K atrina Wilson, the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Coordinator at Harvest of Hope, credits her experience as a twelve-year U.S. Airforce veteran for her motivation to serve others. In a recent interview, she expressed how often her military experience carries over into her work at HOH. She understands how her
outcomes. Kids have always been drawn to Wilson, for many reasons; she stated she almost innately, “knows how to meet them at their level.” Katrina earned her Bachelor’s in Behavioral Science because she has always been drawn to, and interested in, how people
nature to commit to completion of all assigned tasks, also helps her clients achieve success in their wellness journeys – and she says she wouldn’t have it any other way. Wilson is passionate about providing children and young adults with the tools she felt were neglected to be taught to her generation while growing up.
work, and why they do the things they do. She continued on to earn her Master’s in Social Work because she knew she could use her community-oriented mindset to benefit others: “This kind of work is what I would do for free.” She speaks clearly about the impact of a pandemic and the collective trauma all humans are currently facing. Wilson knows
Practical things like, how to pay your bills, and how to learn the acceptance of hard emotions, are two examples she feels are key to great
if she can be a bright light for at least one person during hard times, then she’s in the right place, doing what she’s meant to do.
Katrina Wilson MILITARY VETERAN Uses Airforce Experience for the Good
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