticulor attention given to the books of I and II Samuel, the first ten chapte1s of I Kings, and the parallel passages in Chronicles and Psalms. ITS 504 THE DIVIDED MONARCHY (2) The history of lsroel from the beginning of Solomon's apostasy (I Kings 11 about 950 B.C. ta the Babylonian Captivity JI Kings 25) 111 586 B.C. Specml emphasis given ta the miracle m1nist11es of Elijah and Elishah. Parallel passages from Chronicles and the prophet1C books scrutinized, os well as evidence from contempo­ rary secular history. ITS 505 THE BOOK OF PSALMS (21 An introduction to the book al Psalms with emphasis an the principles involved in the exegesis of hymnic literature as well as appiicotian of these prinoples ta selected poitians. ITS 506 UNDERSTANDING THE OLD TESTAMENT (3) A survey of the history of salvation 1n the Old Testament espeoally as 11 relates ta the universal of Old Testament theology. i.e. the 1ule of Gad or the establishment of God's kingdom upon the eoith. Aworking knowledge of Hebrew considered lo be helpful but not required for this course. ITS 527 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (3) An expos1llon of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authonty of Poul and his message and the need to guard that message, os well as the respons1b1lities of the locol church and its leaders.

ITS 538 NED-ORTHODOXY (2 Astudy of the histoi1col development and theolog1col position of Karl Borth. An attempt to understand the mticol attitude of Barth toward the modernism of his day and to trace the develop­ ment of his diolecticol method. Presentation of Barth's views concerning Scripture, revelation, election and salvation, with some basic criticisms of neo-oithodoxy. Afew evaluations of Barth by prominent scholars included in final lecture. Provides bos1colly a crillcol understanding of Borthmnism. ITS 550 CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION :2 1 Acourse designed todevelop leadership potential in students and to give them a lomihor1ty with the various elements of the admin1sllative process, including goal setting and achieving, organization, delegation, human ielallons, group dynamics, su­ pervision and the training of other leaders. Though the prinoples me universal, 1n the focus of the course 1s the Chnstmn organiza ­ tion, port1culorly the locol church. University Faculty

15 793 THESISFI RSTDRAFT/M.A. (0) Prescribed for MA (BE, NT, 01) and M.A. (15) students. 15 794 THESIS FINAL DRAFT/M.A. (0) Prescribed for M.A. (BE, NT, OT) and MA (15) students. TS 795 THESIS FIRSTDRAFT/M.ACE. (2) Prescribed for M.A. (CE) students. This course will be taken at the completion of 32 units. Neither this course oi 15 796 1s applicable towoid graduation unless both have been completed. TS 796 THESIS FINAL DRAFT/M.ACE. (2) Presc1ibed forMA (CE) students. This course will be token at the completion of 48 units. Neither this course oi TS 795 1s applicable towoid graduation unless both have been completed. 15 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT/M.DIV. i2) Presmbed for the M.D1v. students. This cau1se will be token ot the completion of 64 units. Neither this course or TS 798 is applicable toward graduation unless bothhove been completed. TS 798 THESIS FINALDRAFT/M.DIV. (2) Prescribed for the M.Div. students. This course will be token ot the completion of 80 units. Neither this course or TS 797 is applicable toward graduation unless bothhove been completed.


TS 891 THESIS FI RSTDRAFT/TH.M. (0) Prescribed for all Th.M. students.

TS 892 THESIS FI NALDRAFT/TH.M. (0) Prescribed for all Th.M. students.

·see the Talbot student handbook and the library handbook for requirements.

CLYDE COOK, DMiss. President

ROBERT B. FISCHER, Ph.D Provost and Senior Vice President

WBINGHAM HUNTER, Ph.D Dean, Talbot School of Theology

DENNIS DIRKS, Ph.D. Assooate Dean, Talbot School of Theology C. WAYNE CHUTE, Th.M. Dean, University Admissions and Records FACULTY

Year indicotes appointment ta faculty. NEIL ANDERSON Associate Professor al Pmct1col Theology, 1981 B.S., Arizona State University; M.A., M.D1v. , Talbot Thealog1col Seminary; Ed.D., Pepperdine University

MICHAEL J. ANTHONY Assistant Professor of Christmn Educotion, 1984

B.A., Biola College; MA, Talbot Theolagicol Seminary; M.RE., Golden Gate Seminary; Ed.D., Southwestern Theolog1Cal Seminary

MICHAEL J. BOERSMA Instructor of Practicol Theology, 1986 BA , California State University, long Beach; M.Div., Talbot The ­ olog1cal Seminary. REUBEN H. BROOKS Professor of Christian Education, 1985 B.A., Bemidji State University; Ph.D., University of Colorado. JAMES H. CHRISTIAN Professor of Church History, 1951 B.A., Westmont College; Th.B., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.D., Th.M. , Th.D., Eastern Baptist Theolog1cal Seminary

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