Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

“The best way to succeed is to just get up and try.” -WILLIAM JACKSON

“The best way to succeed is to just get up and try,” William said in reference to how he stays motivated even on the work days which might test him. William considers himself a deeply spiritual individual and spends much of his time outside of work strengthening his relationship with his higher power. William expresses he is full of gratitude for his progress in life and feels he has Harvest of Hope to thank for so much of it. He sees himself continuing his work there for a long time. The mission and values of HOH resonate, he stated, with where he’s at now and would like to grow into, in the future. He states he has a deep appreciation for his team; he knows how hard everyone works to guide clients towards their own joy and freedom from substance abuse. He is especially thankful for the leadership at Harvest of Hope

and says he will continue to do his utmost to help the organization continue to realize its goals and vision for the organization, its clients, and its staff.


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