
SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY AND MISSIONS STM 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES(3) · The use of social science techniques to leorn about the people, needs and opportunities for evongelism in the city STM 561 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Applicotion of anthropologicol insights to cross-culturol prob­ lems. Emphosis on: marriage customs, leadership potterns, polit i­ col relations, indigenous movements, culture change, \\llrldview, etc. Prerequisite: ICS 300 or HTM 640. STM562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents ond the speed ond intensity of change. lmplicotions of such processes ore examined in social, politicol, economic and religious aspects of society. STM 570 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (2 or 3) An introduction tothe principles and problems of interculturol communicotion with special emphasis an tronslat ingthe Bible into indigenous languages.


STM 762 ADVANCED CHURCH GROWTH (3) Atheologicol and missiologicol understanding of church growth principles ond their opplicotion to the missionary tosk. STM 770 DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH (3) The study of human populations by behoviorol and statist icol reseorch. STM 775 H[RMENEUTICSIN ETHNOHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES (3) Principles of biblicol in terpretation developed through the ethnohistoricol methodology.

A study of the biblicol mondote to establish locol churches omong all of the peoples moking up monkind. Special emphasis on interculturol church plonting omong the unreoched peoples of Asio, Africo, lotin Americo ond the ethnic minorities of the western \\llrld. HTM546 HISTORY Of THEEXPANSION Of CHRISTIANITY (3) The bockground, origin, development ond spreedof the Chris­ tion faith from the opostolic period until today. Emphasis will be given to the modern ero, especiolly contemporory growth dynomics in Africo, Asio ond lotin Americo. HTM 550 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropology opprooch to Christion theologizing; interrelotion­ ships between suproculturol Christianity ond humon cultures. focus on conversion, revelotion, communicotion, tronsformotion, indigeneity and other reloted topics. HTM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLDMISSIONS (2) The nature of Christion outreoch: ostudy of principles, history, ond methodology of \\llrldwide missions. HTM556 WORLD RELIGIONS (2) The distinctive feotures of the historicol ethnic religions, with speciol emphasis on their comporison ond encounter with Chris­ tio~ity ond their beorings upon missionory strotegies. HTM 640 CU LTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FOR MISSIONARIES (2) The noture of man ond his culture, speciol emphosis on intercul turol communicotion of the Gospel. HTM 655 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY Of MISSION (3) An overview ond critique of the vorious theologies of mission odvocoted by vorious bronches of the Church down through the centu ri es, begi nning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liberotion theol­ ogy debote of our doy. HTM 742 HISTORY Of MISSIONS (3) The bockground, development ond spread of Christ ioni ty through \\llrld missions; geogrophicol thrusts, growth dynamics ond church structures. HTM 751 THEOLOGY Of MISSION (2 or 3) An onalysis of the tensions within the Church focusing oround the mission of the Church in the contemporory \\llrld with on attempt to formulate a biblicol-contemporory expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of those tensions.

STM 785 MISSION GROWTH (3) An investigation into the missionary sending process.

STM 800 STRUCTURALISM Of CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS (3) The importance of symbolic analysis of culture in encouroging personal Christion growth, church growth and sound Bibletron slo­ tion in culture specific settings. STM 850 CROSS-CULTURAL IMPLICATI ONS IN THEOLOGY (3) The opplicotion of cross-culturol communi cotion principles to the study of theology, critique and evaluation of such theologies ond the design ond implementation of culturespecific theologies for vorious cultures. STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCI ETIES (3) The message, method and role of the evongelicol church in societies undergoing socio-technologicol change. Elective for Th.M. students, others by deportment permission. STM 863 AREA STRATEGI ES IN EVANGELISM (3) Intensive cose study analysis, by sociogeogrophic oreos; of evongelistic ond church plant ing strotegies. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) The concept of theologicol educotion by extension, including its history, objectives, methodology ond the writing of progrommed instruction with porticulor emphasis on missionary applicotion. Elective for Th.M. students, others by deportment permission. STM872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Discourse considerotions in tronsloting from Greek into indig­ enous longuoges. Prerequisite: Advonced linguistics, Greek. STM 875 DIACHRONIC HEREMENEUTICS (3) Principles of biblicol interpretation in ethnohistoricol perspec­ tive. STM 876 SYNCHRONICHERMENEUTICS (3) Principlesof biblicol interpretation os appl ied in contemporory cultures.


STM 581 JEWISHLIFE AND EVANGELISM (3) The culturol and religious patterns of the contemporory Jewish life and their significonce in evongelism. STM 661 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH GROWTH (3) Abasic understanding of church growth concepts os related both to the locol congregations and ta the task of 1VOrldwide evongelizatian, with due emphasis an the Church Growth school of thought. STM 665 LEADERSHIP (3) Cross-cul turol study of leadership including diverse patternsof authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, and troining as they affect communicotian, church growth and devel­ opment 1VOrldwide. STM671 CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION (3) Principles of cross-cul turol communicotion applied to educo­ tion. STM 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Principles of the semantic analysis of discourse structure. Prerequisite: Advonced linguistics. STM 680 WORLD MISSION AND THELOCAL CHURCH (2 or 3) Designed to integrote principles of cross-culturol communico­ tion and theology and strotegy of missions within ototal concep­ tual frame\\llrk to aid the locol church in mission involvement. STM760 URBAN PRACTICUM (3-6) Aprogrom of cross-culturol internships in theurban metropoli­ tan orea of L.A. By permission of instructor only. STM 761 SEX ROLES IN OTHER SOCIETIES (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, nan­ Western and biblicol cultures. focus on responsibilities, obligations, expectations, leaderships ond interrelationships os they relate to the society as o whole.

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