UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM Admission, Registration and Graduation Requirements .
GRADUATE PROGRAMS* Talbot School of Theology: ....... ... . G-1 Biblical and Theological Studies Christion Education
. l
..... 17
Historical Sketch Standards and Doctrinal Statement Obiectives Accreditation Campus
. . 20
Student Activities .
Ministry Missions Marriage and Family Ministries Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry Doctor of Education Institute of Theological Studies
Description of Courses: Undergraduate M□ iors Art
.... 21
.. 21
Financial Information:
.. 4
Biblical Studies and Theology
.... 22
Tuition and Fees Payment Options Refunds Financial Aid
Biological Science . Business Administration
. .. 23
.... 25
.. .. . ..... 26
School of lntercultural Studies: lntercultural Studies Missions Doctor of Missiology
... G-29
Christian Education
. 27
.. ... ..... 28 . . . . . . . . . 31
Academic Standards: . . ..... 8 Statement of Sotisfoctory Academic Progress
Education English .
. .. . .... .. . .. 31
Foreign Languages General Studies . .
..... 33
Student Services: . . Counseling Services Commuter Students
. . 9
School of Arts and Sciences:
... G-33
. . ........ 51 History and Geography ............ 34 Humanities . 36 lntercultural Studies . 36 Mathematical and Computer Science .... 38 Music . . . . ............ 40 Nursing .. 42 Philosophy . . ........... 44 Physical Education, Recreation and Comp Administration, and Athletics....... 45 Physical Science · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Political Science and Public Administration . 48 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Social Science . . . . 51
Christion School Administration Education Music
Learning Skills Residence Halls Health Center Career Development Placement Ethnic/ International Student Relations Food Service Bookstore
Rosemead School of Psychology .
. G-37
Clinical Psychology
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .
. . I
Boord of Reference
. . . . I
Boord of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . I
Administration . . . . . .. I University Faculty ... . . . .. ... ... .... II Mops . . ........ .. VI Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII Index . . . IX . . . . . . .
Special Programs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Summer School lnterterm Study Abroad ROTC
Admission Forms Undergraduate Program .. .. ... . ..... 52
13800 Biol □ Avenue Lo Mirada, California 90639-0001 Phone (213) 944-0351
General University Admission,
Registration and Requirements:
...... 13
Admission Registration Grades Graduation Requirements Degrees Offered University Enrollment and Graduation Statistics
'Poges in the groduote section of the cotolog use the prefix "G" ond ore numbered independently from the undergroduote section.
Cover illustration © l. Hoyden 1986.
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J :-:.~,:~- ~ Ro9ted inca ~kh_i -9-y9ar hi~tory:of · faithfulness to the ·\vord of God, Biola: ,. -":. • _~• ., ... . , . ·.. -~ .. "/Upiv~rslty l~~egr-a'.teda4ili, 'l~arnirtg and- ._ · < -~ ·.:·· ,. . 'Jiving-to provide YQ.U- with _oppor-funhies.- no ; . =· '>/ o_tqerurriversitfcanpffer·--· ·:-.>; ·: .,. _ -, . , , .r:M,Biola tJniversity, you .can-.pursue ac:a- · ·- ,. J,
:~---:· . ~~~Ic ei [ellence thrvtiS,Q ·a~y.9.f o~do11_r ~ :. ._. - '.y_·_; · d1stmct ·schools:-- .Scho-01:of A'.rts and . · , ·•· ~ ,.• ~ · ; ,·Sd~nces, 'falbor Schoof ~( ni·iotomf ~ - ~ -. _-:
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: .Ros¢rriead.School of .psycho1ogy_and -SchooL ·: !')f-intereultural St_µdi~: And'as yorr do,· · •. you'll have.. acce~ t9· r@ol{rces.th_at incluc!e: - . .. ----La state~of-the2·ar(cQmput.~r-scfetice ien- ·~ / ·: · ter-~quipped-\vit_h 20 AppJe. lle ,.:, "·-;··: ,:,. microcompµters .w;id a ~igitalVax 1.11 - ~. :. ~two"hundrecl and sixty faculty -members; ✓-" ;~..,, 3' -60%. of whom hold earned·doetoral _: · .. -·_#:degrfes. _ /- :. ~~ #- .! - : ~a-185,000-volume libacy and access to · ':·,' ' ' ; \~ter-lihrary IQ{!} ~yst_ems. . :_ V :·. ·~·- , , ryn-.c~mpu_s sefVtfes such as earetr,:plan- . , r riiRg and._place:111ent, ·counseJing;-learn- . i_u& as.sistalice_a~rcl. a·health_~ca_re ceoter. .. ----,-a 95-acre C~!TIPUS with housing,for up ' <. _ ' tQ 14Q0'studen:ts. .-: : . · . . ~ Real/zing, bo~er, that there 1 s JTiore to . 'life than acadeipics, our strong programs·,, - .. and\iried resources ~re balanced by our . commitment to •your :spiritual growth. Dai• ly ch~el servic~, annual Bi9Je a~d mi~: .siof1_conferences, mini~try opp6rtmii1ies .as .'well -35,30 u9i~ of Bible .and theqlogy taken as a part of our undergraduate program give you opportunities to deepen your 1,m derstanding of God as you pursue your epucational goals. · - ·secau~ ~t- Biola, we beli~e education sho9ld do more than equip you for a eareer --'-- it should help you prepare for life. , .
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FaithM fo-bi)>lical pfinc,iples, com!'Ilit- ., teq·Jci-ex.ce!lence, ~µndergjrd_~d by a _vg5rint and personal faith ,'you haveian opportt'mi- .... -\ ty·:to make a difference in _a•wodq tfiaJ 1s t searching for Hfe aIJ~ Hght-andJruth. '-:,. , ~ . '··:G.09 h~ calledyou to ii pa_tfi' that is ttriiquely yours. ·tte has· given you a combi- - :· _ nation 'Qf gifts and .abilities: .tb,a~ cannqt be · ·r,epljcate9·thro4gh ariyo~~]j_ether s"', _·' ,you:plan-to·pursue m'usic, ·1mrsi_ng, husi• · ··, ~ ness, mJs.sioos: no substitu.te 'gan-take,your - · plate as' you preea.r~ f pr p'rofessional excel lence:·No stand-iB can mlni~ter to' those · i.yith~whom ·you ·tive and wot)<. and play; · ,- . :, ~erspJc;Hv:e:_ Commitm,e9t.' freparatio·n._ ·_ · J(· ._. ,. Diet They lead to ~4Jalam:;ed ipt~g_ratioh ot·; fafth,_lea(nibg and !tying'~·to.a.-furur~:of :~:. a.etion, fulfillnien~, service, iJnp.~ct. _- .- -:_ Ar_e you readyr :_ . - .- - ~ ~-=. •:- ... ~~~·- ' "'..;'..:~ ~: .
,, . .· ... ¥!"'-~-'
Humanities (B.A.) Classical Studies Communication English Foreign Language History Literature Philosophy Intercultural Studies (B.A.) Intercultural Studies Missions Interdisciplinary Secondary Education Liberal Studies (B.A.) Mathematical Sciences (B.S.) Applied Math Computer Science Secondary Education Music (B.A.) (General degree) (Recommended for prospective elementary teachers)
Talbot School of Theology Master of Arts in: Biblical Studies Christian Education
American Studies (B.A.)
Marriage and Family Ministries Ministry Theological Studies
Art (B.A.)
Art Education Graphic Design Studio Arts Biblical Studies and Theology (B.A.) Bible
Master of Divinity Degree Master of Theology Degree Doctor of Ministry Degree Doctor of Education Degree School of Intercultural Studies Master of Arts in: Intercultural Studies Missions Doctor of Missiology School of Arts and Sciences Master of Arts in:
Nw Testament Old Testament Pre-Seminary Biological Science (B.S.) Medical Technology Pre-Medical Secondary Education
Music (B.M.)
(Professional degree) Composition Music Education Performance
Christian School Administration Education Master of Music in Church Music Rosemead School of Psychology Master of Arts in Clinical ~chology Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical ~chology Doctor of ~chology in Clinical ~chology
Busines.s Administration (B.S.) Accounting Computer Information Management Marketing Secondary Education
Nursing (B.S.) (Qualified for RN. licensure and Public Health Nurse Certification) Physical Education (B.S.) Secondary Education
Chemistry (B.S.) Biochemistrv Pre-Medical.
Sport Physiology Coaching Minor Physical Science (B.S.) Biochemistry Chemistry Medical Technology Physics Pre-Engineering Pre-Medical Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Christian Education (B.A.) Children Youth Intercultural Diversified
Elementary Teaching Credential
Computer Science (B.S.) Information Systems Scientific Applications
Public Administration (B.S.) Interdisciplinary Secondary Education Psychology (B.A.)
Communication (B.A.)
Communication Disorders Interdisciplinary Print Media Public/Interpersonal Communication Public Relations Radio-Television-Film Drama Minor English (B.A.) English/Communication Waiver Program Secondary Education
Recreation and Camp Administration (B.S.)
Social Science (B.A.) History Public Administration/Political Science Sociology Interdisciplinary Secondary Education Sociology (B.A.)
BIOLA UNIVERS/'IY 13800 Bio/a kenue La Mirada, California 90639-0001 (213) 944-0351
History (B.A.)
Asian Civilization Civiliz.ation of the Americas
European Civilization Secondary Education
arrying on a tradition of educational excellence that dates back 79 years, Biol □ University now encompasses four schools: The School of Arts and Sciences, Rosemead School of Psychology, Talbot School of Theology, and the School of lntercultural Studies. Offering three baccalaureate degrees in 24 majors, 14 masters and five doctoral degrees, Biala's commitment to academic excellence is firmly rooted in its adherence to an indepth, knowledgeable and alive Christianity. Each year, over 3100 students find Biol □' s unique blend af faith and learning conducive ta their academic and vocational goals. HISTORICAL SKETCH The cornerstone of the original Bible Institute building in Las Angeles - and the future university- was laid on May 31, 1913, and dedicated with these words : Far the teaching of the truths for which the Institute stands, its doors are ta be open every day al the year, and all people, without reference to race, color, class or creed will ever be welcome to its privileges. Spoken by Lyman Stewart, president of the Institute and co-founder of the Union Oil Company, the words captured the vision al Biol □' s founders. Stewart, together with T. C. Horton, had initiated the Bible Institute, with the first permanent organizationtaking shape in 1908. By 1912, the schaal had grown in its outreach and constituency sufficiently to call R. A. Torrey, a leader in the field al Christian education, as the first dean. The next seven decades have witnessed tremendous growth in the development and outreach al the school. Under the leadership af Dr. Louis T. Talbot, president from 1932 ta 1952, the Bible Institute program became afouryear course, leading to degrees in theology, Christian education and sacred music. The School of Missionary Medicine came into being in 1945,' laying the foundation for Biola's current baccalaureate nursing program. In 1949, the Bible Institute was renamed Biol □ College. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland became·president in 1952 and with his leadership, the co ll ege obtained reg ional and professional accreditation. Additiona lly, many new programs of study were introduced, including Talbot Theological Seminary. The demands imposed by the growing student body and the enlarged curriculum prompted the purchase af a seventy-five acre site in La Mirada. Biol □ moved to the new site in 1959. Dr. Sutherlandretired as president in 1970, but continues to lend leadership as a member of Biola's Board of Trustees . That same year, Dr. J. Richard Chase became Biol □' s sixth president. In the fal l of 1981, the undergraduate programs in psychology were merged with Rosemead's graduate programs, forming the present Rosemead Schaal of Psychology. Dr. Clyde Coak became the seventhpresident of Bio l □ on June l, 1982. Under his leadership, the School of lntercultural Studies was instituted as part of the university, beginn ing in the fall of 1983. Talbot School of Theology also began in the fa ll of 1983 as the result of amerger between appropriate undergraduate programs and the graduate programs of Talbot Theological Seminary. Because al the university's he ri tage and commitment, its academic basis is broader than that of the standard" college of arts and sciences. Terminal and preparatory programs lead to service in both church-related vocations and the many other vocations and professions embraced by the present curricula. Inaddition, the university is a Christian institution of higher education without any denominational affil iation. From an institute to a university, Biol □' s real cornerstone has remained the same: commitment to Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity (within the evangelical Protestant framework) as wel l as to the spiritual, academic and holistic growth of those wha are persona llycommitted to Him. THE MISSION OF BIOLA UNIVERSITY The mission of Biol □ University is to be aChristian university, providing education at the baccalaureate and past-baccalaureate levels in biblical studies and theology, in the li beral arts andsciences, and in selected appl ied and professional fields. It is to be Christian in the sense that the biblical Christian world view serves as the all encompassing framework and integrating basis for the entire content and conduct of the institution. It is to be a university in the full trad itional meaning of the term, with knowledge and understanding being generated and disseminated, with students and facu lty continually developing to high levels their cognitive and
l The Lord Jesus, before His incarnation, existed in the form of God, and of His awn choice laidaside His divine glory and took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. In His pre-existent state He was with God and was God. He is a divine person possessed al all the attributes of Deity, and shouldbe worshipped as God by angels andman. "In Himdwelleth al the full ness of the Godhead bodily." All the words that He spoke during His earthly life were the words of God. There is absolutely na error of any kind in them, and by the words af Jesus Christ the words of all other teachers must be tested. The Lord Jesus became in every respect a real man, possessed of all the essential characteristics of human nature. Our Lord Jesus was supernaturally conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and barn of a virgin - Mary, a lineal descendant of David. He lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as is recorded in the four Gospels. He was put to death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate. God raised from the dead the body that had been nailed to the cross. The Lord Jesus after His crucifixion showed Himself to be alive to His disciples, appearing unto them by the space of forty days. After this the Lord Jesus ascended int□ heaven, and the Father caused Himto sit at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him ta be Head over all things to the Church. By His death on the cross, the Lord Jesus made a pertect atonement fo rsin, by which the wrath of God against sinners is appeased and a ground furnished upon .which God can deal in mercy with sinners. He redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. He who Himself was absolutely without sin was made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. The Lord Jesus is coming again ta this earth, personally, bodily, and visibly, The return of our Lordis the blessed hope of the believer, and in it God's purposes of grace toward mankind will find their consummation. affective potential, and with society being served beneficiallythereby. In combining the two terms, Christian and university, considerable emphasis is placed upon the scholarly integration of biblical faith with all of the fields of learning, and also upon the practical interrelationships andinterdependencies al faith, learning and livingas they are developed throughout the curriculum, the co-curriculum and the life-style. The mission of the university is to produce graduates who are ( □) competent in their fields of study, (b) knowledgeable inbibli calstudies, and(c) earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian community and society at large. An expanded version of this statement is printed inthe catalog, for the institution as awhole and also for some of the specific programs. There are two additional "products" af the university, both of which are to be viewed as outgrowths of the task al producing graduates of its baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate programs and not as separate from it. One consists of the scholarly contributions to knowledge and understanding which are generated by students and faculty in the disciplines and inintegrationwith the biblical Ch ri stian world view. The other consists of public services as students, faculty and staff make their professional and personal expertise available to the Christian community and to society at large throughout the world. In brief, the mission of Biol □ University is ta equip Christians to impact the world for Jesus Christ, primarily through the ongoing lives of its graduates but also through the in-service work of its present students, faculty and staff. DOCTRINAL STATEMENT Inasmuch as the university is interdenominational and yet theologically conser vative, the Articles of Incorporation contain a doctrinal statement which is given below: The Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, a supernaturally given revelation from Gad Himself, concerning Himself, His being, nature, character, will and purposes; and concerning man, his nature, need and duty and destiny. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are without error or misstatement in their moral and spiritual teaching and record of historical facts. They are without error or defect of any kind. There is one God, eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three Persons - Father, ,San and HolySpirit.
GENERAL INFORMATION ~ The Holy Spirit is o person, and is possessed of all the distinctively divine attributes. He is God.
Man was created in the image of God, ofter His likeness, but the whole human race fell in the fall of the first Adam. All men, until they accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior, are lost, darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, hardened in heart, morally and spiritually dead through their trespasses and sins. They cannot see, nor enter the kingdom of God until they are born again of the Holy Spirit. Men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him who shed the blood, and are born again by the quickening, renewing, cleansing work of the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. All those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord, and who confess Him as such before their fellow men, become children of God and receive eternal life. They become heirs of God and joint-heirswith Jesus Christ. At death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and transformed into the likeness of the body of His glory. All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious, unutterable, endless torment and anguish. The Church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself. There is apersonal devil, abeing of great cunning and power. "The prince of the power of the air." "The prince of this world" "The god of this age" He can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so. He shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tormented day and night forever. NOTE: This doctrinal statement, presented here as originally conceived by the founders of the organization, has been and continues to be the stated theological position of Biol □ University. In addition, the following explanatory notes indicate the organization's understanding and teaching position on certain points which could be subject to various interpretations. The Scriptures are to be interpreted according to dispensational distinctives with the conviction that the return of the Lord for His Church will be premillennial, before the Tribulation, and that the millennium is to be the last of the dispensations. The existence of the creation is not explainable apart from the roles of God as the sovereign creator and sustainer of the entire natural realm. Concepts such as theistic or threshold evolution do not adequately explain creation. Though there may be many fillings of the Holy Spirit, there is only one baptism which occurs at the time of regeneration. God gives His gifts to His people, in His sovereignty and not on demand. The charismatic manifestations (e.g., tonguesand healing) had special significance during the reve latory period of the New Testament apostolic era and are not at all anecessary special work of the Holy Spirit today. Confession before men is viewed as atangible fruit of salvation and not as a qualifying condition for salvation. Teaching biblical studies for academic credit at Biol □ University is a complex situation. Amajor goal of all teaching is for the student to gain knowledge and understanding of the subject matter as well as famil iarity with the methodology of the field. Such agoal is of importance here. The Scriptures, however, are considered more than academic subject matter. They are the Word of God written for the purpose of revealing God and His actions with the desire of bringing people to harmony with Him. Our acceptance of the divine nature and intent of Scripturegives ultimate meaning and direction to all studies relating to the Scriptures. Entailed in the furtherance of the divine intent of Scripture are many facets of study ranging from the practical procedures for the propagation of the Christian faith to the highly technical dimensions of critical biblical studies and philosophical theology. Through out this diversity of endeavors and the wide variety of gifts and skills employed, however, all participants are finally engaged in a common task which may be summarily stated as the understanding, acceptance and propagation of the biblical faith.
Biol □ University has long recognized a value in maintaining certain behavioral standards that contribute to the atmosphere on campus, foster fellowship with a wide range of Christians and, in many instances, assist in strengthening our Christian testimony to our community. In this light, Biol □ University asks both its students and employees to be supportive of this behavioral standard. This institution is for earnest Christians who are sensitive to the many principles of Christian living that are found in the Bible. The institution also states certain specific guidelines for the conduct of faculty, staff and students. Although such regu lations are not the basis of our standing in Christ, and are not a necessary consequence of it, they can strengthen the life and testimony of both the individual and the institution. To this end, Biol □ expects its faculty, staff and students to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco and from gambling and dancing. Further, Biol □, though appreciating the rich contribution of the arts to mankind, deplores morally degrading elements whenever they are found in the theatre, the entertainment media and literature; Biolans are expected to abstain from all aspects of such that morally degrade. Biol □ University does not presume to be acensoring agency for all activities; it does, however, expect tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discerning judgment. Biol □ reserves the right to dismiss a student who, in its judgment, does not conform either to the stated regulations governing student conduct or to the expressed principles, policies and programs of the university. These standards apply to the student while he isenrolled in any of the schools or programs of the university includingsummers and vacations, on campus and off campus. THE OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY Biol □ University seeks to instruct Christian men and women in order to produce graduates who are: l . Competent in their field of study; 2. Knowledgeable in biblical studies; 3. Earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian community and society at large. With particular reference to the undergraduate programs, the intention of the university is to seek to produce a graduate who is: l . Broadly educated in the arts and sciences with a biblical perspective as the foundation. a. One who has broad exposure to the ideas that have shaped man's thinking. b. One who knows how to use reasoning processes: (l ) who can use the processes of investigation, (2) who can reason logically, (3) who recog nizes that man cannot rely on reason and experience alone but must also exercise faith. c. One who can communicate and defend his* ideas on the basis of evidence. d. One who has a we ll conceived system of values and beliefs which are biblically based and which mediate behavior. e. One who understands and appreciates ethnic and cultural differences. f. One who understands himself, hasa good self-image and is striving to realize his potential. g. One who understands the various creative expressions of man's ideas and feelings in art, drama, music and literature. 2. Competent in his major. a. One who is competently prepared for servi ce in those programs that lead · directly to avocation or profession, with all programs having the potential of preparing students for Christian ministries. b. One who is thoroughly prepared for graduate study in those programs where graduate degrees are offered. 3. Knowledgeable in biblical studies. a. One who has aclear understanding of the content of the Bible commen surate in units with an undergraduate major. b. One who has integrated biblical thought into his major fields of interest. 4. Able through his vocation, church and community to make distinctive contribu-
THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by BioloAvenue and on the east by Lo Mirada Boulevard. It is located between the large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately three miles to the south west is the Santo Ano Freeway (Freeway 1-5). Students coming to the campus by automobile should follow these directions: coming from the northwest, leave the Santo Ano Freeway at Rosecrans and travel east to Biolo Avenue; coming from the southeast, leave the Santo Ano Freeway at Volley View and travel north to Rosecrans, then turn right to Biolo Avenue, coming from the east via Son BernardinoFreeway (10) turn south on the Orange Freeway (57) to Imperial Highway and travel west on Imperial Highway to Biolo Avenue. (Note: See inside cover mop. ) The campus now consists of 95 acres with over l /2 million square feet of building space in 30 major buildings. Just under half of the space is dedicated to 7 student residence complexes, housi ng nearly 1,400 students in a fine variety of living quarters. The rest of the buildings house classrooms, laboratories, audito riums, offices and student services. Highlightsof the buildingsinclude Soubirou Holl, anewly remodeled 9,500 square foot building containing specialized classrooms for nursing instruction, along with nursing deportment faculty offices; Lansing Audito rium, a 450-seot concert hall with a fine pipe organ and excellent acoustics; the Rose of Sharon Chapel , a small chapel exclusively reserved for silent prayer and meditation; and agymnasium-swimming complex with ashort-course Olympic pool. On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic fields. Included ore acrushed brick quarter-mile track, on excellent baseball diamond, asoccer field, and archery range and tennis courts. Additional recreation facilities ore located in the 1OS-acre Lo Mirada Regional Pork, just across Lo Mirada Boulevard from the Biolo campus. In addition, Biolo hos along term lease on 20 acres adjoining the main campus which formerly housed on intermediate school. This land includes 58,000 square feet of classrooms and office buildings, and over 10 acresof athletic fields available for Biolo's extensive intramural program and for informal recreation. THE LIBRARY The Biolo University Library is under a unified administration and serves the undergraduate and graduate levels of Biolo University. The periodical subscriptions include 1,120 titles currently being received. Other holdings include over 185,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals Auxiliary collectionscontain pamphlet files and curriculum teaching units for the education and Christion education deport ments. The main public catalog and other files contain approximately 750,000 cords. Two copy machines ore accessible to students. The library hos microfiche, microfilm and microcord readers. Audio-visual materials ore available for student use from theMedia Center. In addition, there ore listeningcenters for language studies and other toped instruction at the Media Center. Students hove access to the several million volumes in the libraries of adozen colleges, universit ies and seminaries in the greater Los Angeles area. Students and faculty hove access to bibliographic search service through the data bases of CLASS, DIALOG and RUN. The staff consists of four professional librarians, nine full-time assistants and a number of port-time student assistants. MEDIA CENTER The Media Center services the equipment and non-book instruction needs of the university. Equipment and instructional materials orelocated on the McNolly portion of the campus. The collection of material includes 16mm and 8mm motion pictures and film clips, 35mm filmstrips, audio tape recordings, video tape recordings, disc records, overhead transparencies, slides and other types of educational material. Appropriate equipment is available for large group, small group or individual study of the instructional materials. Production of slides, filmstrips, thermal or diozo transparencies as well as many other services ore available to the faculty upon request. · BOOKSTORE The University Bookstore is open six days and two evenings aweek to supply all required textbooks as well as non-required books. Students will findalarge selec tion of cords, stationery, gift items, records and tapes, school and art supplies, plus items for personal needs. Bibles in a variety of styles and bindings ore available.
lions to mankind and to enhance the spiritual well-being of those whom and with whom he serves. a. One who hos developed and maintained high moral standards for his own benefit and in order that he might serve asawholesome example and leader. b. One who expresses through his life aclear commitment to Christ, who is able openly and wisely to shore both his knowledge of the Bible and his commitment to Christ with others; and who demonstrates Christion love toward others. c. One who is prepared to fulfill Christ's commission to make disciples of all notions. d. One who is sensitive to the total needs of his fellowman and who is equipped to contribute to the meeting of those needs. e. One who holds to the conviction that the Christion is to be agood citizen of the State, one who respects authority, submits to the lowsof the land and seeks constructive change through legal channels. •All third person pronouns ore used generically. ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATIONS Biolo University holds inst itutional accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition, the institution and certain of its programs ore accredited by the American Association of Bible Colleges, The American Psychological Association, the Association of Theological Schools, the Notional Association of Schools of Music, the State of California Boord of Registered Nursing, the Notional League for Nursing, the California Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licens ing. Biolo University is authorized to train students under the Veteran's Bill of Rights. In addition, the college is affiliated with anumber of professional organizations, of which the following ore representative: American Anthropological Associat ion; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers; American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; American Comping Association; American Council on Education; American Guild of Organists; American Intercollegiate Athletic Women; American Library Associ ation; Associated Collegiate Press; Association of Christion Schools, Internation al; Association of College Unions International; American Association of Higher Education; Associat ion of Independent California Colleges and Universities; California Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; California Council on the Education of Teachers; Choral Conductors' Guild (California); Christion Comping International ; Christion College Coalition; Christion Scholar's Review; Co llege Entrance Examination Boord; Council on Post-secondary Accredi tation; Evangelical Teacher Training Association; Intercolleg iate Press; Music Educators' Notional Conference; Notional Association of Intercollegiate Athletics; Western Association of Graduate Schools; Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing; and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The city of Lo Mirada is in Los AngelesCounty, twenty-two miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, and is surrounded by such cit ies as Whittier, Norwalk, Bueno Pork, Lo Habra and Fullerton. Lo Mirada is asuburban residential community with a population of 40,000. Included within the vicinity ore several major shopping areas in addition tomany other business establishments. Lo Mirada is situated near many of the outstanding attractions of Southern California. Downtown Los Angeles con be reached in ahalf-hour's drive from the campus. Disneyland is twelve miles to the southeast and famed Knoll's Berry Form is six miles away. Within on hour's drive ore such popular beach cities as Long Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Recreational facilities ore easily accessible. An eighteen-hole golf course liesa mile east of the campusand other porks in the area offer opportunity for activities and relaxation. An hour's drive will toke one into the nearby mountains where winter sports ore available. Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Several major universi ties and libraries ore within easy driving distance of Lo Mirada including the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, the University of California, Irvine and several other state and private institutions.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION B iola University seeks to provide a quality education for all its students at the most reasonable cost possible. As aprivate, non-profit institution, Biolo University receives no support from taxes or other public funds. Tuition charges paid by the students do not cover the costs of providing aquality education. Consequently, every student who attends Biola University receives a substantial subsidy, made possible by the gifts of alumni, individual friends, interested churches and in a few coses, businesses and corporations.
GENERAL FEES (In addition to tuition, only os applicable to the individual student.) Room Reservation Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 •Enrollment Deposit (nonrefundable) .. 50.00 Late Registration - Any time ofter scheduled registration 20.00 Late Pre-registration Any time ofter scheduled pre-registration but before end of semester . . . l0.00 Change of Closs Schedule .. ...... _. 2.00 ·• Accident and Medical Insurance (Foll est. $75.00; Spring est. $90.00; $50,000 maximum) . . est. 165.00 + Parking Fee . l0.00 Transcript Fee (for each copy ofter the first) . . . . . . . . . 2.00 'Upon notice of acceptance, on enrollment deposit is required. This amount is applicable toward the total expenses duri ng the student's lost semester of enrollment, but is forfeited if the applicant foils to report for the semesterfor which application was made. "Required of oil students with more than six units and who do not file o "Certification of Insurance Coverage" ot the time of registration. Additional coverage is required of all students participating in or practicing for intercollegiate sports. (Yearly fees ore based on group rates which ore determined at the time of registration. )
The expenses of students at Biola University are shown in the following schedules. The university reserves the rig ht to change al l student charges, modify its services or change its programs of study should economic conditions, curriculum revisions or national emergency make it necessary to do so. APPLICATION FEE An application of $25 must accompany each application. This fee is nonrefund able. Applications for spring received ofter January l, or for foll received ofter August l must be accompanied by o fee of $35 rather than $25. ROOM AND BOARD Per Year $3,018.00
First semester - room and board $1,509.00 Second semester - room and board $1,509.00
Annual Tuition
Summer Session
Per Unit
12-18 Units
12-18 Units
1-11, 19+
Per Unit
Degree Program UNDERGRADUATE TUITION (including A.S. fee ) SPECIAL STUDENT TUITION (non-degree seeking)
Per Unit
Per Unit
$ 25
Undergraduate Special Students Graduate Special Students (post bocc. any school
except Rosemead)
(including A.S. fee ) School of Arts and Sciences
Moster of Arts, Education Master of Arts, Christion School Administration Master of Music, Church Music
2728 2728
5456 5456
227 227
90 90
103 103
227 227
School of lntercultural Studies (including A.S. fee ) Moster of Arts, Mission
2728 2728 2728
5456 5456 5456
227 227 227
90 90 90
103 103 103
227 227 227
Moster of Arts, lntercultural Studies
Doctor of Missiology
Talbot School of Theology (incl uding A.S. fee ) Moster of Arts
2135 2135 2135
4270 4270 4270
178 178 178
90 90 90
103 103 103
178 178 178
Moster of Divinity Moster of Theology Doctor of Education Doctor of Ministry
239 per unit 595/Course
239 per unit 595/Course
239 per unit 595/(ourse (9-16 units)
221 per unit 550/Course
239 per unit 595/Cou rse
239 per unit 595/Course
(9-16 units) (l-8, 17+ units)
Rosemead School of Psychology
Moster of Arts, Psychology (and Specials)
287 287 287
3440 3440 3440
6880 6880 6880
269 269 269
287 287 287
125 125 125
Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology
MUSIC FEES Private Study Per Unit (One unit guaranteesaminimum of 13 one half-hour lessons for the semester. In some cases up to 15 lessons may be possible. ) Fee includes privilege of practice room use of one hour per day. Music Majors: One Unit (one half-hour lesson per week) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $122.00 Non-MusicMajors (per unit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148.00 Accompanying Fees, Per Semester: Voice students per unit of study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .00 Instrumental students per unit of study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.00 Recital Fees (Fees range from $12.00 to $30.00 depending upon length of recital, length and complexity of printed program required. Complete information available in the music office.) Class Instruction (Provides for low student-faculty ratio of approximately 10: l, additional class hours beyond unit value, and acquisition and maintenance of specialized equipment as necessary.) Voice or Guitar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 .00 Electronic Piano Lab: Tm hours per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74.00 Three hours per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 (The university has the following organs: a twenty-six rank, three-manual Schantz; a twelve rank, two-manual Tracker; a two-manual Rogers 11 O; and two two-manual Rogers 75.) TYPICAL COSTS The combination of tuition, fees and associated expenses at Biola University is sufficiently high that it is necessary for students to carefully calculate their financial resources and costs. The following estimated student budget reflects the average cost to students for the 1985-86 academic year (n ine month): Undergraduate: , Single Single on campus off campus Tuitionand Fees $5,732 $5,732 Books and Supplies 384 384 Room and Boord 3,018 4,014 Personal Transportation 1,578 1,914 TOTAL $10,712 $12,044 Married Student $5,732 384 7,713 2,817 $16,646
SPECIAL FEES - UNDERGRADUATE There ore specialfees for specific labs, clinics, physical education/recreation and camping courses, music courses, etc. See course descri ptions for fees. Class and Laboratory Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00-100.00 Nursing Application Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Nursing late Application Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0.00 Nursi ng Liability Insurance (per year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.25 Clinical Nursing Fee (per semester) . . . . . . . . . . . . l00.00 Commitment Service (per semester) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 RN/lVN Nursing Challenge Examination (per theory and per clinical cha ll enge) . . . . . . . . 50.00 SPECIAL FEES - GRADUATE Moster's Programs (excluding psychology) . • Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) ... . ..... . .. ... ... $50.00 Orientation Fee . . .. .... . . . . .. .. . . .. . .... . .. . . 40.00 Special Students' Fee, per unit . . ... ... .. . ... .. ..... 198.00 Thesis Project Non-Resident Fee .... . .... . ... . .. . . . . l00.00 Th.M. Thesis Fee . .... . ...•. . ..... . . . . . . ... .. 322.00 Cap and Gown Rental (Master's) . . .... .. .. . ... . . .... 15.00 Cap, Gown and Hood Rental (D.Min .) ... . . .. . . . ... . . . .. 19.50 Diploma .. ...... . . . ..... . ... . . . .. .. . . ... . . 15.00 Doctor of Ministry Program Enrollment Deposit per course (non-refundable) ............ . . . . . . . ... $100.00 late Enrollment Fee . ....... .. .. . , . . . . . l00.00 Dissertation Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550.00 Cap, Gown and Haad . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... 19.50 Diploma . .... .. . .. .. .. . ... . .. . . . . ... . .. ... . 15.00 EDD Program Continuation Fee (Non-Registered, Non-Dissertation Students) ... $239.00 Dissertation Continuation Fee (per semester) (EDD 891 Continuous Registration: Dissertation) . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... . .. 478.00 Cap, Gown and Hood Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 19.50 Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Student Fee (per semester, except for A.B.D. students) . . . . . . 30.00 Graduate Psychology Program Professional Growth Fee (per semester) . .. .... ..... .. . $450.00 (Terminal M.A. students ore requ ired to pay the Professional Growth fee for three semesters. Students in the Psy.D. or Ph.D. programs pay the fee for atotal of ten semesters, including those students who enter Rosemead with transfer credit. ) • Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) . . . 100.00 Admissions Personal Interview Fee (non-refundable) . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Registration Fee (per semester) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Continuation Fee for Students in Internship (per semester) . . . 50.00 Pre-Internship and A.B.D. students must register for a minimum of three units each semester. · Cap and Gown Rental . . . . 15.00 Diploma (for M.A., Psy.D. or Ph .D. ) 15.00 Rosemead Student Association (per semester) (Except internship and A.B.D. students) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Thesis/Dissertation Binding/Microfilming Library binding (per copy) . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . $15.00 (libra ry requires 2 copies - Rosemead and EDD requires 3 additional copies) Personal binding (per copy) (opt. ) . . . . . . Microfilming/Indexing (doctoral) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 35.00 Microfilming/Indexing (master's) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 15.00 Dissertation Copyright (not mandatory) ......... . . .. .... 20.00 • Upon notice of acceptance, an enrollment deposit is required. This amount is applicable toward the total expenses during the student's last semester of enrollment, but is forfeited if the applicant fails to report for the semester for which application was made. . . . ... 15.00
Talbot Masters
Si ngle
Married Student $4,270 384 7,713 2,817 $15,184
on campus
off campus
Tuition and Fees
Books and Supplies
Room and Board
3,018 1,578
4,014 1,914
Personal Transportation
Specials, Other Masters, and D. Miss.*
Married Student
on campus
off campus
Tuition and Fees
$5,456 384 7,713 2,817 $16,370
Books and Supplies Room and Boord Personal Transportation
3,018 1,578
4,014 1,914
*Far M.A. Music and Ed .D. see undergraduate budget.
REFUNDS Inasmuch as faculty engagements and other commitments ore mode by the university for the entire year in advance, the following refund schedule hos been established in order that the university and the student may shore the loss equitably when it is necessary for a student to withdraw from school: Withdrawal within the first two weeks of classes: l. Tuition - full amount, less enrollment deposit (s tudents with six or fewer units, $25; Auditors, $20). 2. Room and Boord - pro-roted as of the end of the period as indicated below: o. Rooms - end of the month in which the student withdraws. b. Meals - end of the week in which the meal ticket is turned in to the Auxiliary Services office. Withdrawal ofter the second week and before the end of the eighth week of classes: l. Tuition - pro-roted as of end of week in which student withdraws . 2. Room and Boord - pro-roted as of the end of the period as indicated below: o. Rooms - end of the month in which the student withdraws. b. Meals - end of the week in which the meal ticket is turned in to the Auxiliary Services office. Withdrawals ofter eighth week of classes: 1. Tuition - no refund. 2. Room and Boord - pro-roted as of the end of the period as indicated below: o. Rooms - end of the month in which the student withdraws. b. Meals - end of the week in which the meal ticket is turned in to the Auxiliary Services office. lnterterm and summer session refund policy: l. Room and Boord is pro-roted to the end of the week of official withdrawal. 2. $25 of the tuition charge is considered o registration fee and is non refundable. 3. Per/unit refunds ore subject to the following schedule: - First week - complete refund, except $25 registration fee. - In o two week course - no refund the second week. - In othree or four week class, 30 percent refunded during the second week, none thereafter. - In five week classes, 58 percent the secondweek, 30 percent the third week, none thereafter. Tuition refunds for doss changes (where applicable) will be mode in the some manner as refunds for withdrawals (i.e., full refund within first two weeks of classes and pro-roted refund ofter second week until end of eighth week). All refunds must be requested by properly completing and submitting o departure cord or doss drop form, the official withdrawal dote determining the amount of refund. Laboratory and activity fees ore refundable only if withdrawal is on or before the final dote of late registration. Music fees ore for private music lessons and ore refundable in the some manner as tuition, except no refund ofter the sixth week. FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION It is the desire of Biolo Univers ity, within the limits of its resources, to provide financial assistance to needy students, especially those who, without such aid, would not be able to attend Biolo University. The office of student financial services offers counseling and assistance in ascertaining the most appropriate forms of financial aid for each student. Biol □ University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color or notional and ethnic origin in administration of its scholarship and loan programs. UNDERGRADUATE FINANCIAL AID Federal Aid The Pell Grant {formerly Basic Educational Opportunity Grant) program is ofederal program which is designed to assist students with finan cial need. The maximum grant for 1985-86 was $2, l00. The Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grant {SEOG} program, supported by the federal government, is designed to help needy students . Work Study employment on campus is available to students who con demonstrate financial need. Under this program federal funds pay 80% of o student's wages, while the university pays the remaining 20%. Wages paid to students in the work study program vary according to the student's qualifications and duties pe~ormed.
Married Student
off camQUS
on camQUS
Tuition and Fees
861 900 384
861 900 384
861 900 384
lnterterm (first year) Professional Growth Fee Books and Supplies·
3,018 1,578
4,014 1,914
7,713 2,817
Room and Boord
Personal TransQortation..
'$650 for first year students. *'Moy be adjusted for practicum travel expense. PAYMENT OPTIONS Cost of tuition, room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the following ways: Plan 1 Payment for each semester in full on or before the day of foll or spring registration. Plan 2 Adown payment at the time of registration with payment of any remaining balance by the first payment due dote (October 15 - foll; Morch 15 - spring). No finance charges ore assessed. Plan 3 Adown payment at the time of registration and the remaining balance in three payments (October-December) or (Morch-Moy).Afinance charge of l%per month of the unpaid balance at each billing is added for carrying the account. All payments ore due on or before the 15th of the month as indicated in the billing summary. DOWN PAYMENT Down payments ore payable according to the following schedule: Undergraduate Talbot Masters On Campus $1,750 $1,4 50 Off Campus $1,150 $850 1-3 units In Full In Full 4-6 units One Holl One Holl 7-11 units One Third One Third 4-8 units
Specials,* Other Masters and D.Miss.
Graduate Psychology
$1 ,700 $1, 100
$2,000 $1,400
On Campus Off Campus 1-3 units 4-6 units 7-11 units 4-8 units
In Full
In Full
One Holl One Third
One Holl
*M.A. Mus ic and Ed.D. see undergraduate schedule. FINANCE CHARGES One percent of the unpaid balance shown on each monthly statement will be added to the account as o finance charge. Transcripts may be withheld if a student hos financial obligations to the university. All payments to o student's account after enrollment should be addressed as follows: Biol □ University Accounting Deportment 13800 Biolo Avenue La Mirada, California 90639-0001 In addition, to whom the payment is to be credited must be clearly stated. Astudent is not registered and cannot attend classes until satisfactory financial arrangements hove been mode with the office of student financial services.
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