

NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblicol Studies ond Theology, 1959 B.A. , Groce College; Th B, 8.0., Th.M., Th.O., Groce Theologicol Seminory.

ROBERT l. THOMAS Professor of New Testoment Longuoge ond literoture, 1959 B.M.E., Georgio Institute of Technology; Th .M., Th.D., Oollos Theologicol Seminary MICHAEL WILKINS Assistont Professor of Biblicol Studies and Theology, 1983 B.A., Biolo University, M.Oiv., Tolbo t Theologicol Seminory and School of Theology. FREDERIC R. WILSON Associote Professor of Christion Educotion, 1983 8.5., Philodelphio College of Bible; Th.M., Oollos Theologicol Seminary; Ph.D., Konsos Stole University PART-TIME FACULTY The Biolo University foculty eoch semester includes, in oddition to the regulor foculty members listed above, opproximotely 80 persons teoching on oport-time bosis equivolent toobout 30 full ­ time equivolent foculty positions. These persons bring to their tosks o rich voriety of ocodemic and oth er professional expertise, ond thus serve to enrich the curriculor offerings of the University, porticulorly in some of the more speciolized oreos. UNIVERSITY FACULTY Deon of Tolbot Theologicol Seminary, Emeritus 1948-75 Professor of Semitics ond Old Testoment, Emeritus 1948-79 Talbot Graduate EMERITI CHARLES l. FEINBERG

The Award in Homiletics - An annual award to 3students in the seminary who distinguish themselves in preaching.

The Kenneth D. Archinol Award in Christian Educotion - An annuol aword to the outstonding second yeor student in the Deportment of Christian Educotion. The Award in New Testament - To the student who has done outstandingwork in New Testament studies throughout the semi­ nary progrom. The Rev. & Mrs. David Doerksen Award in Missions - To the student in the seminory who does the best work for the yeor in the Department of Missions. · The Morge Niquette Award in Bible Exposition -An onnuol award to the student in the seminary who has done outstonding work in the Department of Bible Exposition in the final year of troining.

LLOYDE. KWAST Professor of Missions, 1972

Oiplomo, Grond Rapids Boptist Bible College; B.A., Colifornio Baptist Theologicol Seminory; M.RE., 8.0., Americon Bapt ist Seminory of the West; M.A., O.Miss., fuller Theologicol Seminary.

E. STANLEY LEONARD Associote Professor of Christion Educotion, 1966

B.A., Th.B., fort \\\Jyne Bible College; M.R.E., Biblicol Seminory; M.A., New York University; O.Min. , Tolbot Theologicol Seminory ond School of Theology. DAVID C. LIAO Associate Professor of Missions, 1980 8.5. Fukien Christion University; M.A., fu ller Theologicol Seminory; O.Miss.; fu ller Theologicol Seminory. DONALD G. McDOUGALL Associote Professor of New Testoment, 1975 B.A., Biolo College; M.Oiv. , Th.M. , Tolbot Theologicol Seminory B.A., Biolo College; 8.0., Tolbot Theologicol Seminory; Th.M., Western Conservotive Boptist Theologicol Seminary; Th.O., Groce Th,eologicol Seminory. RICHARD J. MOHLINE Deon of Administrotion, Rosemeod School of Psychology Associote Professor of Procticol Theology, 1970 Diplomo, Moody Bible Institute; B.A., Wheoton College; M.Oiv. , Gordon Con1111II Seminary; M.Ed., Loyolo University, Chicogo. GEORGE C. MOORE Director of Ethnic ond lnternotionol Student Relotions, Instructor of Biblicol Studies and Theology, 1975 Diploma, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., Biolo College; M.Oiv., Th.M., Tolbot Theologicol Seminary. MARC l MUELLER Assistont Professor in Systematic Theology, Tolbot \\Jlley Compus, 1978 B.A., Pomono College; Th.M., Dallas Theologicol Seminory. CURTIS C. MITCHELL Professor of Biblicol Studies ond Theology, 1966 RONALD PIERCE Associote Professor of Biblicol Studies ond Theology, 1976 B.A., John Brown University; MDiv , Th.M., Toi bot Theologicol Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theologicol Seminory. ROBERT RADCLIFFE Associote Professor of Christion Educotion, 1976 B.A., M.A., Wheoton College; Ph.D., Claremont Groduote School. RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Associote Professor of Semitics ond Old Testament, 1974 B.A., John 8. Stetson University; M.Oiv., Golden Gote Baptist Theologicol Seminory; Ph.D., Southern Boptist Theologicol Semi­ nary. JAMESE. ROSSCUP Professor of Bible Exposition, 1965 B.A., Arizono State University; Th.M. , Th.D., Dollos Theologicol Seminory; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. ROBERT l. SAUCY Professor of Systemotic Theology, 1961 B.A.,Westmont College; Th.M., Th.D., Dollos Theologicol Seminory.

The Alumni Award - Given ta a continuing student in the seminary by the Alumni Association.

The Ministry Associates Award - To on outstanding groduote completing the Moster of Arts in Morrioge and fomily Ministry progrom. The Charles Lee Feinberg Award - Given to the Senior who best exemplifies the image of o student at Tolbot School of The ology. The Willi om W. Bass Memorial Scholarship Award - Given to a second or third yeor student who has demonstroted a keen interest in Phiiosophy of Religion and/or Theology.

The Inez Gooden Memorial Scholarship Award - Given to a seminory student with financial need.

The Gordon Johnson Scholarship Award - Given to o seminary student pertorming 111111 ocodemicolly in one of the Bible related fields. The Walker Scholarship Award - To a seminory student with special interest and obility in the areo of outreach, established by the lnternotional fisherman's Club. The Grateful Award - Gronted to on outstanding senior preacher hoving financiol need, given by the Diamond Sor Evon­ gelicol Free Church. The Baker Book Award in Christian Educotion - Given to the graduate who hos distinguished himself in the study of theology. The Americon Bible Society Award - Given to the student who hos distinguished himself in meaningful ond interpretive public reoding of the Scriptures.

Student Awards

The owords that follow ore presented annually to qualified students on the basis of criteria indicoted.

The Louis T. Talbot Award - To a student in the seminary whose concern and zeal, in theory and proctice, ore outstanding in the ore □ of the evongelizotion of the Jews. The Audrey Talbot Award in Bible Exposition - To the student in the seminory who does the best work for the yeor in the Deportment of Bible Exposition. The William W. Bass Award - To ostudent in the seminary whose concern ond zeal, theoreticolly and procticolly, are exem­ plary in the interest of the evongelization of the Jews. The John and Jennie Solomon Award in Old Testament - To the student in the seminary who does the best work for the year in the Deparhnent of Semitics ond Old Testament. The Library Award - To the student completing o thesis or thesis project who, in the opinion of the librarian, has made the most intelligent ond effective use of the Librory during the year of his or her groduotion. The Robert N. Oliver Award in Systematic Theology - To the student with the best work for the year in the Deportment of Systematic Theology.

The Louis T. Talbot Memorial Scholarship Award -

The Rotary Club Scholarship Award -

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