2. 9 units of Bible/theology, including HTM 751 , STM 570 or 672. 3. 18 units of advisor approved electives. A student may choose to focus electives in areas of specializationsuch as anthropology, mi ss iology, Bible translation, linguistics, TESOL, etc. B. Successfully pass a comprehensive examination over one's course work. C. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. M.A. in Missions The M.A. in Missions is a 62 unit program. However, students with qualified undergraduate strength may graduate with fewer units, though in no case fewe r than 32 units, of which at least 24 must be taken at Biola University. In order to graduate the student must: A. Complete the required courses listed below: 1. 14 units of core consisting of: ICS502; HTM 546, 640; and STM 562, 661. 2. 24 units of Bible/theology including HTM 751 ; STM 570; and electives chosen from STM 672, TBE 505, 506, 518, 603, TTH 605, 606, 709. 3. 12 units of missiology (HTM and STM). 4. 12 units of advisor approved graduate level electives . B. Submit an acceptable thesis chosen in consultation with their advi so r. Two unbound copies are to be submi tted tothe librarian. C. Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The student must complete the programin no more than5years. Exceptions may be made in cases where furlough time is not suffi cient to complete the program in 5 years. TOEFL is required for international applicants alongwith proof of their ability to support themselves.
(5) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an afarnced stage in the student's progress, and is characterized by self-directed research and preparation of a dissertation under the direction of a faculty advisor. In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have: 1) successfully completed the Preliminary Oral Interview, 2) passed the comprehensive examinations, 3) completed the field ministry requirement, and 4) received approval of the dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee. (6) DISSERTATION The doctoral dissertation will be based upon research conducted in the field of ministry, usually over a period of 6 months to 1 year. The dissertation must demonstrate high attainment in scholarship related to professional missiology. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate's advisory committee prior to beginning of the student's field research. Three weeks prior to expected graduation the candidate must submit to the School of lnterculturol Studies dean the original and three copies of his dissertation signed by the dissertation committee. (7) FINAL ORAL EXAMINATION The final examination is on oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. M.A. in lntercultural Studies The M.A. in lnterculturol Studies iso42unit program for the qual ified appl icant; in cases of extensive undergraduate work in interculturol studies/missions it may be reduced to a minimum of 32 units. Students with little or no academic or practical /field preparation in interculturol studies and/or biblical and theological areas may be required to take up to a maximum of 20 additional units, including ICS 300 or HTM 640, ICS 310 or ICS 413, BE 505, 518, 603 and biblical /theological elective. In order to graduate the student must: A. Complete the required courses listed below: 1. 15 units of core consisting of: ICS502 or STM 560, ICS 520, 622, STM 562; and 3 units of linguistics or Bible Translation.
Course Descriptions INTERCULTURAL STUDIES ICS 501 DYNAMICSOF THERELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) Atreatment af conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion ond social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernal ia, sacred places and religious practitioners. ICS502 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) Cross-cultural studyof the basic human groups of fami ly, kin and community, engaging the student in fieldmethodology ond research, and application of principles onddata of social organiza tiontomission strategy. ICS 51 0 GENERAL LI NGU ISTICS (3) The study of descript ive linguistics ond its rele111ncy in lan guage learning ond Bible translation. May be repeated with di fferent content. ICS520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTU RALADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating tointercu ltural living with focus on personal and interpersonal adjustment with nationals ond other missionaries; language, 111lue conflicts, status ond role, cu lture shock, stereo types, cultural limitations and related topics.
ICS 532 PEOPLES OFTHE WOR LD (3) Specific area studies with emphasis oncustoms, social struc tures, religion, arts, history ond intercul tural communication. One or more sections offeredevery year in areas such as: Africa, Asia, Native America, Middle East, South Pacific, Europe. May be repeatedwith di fferent course content. ICS601 CONTEMPORARY ANTHROPOLOGICALTHEORY (3) Explores the key theoretical perspectives employed incultural anthropology today to critically e111luate their utility for cross cultural research. Topics include Cultural Materialism, Structuralism, Functionalism, Transaction and Process, Cultural Ecology, Political Economy, etc. ICS606 NATURE OF AN THROPOLOGICALINQUIRY (4) Explanation of the relationships between an thropologica l the ory, problemdefinition, research strategy ond methodology, da ta collect ion ondanalysis, and gene ralization and application. How to conduct substantive qualitative and quantitative research, incl udingthe use of existing computer programs fordata analysis . Prerequisite: 601. ICS 610 LI NGUISTICS AND THEBIBLEI (3) An introduction to the principles of Bible Translation, with special attention being given to the problems of lexical equiv alence in translating from Greek into indigenous languages. Prerequisite: Greek ond/or Descriptive linguistics. ICS 621 INTRODUCTI ON TO SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Study of the interrelat ionships of language and society in areas such as folklore, worldview, bilingual ism, personali ty, classi fications ond other topics.
ICS 622 INTERCU LTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Principles and processes of communicatingfrom one culture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, 111lues, non-verbalexpress ion, longuoge expression ondsub-groups within a culture os they relate to the media and the message. ICS 705 SEMIOTICS (3) Study of systems of symbols or "signs," examination of structures underlying cul tural activity from fundamental level of individual sign creationto more complexsystems. Prerequisite: ICS 610. ICS 706 IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICT (3) Astudy of Marxismand other such ideologies ond the conflict these generate in the world in educational, religious ond poli tical aspects of culture. ICS 710 LINGUISTICS AND THE BIBLEII (3) Ad111nced lexical equi111lence problems in111lved in translating from Greek into indigenous languages. Introductory considerations of discourse in111lved in Bible Translation. Prerequisite: ICS 610. ICS 721 TOPICS INSOCIOLI NGUISTICS (3) The methodologies of cognitive studies and cognitive styles ore probed for 111lue in encountering members of a distinctive culture or subculture and implication for Bible translation. Prereq uisite: 520 or 621. ICS 879 RESEARCHDESIGN(3) Ame ntor di rected course inwhich doctoral candidates prepare a comprehensive bibliog raphy of theoretical and appl ied li terature an their research interest, ond through that reading, develop the theory ond strategy for their dissertation resea rch.
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