P astor Stephen Lawrence is a new fresh novel and one of the anointed voices in the body of Christ. He combines a passion for people who are hurting and a keen understanding of business and entrepreneurship with an uncanny ability to preach and teach the word of God with relevancy. Pastor Lawrence is positioned to bring much needed change through the power of christ. Weather married or unmarried, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, educated or uneducated, peoples souls are being saved and spirits renewed through the anointing on his life. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, young Stephen surrounded himself with the wrong crowd, but God had a greater plan. This plan would lead to a life dedicated to ministry and the community. Pastor Lawrence holds an associate degree in early childhood education from Baltimore City Community College; he attended the University of Baltimore to complete his degree in psychology and received his master’s in human services from Lincoln University. He is a graduate of Baltimore School of The Bible. Pastor Lawrence has over 15 years of experience in ministry and the human services field. STEPHEN LAWRENCE; PASTOR
He has been involved with community outreach, employment, development, and family counseling. Taking his call to outreach to the next level, he along with Partners of Abundent Harvest continue to feed the homeless and bless those who are less fortunate. After years of ministering to those in church, pastor Lawrence followed his heart and began ministering to the “un- churched”. It was out of this hunger and vision that Abundent Harvest Ministries was birthed in September 2008. Pastor Lawrence is currently under the tutelage of Dr. R.A. Vernon of the Word Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor Lawrence is also connected to the Alliance of Covenant Pastor alongside Apostle Ruby C. Gilliam. With both economically and spiritually empower people, Abundant Harvest Ministries is meeting the needs of the Baltimore community with practical, bible-based teaching. Pastor Lawrence believes the unprecedented problems of Baltimore for unprecedented ministry. a vision to
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