Course Descriptions
RPSY 600 RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIP I (2), II (2) Supervised experience in plonning, conducting and reporting psychologicol reseorch. The specific nature of the reseorch project will be determined by the student with his or her advisor. Students will be required to submit o written review of literoture ond research proposal, conduct doto gothering octivities, onolyze the doto and submit o finol report of the project in APA format to his/her odvisor. The required total of 4units must be completed by the beginning of the first semester of the third yeor in the program. RPSY 601 -RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Covers the logic of comporotive experimentation and cousol inference. Emphosis is ploced on problem definition, hypothesis formotion ond design for drawing inference. Major emphasis is given to the concepts of partitioning vorionce ond experimentol ond stotisticol control of vorionce. Anolysis of vorionce models useful in clinicol research will be emphasized. Conside rationis also given to the contribution of the reseorch process to the integration of psychology ond theology. Prerequisite: RPSY 502. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 602 COGNITION AND AFFECT (3) Survey of contemporary theory and research on cognition ond offective processes. lnformotion processing models of cognition functioning ond the selective processing function of cignitive schemoto ore emphosized. Theories of offed ond the interaction of cognition and affect ore also explored. Either this course or RPSY 604 is required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 603 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) An introduction to vorious models of psychopathology with special attention to psychodynomic conceptualizations. Students olso gain fomiliority with the Oiagnastic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd Edition). Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 604 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION (3) Asurvey of the processes, theories ond research in learning and motivotion. Emphasis on the specific content moy vory from yeor to yeor. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. Either th is course or RPSY 602 is required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 605 PSYCHOLOGY Of RELIGION (Some osRPTI 705) (2or 3) Asurvey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content ond methodologicol issues. Topics covered include religiosity ond mental health, measures of religiosity, religious development, coITelotes of religiosity ond psychologicol ospects of conversion and ather religiaus experiences. Elective. RPSY 606 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Cancepts and processes involved in the understonding of the psychologicol develapment of the person from infancy through adolescence. Major theoreticol systems relevont to Developmental Psychology ore examined with emphasis upon the study of cognitive, affective ond psychomotor chonges monifested in childhood ond odolescence. Required for M.A. , PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 607 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES (3) An introduction to psychophysiologicol ond neurol mechonisms in their relation to mind-body processes, to the production of psychosomotic symptoms and diseases, ond to origins of psycho pothology. Either this course or RPSY 670 or 705 is required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 608 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Problems ond theories of the person in the sociol context, including person perception, interpersonol relotions, role formotion and differentiotion, attitude formotion, maintenance and change. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. Either this course or RPSY 702 is required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 610 DEVELOPMENT Of RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING IN CHIL DREN AND ADOLESCENTS (2) An assessment of the cognitive and affective meanings which children and adolescentsattribute ta religiaus concepts, proctices ond experiences, and their changes in meaning during the course of individual development. The biblicol perspective of religious development is also examined. Elective.
RPSY 618 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH I: COMMUNITY SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES (3) A study al systems theary with a focus on communities, schools, health agencies, governmental human service agencies, churches and families. Provides oconceptual basis for understand ing the interoctians among individuals and systems. Procticol opplicotions include knawing how to enter systems ond maximiz ing avoilable resources for clients, particularly those who ore disodvontaged or handicopped. Elective. RPSY 619 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH II: PSYCHOEDUCA TIONAUPREVENTIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY MODELS (3) The course focuses on the development of psychoeducotional approaches aimed at prevention bl emational difficulties or early secondary intervention of difficulties. Interventions suitable at strategic develapmental phases or criticol situatians. The student will be asked to develop a seminar or workshop, deliver it ta a suitable population and evoluate its effectiveness. Elective. RPSY 620 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH Ill: CONSULTATION METH ODS (3) Theory and practice of the consultative relationship. Each student would be expected to develop aconsultotive relationship within aschool, church, agency, mental health center or hospital over the course of the semester. Elective. RPSY 621 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IV NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION METHODS (3) Theory and applicotion al program evoluatian methods. Stu dents will be expected to cooperate in agroup project in an actual needs assessment or program evoluation in a clinic, hospital, school , church or ather agency setting. Electi ve. RPSY 622 ATTITUDES, VALUES AND BELIEFS (2) The psychological nature al attitudes, volues and beliefs as they relate to socialization, conformity, belief systems and social influence. Special emphasis isgiven to volues in therapy am/ the therapist os volues purveyor. Elective. RPSY 625 CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Aconsideration of the impact of sacial and cultural foctors upon the utilization and dynamics of mental health services. focuses on developing the student's sensitivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the therapeutic process. Elective. RPSY 630 PSYCHOLOGY Of WOMEN (3) Adiscussion of histaricol and cantemporory views al women and a laak at research on physiologicol and psychologicol differ ences bet\\llen males and females. Also includes discussian of psychatheropeutic issues, the role al women in the church, and theologicol perspectives on women's issues. Elective. RPSY 631 PRINCIPLES Of HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (2 or 3) This course provides on overview al theary, research ond roles of psychalogists in the disseminotian of psychologicol knowledge into the health coresystem. Areas of focusinclude concerns of the family physician for which referral might be made, adjustment to physicol disabilities, coping with chronic illness, stagesof odjust ment by individuals ond their fomilies to death and dying, preventive-educotive and motivotianal issues in medicol treat ment. Prerequisites: RPSY 607, RPLB 605 and/or RPLB 635 recommended. Elective. RPSY 632 RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) Cansideration of research approaches to studying the process ond outcomes al psychotherapy. Special emphasis is placed an measurement of processond outcomes, design and executian of research ond statusof psychatherapy research tadate. Students ore actively involved in reviewing and evoluating psychotherapy research in selected areas. Prerequisite: RPSY 601 . Elective. RPSY 633 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) Asurvey of the development, dynamics and clossificotion of the psycholagicol disorders from a psychaanolytic point of view. Special attentiansgiven to the neurosesand to the operations of ego defense mechanisms. Elective.
Graduate Psychology
Courses under this designation provide the es sential scientific and theoretical data base for ad vanced graduate study in clinical psychology. RPSY 500 INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL TECHNIQUES (2) An introduction to intervention techniques in clinicol psycholo gy. Includes on emphasis on intoke interviewing, the relationship betv.llen models of psychopathology ond psychotherapy ond inter personal constructs ond techniques thot cut across vorious op proochei to intervention. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 502 ADVANCED STATISTICS (3) Concepts ond techniques involved in the onolysis ond interpre totion of clinicol ond reseorch doto. lecture ond loborotory cover ing descriptive ond inferential statistics. Moior topics include coITelotion ond regression, tests of significonce ond introduction to analysis of vorionce. Both porometric ond non-porometric op prooches ore covered. Instruction ossumes undergroduote bock ground in statistics. Required for PsyD., Ph.D. RPSY 510 MOTIVATION (3) Physiologicol , psychologicol ond social bosis for motivotion. Topics include drives, obesity, sexuol motivotion, need for ochieve ment ond aggression. Elective. RPSY 513 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (3) Theory ond reseorch regording the process of sensation ond perception ond their relation to motivotion ond leorning. Elective. RPSY 530 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS Of PSYCHOLOGY (3) This course ploces porticulor emphosis on moior theoreticol systems including Structuralism, Behoviorism, Gestalt fsychology, functionalism, Psychoonolysis ond cuITent developments from these systems. Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 551 PERSONALITY I (3) A comprehensive review of the major personality theories. Includes on exominotion of eoch theory'sunderlying philosophicol perspective, its view of psychopathology, ond its implicotions for treotment. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 553 PERSONALITY II (3) This seminor focuses on ospecific theoreticol orientation ond is designed to give students on in-depth ocquointonce with thot theory. Common offerings ore psychoonolytic ond humonistic existentiol theories. Prerequisite: RPSY 551. RPSY 592 MARITAi/FAMiLY INTERVENTION (3) Thiscourse focuses on theapplied proctices that hove evolved from the major theories of systemschonge. It includes consider otion of o voriety of treatment structures, including individuol, concuITent, collaborative, conjoint, tronsgenerotionol and network theropies. Elective.
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