Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

Your honor to her, great and might as you keep your word, failing

Only vow remaining that is true and from her heart, having her way is only "til death do you part" This "Queen of Death" we all believe we know, is with out limits as she recruits man and woman, young and old. Her talons dug deep and her grip so tight, some of us will unfortunately lose this fight!

to see your dignity and self respect lost in your world.

Good times you had or so you thought, now in hindsight they most definately were not. Bad times come getting worse more and more, believing good times will return with delusions of Grandeaur. Sickness and in health till death do you part as your health comes apart. The sickness you from the depths within, only to return over and over again. Seperation from her you feel you will never beable to endure, hoping and praying she will soon return. Richer or poorer, these are the words you spoke, with never the thought you would be lonely, sick and broke. Giving your all with everything spent, only to awake with not a single cent.


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