Harvest of Hope Fall 2022.pdf

H arvest of Hope’s Billing Specialist, Tiffany Jackson, says she is

but she takes her job very seriously, knowing any error on her end could cause delays in revenue.

a family person more than anything else. All which she undertakes in life, she says, is motivated by the love and care she has for her family. Tiffany’s family- oriented outlook on life is also something she carries with her each morning when she heads into work. She considers Harvest of Hope and her co-workers, her extended family, “they are my home away from home.” Currently, the only Billing Specialist in her department, Jackson’s

While understanding people must come first, she is equally realistic about the importance of ensuring the bills get paid. Jackson emphasizes the importance of her work being done well and always completed with the highest degree of accuracy. It was in 2014 that Jackson

became interested in the idea of billing as a career that she would not only enjoy, but excel in. She noted there is just ‘something about the intricacies of it all,’ which resonates well in her brain. From this realization, she sought to learn more. She enrolled in school and once there, she completed her degree, while also being affirmed that her career choice was exactly the right

role is indispensable to the success of the organization. “I keep the money flowing!” she laughs,

Tiffany Jackson FILLS THE BILLING DEPT. WITH Her Family-Oriented Outlook & Service Mentality

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