
Integration ofPsychology and Theology Rosemeod's curriculum is distinguished by oseries of seminars designed to investigate the mutual relationships between the­ ological and psychological concepts and da ta. These seminars constitute an essential part of Rosemead training and offer students on oppor tunity to become involved in ocreative applica­ tion of shared insights from these related disciplines. Each student must take RPTI 501 and RPTI 721 or 722 and four additional integration seminars. T1v□ of the advanced seminars are taken far 2 units and tv.u for 3 units. In the 3 unit seminar students are expected to wri te an in-depth integration paper sui table for publication. Completionof RPTI 721 or RPTI 722 is oprerequisite for all other integration seminars. (14 units are required. ) RPTI 501 INTEGRATION COLLOQUIUM (I ) A colloquium introducing first year students to issues and approaches to the integra tion of psychology and theology RPTI 705 PSYCHOLOGYOf RELIGION (Same as RPSY 605) (2 or 3) Asurvey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental health, measures of religiosity, religious development, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious aspects. Elective. RPTI 710 SIN AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (2) An advanced seminar exploring the concepts of sin and psychopathology. Includes adiscussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of personal, parental and societal responsibility in personality development and functioning. Prerequisites: RPSY 551 and 552, RTHE 606 and permission of the instructor. Elective. RPTI 714 CONFLICTS IN THEINTEGRATION Of PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (2 or 3) Aconsideration of tensions between psychology and theology in areas such as self-esteem, corporal punishment, sex roles, egalitarianism, and divorce. Asynthesis model is used for thinking cons tructively about such tensions and identifying strengths and weaknesses of tradi tionally conflicting viewpoints. Elective. RPTI 715 PSYCHOANALYSIS AND RELIGION (2 or 3) Asurvey of the views of Freud and later psychoanalysis on religion. Classical psychoanalytic explanations and interpretations of various religious phenomena and beliefs areexamined along with more recent abject relations and philosophical viewpoints on psychoanalysis and religion. Elective. RPTI 721 THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF INTEGRATION (3) This required course includes adiscussion of the models, levels and areas in which integration of the theological andpsychological con occur, as well asa fram e1v□ rk for conceptual izingthe scope of integration. Pr.erequisites: RTHE 517, 518, 605 andsecond year standing. Required for Ph.D., Psy.D. RPTI 722 SYSTEMS Of INTEGRATION (3) Acritical evaluation of the 1v□ rks of specific theologians and psychologists who have attempted to integrate thedisciplines of psychology and theology. Attention is given totheapproaches of such theorists as Adams, Browning, Crabb, Gothard, Mowrer, Oden, Tournier, \\Jn Kaam and Wagner. Prerequisites: RTHE 517, 518 and 605. Required for Ph.D., Psy.D.

Theology! Biblical Studies

RPTI 741 GUILT, CONSCI ENCE AND SOCIALIZATION (2-3) Adiscussion of guilt and conscience, includingboth bibl ical and psychological theories on the origins of guilt and conscience and the expressions of these theories in therapy. Prerequisi te: com­ mencement of individual didactic and the RTHE 605 and 606. Elective. RPTI 742 ANGER, AGGRESSION AND HOSTI LITY (2-3) Aconsidera tion of anger and related emotions andbehaviors including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fontas;. Elective. RPTI 744 INTEGRATION AND THERAPY (2-3) The focus of this seminar is on "explicit integration" in psychotherapy. The distinctives of the Christion therapist and his therapeutic conceptualizations and interventions is examined. Elective. RPTI 745 MATURITY: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES (2-3) \\11ious approaches to the concept of maturity are reviewed, including the psychological, biblical and devotional. Amajor focus is placed on the similarities and differences between biblical and psychological maturity as seen by such integration theorists as Carter, Clines, Grounds and Oakland. Elective. RPTI 746 SELECTED TOPICS AND ISSUES IN INTEGRATION (2-3) Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation wi thfocus on some contemporary integration issue, controversy or special research interest. Elective. RPTI 748 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY (2-3) A study of the potential impact of the church 01 a social system upon the growth and maturity of its members. Prerequi­ si tes: RTHE 606 and permission of instuctar. Elective. RPTI 749 VALUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2-3) A consideration of the role of values in the psychotherapy process. Includes discussion of the presence and impact af the implicit and explicit values of bath therapist and client. Elective. RPTI 750 PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN NATURE (2-3) Acritical examination of various theological and psychological ant~rapalagies. Each student isexpected ta conduct an in-depth review of one theoretical perspective. Elective. RPTI 760 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Individual study, directed reading or special problems in inte­ gration. Such study must be donewith the approval and supervi­ sion of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected ta submit adetailed course proposal and abibliography an alearning contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. lntercultural Studies Students con apply up ta six (6) units af the following courses toward the psychology graduation requirement. Course descrip­ tions are given under the Schaal of lntercultural Studies section af the catalog. ICS 502 Social Organization (3) HTM 550 Christianity andCulture (3) ICS 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) STM 561 Topics in Applied Cultural Anthropology (3) STM 562 Culture Change (3) ICS 622 lntercultural Communication (3) ICS 706 Idealogical Conflict (3) STM 761 Sex Roles in Other Societies (3)

This series of courses provides students with essential biblical and theological understanding prerequisite to effective integration of the disciplines of psychology and theology. (17 units required. ) RTHE 517 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDI ES I HERMENEUTICS (2) Astudy of hermeneuticol principles for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and specialized principles for parables, types, prophecies and poetry Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RTHE 518 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICALSTUDIESII MATTHEW AND ROMANS (4) An exposition of these tv.u books, their backgrounds, themes, lines of thought through verses, chapters and sections, doctrinal significance, solutions to areas of difficulty and relevant practical application. Prerequisite: RTHE 517. Required for PsyD. , Ph .D. RTHE 605 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICALSTUDIESIll THEOLOGY PROPER AND ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systematic theology including its nature and method. The study of bibliology including revelation, inspiration, cononicity and authority of the Scriptures. The doctrine of God. Prerequisite: RTHE 518. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RTHE 606 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICALSTUDIESIV RECONCILIATION ANDTHE CHURCH(4) The study of salvation, its provision in the person and 1v□ rk of Christ and its application to man. The church, including its inception, nature and organization. The doctrine of future things. Prerequisite: RTHE 605. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RTHE 625 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICALSTUDIESV: CHRISTIAN ETH ICS (3) Astudy of Christian ethics in relation to divorce, abortion, homosexuality, euthanosis, situation ethics, environmental ecology and human control of human beings. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D. RTHE 730 INDEPENDENTSTUDY (1-3) Individual 1v□ rk, directed reading or special problems in theol ­ ogy Such studymust be done with the approval and supervision of afaculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography on a learning contract formavailable from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective.

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