FaithM fo-bi)>lical pfinc,iples, com!'Ilit- ., teq·Jci-ex.ce!lence, ~µndergjrd_~d by a _vg5rint and personal faith ,'you haveian opportt'mi- .... -\ ty·:to make a difference in _a•wodq tfiaJ 1s t searching for Hfe aIJ~ Hght-andJruth. '-:,. , ~ . '··:G.09 h~ calledyou to ii pa_tfi' that is ttriiquely yours. ·tte has· given you a combi- - :· _ nation 'Qf gifts and .abilities: .tb,a~ cannqt be · ·r,epljcate9·thro4gh ariyo~~]j_ether s"', _·' ,you:plan-to·pursue m'usic, ·1mrsi_ng, husi• · ··, ~ ness, mJs.sioos: no substitu.te 'gan-take,your - · plate as' you preea.r~ f pr p'rofessional excel lence:·No stand-iB can mlni~ter to' those · i.yith~whom ·you ·tive and wot)<. and play; · ,- . :, ~erspJc;Hv:e:_ Commitm,e9t.' freparatio·n._ ·_ · J(· ._. ,. Diet They lead to ~4Jalam:;ed ipt~g_ratioh ot·; fafth,_lea(nibg and !tying'~·to.a.-furur~:of :~:. a.etion, fulfillnien~, service, iJnp.~ct. _- .- -:_ Ar_e you readyr :_ . - .- - ~ ~-=. •:- ... ~~~·- ' "'..;'..:~ ~: .
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