Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

Daphine Leake

Substance Abuse COUNSELOR

M y name is Daphine Leake I am a substance abuse counselor. I have a CSC-AD and preparing to sit for my CAC-AD soon. THE MOST important thing in counseling is the relationship. There has to be an understanding that the journey we are embarking upon is a lot of work. The participant and all parties has to work together to get the results which is a clean a sober life. If you don't feel connected to your Counselor, this is okay. Counselors don't take it personal, we understand the importance of you connecting with us, and we will always understand that you are the most important person in this process and we want to see you make it. I love what I do at Harvest of Hope because my purpose is to encourage, uplift and motivate and it feels good to help make a difference in someone’s life in a positive way.


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