Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

L auren Thorne’s Love of LEARNING & PEOPLE Bring Her Work FULFILLMENT

“Doing something I really enjoy, Thorne shared , “is a big reason I am motivated to get up and go to work each morning. I’m not overwhelmed and look forward to going to work.” As a survivor of cancer and domestic violence, Lauren isn’t a stranger to finding her way through dark times. She’s also had close loved ones struggle with their share of substance abuse and mental illness, which she said, has helped equip her with the empathy and compassion she is glad to share with clients at Harvest of Hope. “ Everyone is different, so I need to strive to be empathetic and patient. You never know what someone else is going through,” said Thorne. Thorne says she is thankful to be a part of the Harvest of Hope organization. She describes herself as a natural helper, and her busy dual roles are a perfect fit for her helping nature. Thorne says she is naturally curious, is a lifelong learner, and is always looking for opportunities to learn something new, which is another positive aspect of her busy work responsibilities. She says she feels like she’s forever learning new concepts and ideas, while at work. Thorne is a proud college graduate and says she is eager to look into more education. She is considering going back to school for another degree in Psychology and continuing to work with youth. Thorne says she hopes to be a part of HOH for a very long time.

“Everyone is different, so I need to strive to be empathetic and patient. You never know what someone else is going through.”


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