RPSY 641 MEASUREMENT ANO ASSESSMENT I INTELLECT (3) The first in osequence of courses directed toward competence in odministrotion, scoring ond interpretation of psychological tests. The course inwlves osurvey of basic concepts ond principles of psychological measurement, including factors influencing wlidity ond reliability. Emphasis is placed on the Stanford-Binet ond Wechsler scales ond assessment of intellectual functioning. Cost of moteriols required is opproximotely $150. Required for Psy.O., Ph.D. RPSY 642 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT II PERSONALITY (3) Clinical interpretation of Wechsler scales with on introduction to learning disabilities ond neuropsychologicol screening. Use of objective personality instruments with emphasis upon the MMPL Introduction to more structured projective instruments such os the TAT ond Sentence Completion. Prerequisite: RPSY 64 l. Cost of moteriols required for this course is opproximotely $150. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 643 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT Ill : PROJECTIVES: (RORSCHACH) (3) An introduction to the use of projective techniques in personal ity assessment with special emphasis on the administration, scoring ond interpretation of the Rorschach using Exner's compre hensive System. Prerequisite: RPSY 642. Required for Psy.D. RPSY 644 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT IV: ADVANCED PROJECTIVES (Special Issues) (2) Adwnced interpretation of the Rorschach including special issues such os forensic ewluotions, child ond adolescent personal ity assessment, assessment of thought disorder Other basic projective instrumentssuch os the TAT, CAT ond Sentence Comple tion tests ore olso covered. Prerequisite: RPSY 643. Elective. RPSY 645 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT V: NEUROPSYCHO LOGICAL (3) Examines the psychological, neurological ond stotisticol bases of neuropsychology, including the t'MJ major systems of testing procedures utilized in assessment of broin impairment, the Holsteod-Reiton ond the lndiono-Lurio Neuropsychologicol Exomi no tion. Interpretation ond utilization of doto in treatment planning will olso be considered. Prerequisites: RPSY 644, RPSY 705, RPSY 607. Elective. RPSY 663 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An exominotion of the oreos of human sexual functioning ond behavior, relationships ond feelings within the cultural milieu of today Elective. RPSY 665-667 PRACTICUM (TERMINAL MA) (3) Supervised clinical experiences, including diagnostic ond thera peutic activities with inpatient ond outpatient clientele. Hospitals, priwte ond public clinics, schools ond college counseling centers ore utilized. Required M.A. terminal students only. RPSY 670 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of behavioral ond intellectual disorders of neuro logical origin. Clinical ond experimental evidence is considered os they relate to the major syndromes. Prerequisite: Physiological · Psychology. Either this course or RPSY 607 or 705 is required for Psy.D, Ph.D. RPSY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Primary interpersonal skills ond counseling techniques ore assessed ond focilitoted prior to the student's first practicum field experience. Vanous training techniques ore employed in osmall group setting. These include empathy training, demonstrations ond audio-video feedback. Required for MA, Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 691-696 PRACTICUM (3) Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic ond thera peutic octivities with inpatient ond outpotient clientele. Hospitals, priwte ond public clinics, mental health orgon izo tions, schools ond college counseling centers ore utilized. Prerequisite: successful completion of RPSY 690, or opprowl of the Professional Training Committee. Required for oll doctoral programs; Ph.D. ond Psy.D.
RPSY 697-699 PRACTICUM ELECTIVE (l-3) for students desiring supervised clinical experiences beyond the requirements for their degree. These ore used os elective practico. Prerequisite: opprowl of the director of clinical training. RPSY 700 CLINICAL CASE CONFERENCE (I) Small group supervision of ongoing psychological coses. Elec tive. RPSY 701 COLLEGE TEACHING Of PSYCHOLOGY (2) Aseminar on teaching methods including the development of course objectives, ou~ines, lectures ond ewluotions. Major em phasis is placed on the exominotion of the wnous teaching methods owilable to the teacher of psychology. Elective. RPSY 702 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES (3) focuses on the social psychology of interpersonal relationships with special emphasis on intimate relations. Prerequisite: osurvey course (undergraduate or groduote) in social psychology ond permission of the instructor Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 703 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Of PSYCHOLOGI CAL SERVICES (2) Aseminar dealing with odministrotive issues such os person nel, finances, community relations ond supervision. Elective. RPSY 704 ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Acontinuation of PSY 601 for students interested in pursuing dissertation research. The course includes odwnced study of uniwriote ond multiwriote onolysis of wrionce, regression onoly sis, cononicol ond discriminant onolysis ond foctor onolysis. Re quired, Ph.D. only. Prerequisite: RPSY 601. RPSY 705 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (3) A general overview of current research on the use ond effectiveness of psychotropic medication in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses ond other emotional disorders. Consultation ond doss presentations by oreo psychiatrists. Prerequisite: RPSY 607 or equiwlent. Either this course or RPSY 607 or 670 is required. RPSY 709 CURRENT ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY (I or 2) Intensive focus is given to o selected topic of contemporary interest such 01 grief therapy, forensic psychology, Notional Health Core ond psychological service. Elective. RPSY 710 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (2) Intensive consideration of o specific technique utilized in modern clinical practice ond requiring specialized training. Asi ngle major technique, such os the Holsteod-Reiton Adult Neuropsycho logicol Battery of clinical hypnosis, will be the focus eoch time this course is offered. Elective. RPSY 71 l SEMINAR IN ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (3) Astudy of the ethics of professional psychology ond relation ships to other professional individuals ond orgonizotions. Special attention is given to the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RPSY 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY (l-3) Individual oork, directed reading or special problems in psy chology. Such mrk must be done with the opprowl ond supervi sionof o faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit o detailed course proposal ond o bibliography with o learning contract form ovoilable from the registrar's office. Re quired courses moy not be token through independent study Elective. RPSY 715 TRAINING THERAPY (GROUP) (0) for official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through group training therapy. Re quired for oll doctoral programs. RPSY 716 TRAINING THERAPY (INDIVIDUAL) (0) for official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through on individuol troining therapy. Required for oll doctoral programs.
RPSY 718 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR I (3) This is the first of o t'MJ course sequence which Psy.D. nondissertotion students con toke os oportiol fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. This course includes on in-depth study of research methods in clinical psychology ond experience in critically reviewing current clinical research. RPSY 719 DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR H(2) Building on RPSY 718, thiscourse inwlves writing on in-depth critical review of the research literature on o selected topic in clinical psychology. RPSY 721 DISSERTATION RESEARCH (l-8) Planning and implementation of o research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design, and implementation of field research, doto onofysis, ond report writing. The student's dissertation research is supervised by o faculty chairman ond committee. The final stage requires the student tosuccessfully sustain on Oral Defense of the dissertation. Required for all doctoral programs. RPSY 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (0) Professional experience of oone yeor internship in o facility approved by the Professional Training Committee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying exominotion (Psy.D.) or pro fessional interview (Ph.D.), ond opprowl of odissertation propos al. Required for -011 doctoral programs.
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