Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

H arvest of Hope’s Certified Addiction Counselor Felicia Abass says she “accidentally” started her counseling career after finishing her bachelor’s degree, with the initial goal of becoming a Physician Assistant. Abass said in a recent interview she had trouble finding a great fit in the PA profession and her friend suggested she think about becoming a counselor. At first, Abass rejected the idea – it was not what she had in mind, as far as her career goes. But her friend was insistent she would be great if she would give it a try. Eventually, Felicia decided to investigate her career possibilities. However, once she committed to becoming an Addiction Counselor and started work, it did not take much for her to realize she had found one of her major purposes in life. She has been at Harvest of Hope for three years and says now she is so grateful for how she is encouraged to grow and constantly learn new skills. Growing up in the projects in Bronx, New York, Felicia explained she was no stranger to the effects of substance abuse, after watching many neighbors and friends fall prey to the crack epidemic. She knew from a young age she wanted more and committed to herself she would create a life she is proud of - has kept that promise to herself and her three sons. She relates to her clients, “I have my own struggles. I could have been one needle away from my own substance abuse problems. I make choices and actions to keep me where I want to be.” Seeing firsthand the effects of addiction can take not only on an individual but their family as well as a major philosophy she shares with her daily Harvest of Hope groups. While drug education is the basis of the work her groups

BY EXAMPLE Counselor Felicia Abass Educates Clients F inding Her PURPOSE, Accidentally


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