experiences to share with her clients. Palmer says using her training and education to implement modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective, but also understands by sharing her own 31 years of being clean and sober, helps get her lessons across.
Palmer said her counseling touches on key issues such as triggers, cravings, guilt, and shame, all things she knows her clients face continuously not only in their early stages in recovery but throughout their program and their lives. “I try to be an example so they (clients) can see they don’t have to use. They like my message,” Palmer discussed when asked about the kind of impact she makes during her days at HOH. Before her HOH role, she worked with children with dual diagnoses, which she noted, brings additional depth to her work. Palmer shared her motivation to get up and do her job well, every day:
Vanessa is grateful there is a space like Harvest of Hope which provides wrap-around services so their clients don’t get lost in the shuffle when trying to access resources in the early days of their recovery. Harvest of Hope’s philosophy, approach, and curriculum design are several of the many ‘huge reasons’ Palmer says she radiates toward this kind of program. She likes knowing she’s a part of providing holistic care and is proud of the “great benefit” Harvest of Hope brings to their community. “It’s important for me to give back what was so freely given to me, to help another suffering addict like me.”
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