

Biota University Board of Reference

Biota University Board of Trustees

L Richard J. Mohline, D. Dean of Administration, Rosemead School af Psychology Allen Carden, Ph.D. Asssaciate Dean, Schaal af Arts and Sciences and Undergraduate Studies Dennis Dirks, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Talbot Schaal of Theology Wayne Chute, Th.M. Dean, University Admissions and Records Jone Hideko Higo, M.S. Dean, Student Affairs Sharon Royster, M.Ed. Associate Dean, Resident °Life David Young, MA, M.Div. Dean, Student Serv11es Reinhard J. Buss, Ph.D. Direaar, Bia/a Abroad Tomaro Pankey, M.A. Director, Career Development and Graduate Placement Thom Flavin Director, Campus Safety Edward Gollogher, B.A., CDP. Director, Information Systems Lawrence Marshburn, M.LS. Direaor, library Ron Hofer, M.A. Student Chap/a,n David Hammond, Ed.D. Director, Media Center Gory Lindblad, M.A. Director, Student Ministries Lupe Mendez, M.A. Director, Student Financial Services and Student Employment Amy Miller, Ph.D. Difector, Counseling Services George Moore, Th.M. Director, Student Ethnic and International Relations Poul Poelstro, Ph.D. Direaor, Summer Session and lnterterm Gordon Raycroft, M.A. Director, Student Development Programs Brend □ Sing, M.S. Director, learning Skills Center Gregory Vaughan, M.A, Director, Admissions Gory Whisenand, Th.M. Director, Records Gordon Wiens, M.Div. Direaor, Auxd,ory Services Patrick Winniger, M.A. Director, Housing Janet Woods, B.S. Coordinator, Academic Advrs,ng

Ted DeMoss President, Christion Business Men's Commitee Ted Engstrom President, World Vision U.S. Richard Holverson Chop/oin, United States Senate E.V. Hill Pastor, Mt. lion Missionary Baptist Church Dick Hillis founder, Overseas Crusades Gordon MacDonald President, lnter',/irsity Clrristlim Fellowship Josh McDowell Speaker, Evunge/isf, Campus Crusade for Ch11st Roy Ortlund Conference speaker, Director, Renewal Ministries Luis Polou President, Luis Polou Evungelistic Association Al Sonders President, Ambassador Advertising Agency Charles Swindoll Pastor, First Evunge/ico/ Free Church, Fullerton, California Carol Talbot Writer, speaker, missionary (retired) Elaine Townsend Wife of founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators Rolph Winter founder and General Direaor, US Center for World Missions, Pasadena, California University Administration

Edgar R. Lehman Chairman Robert E. Welch Vice Chairman Roger Arnebergh· Foster WBens Clyde Cook Dwight Hanger

Clifton A. Honno David Hornberger Keith Knopf Charles Kohlenberger Daryl Kroft Irene Li Carol Lindskog Sylvester LMarshburn· David W Miller David Nissen George Peek Bob Ricker Samuel H. Sutherland Wolter Warkentin

·Honorary Members

Clyde Cook, D.Miss. President Robert B. Fischer, Ph.D.

Provust and Senior Vi1e President

Robert f. Crowford, Ph.D. Vice President, Planmng and lnforma/lon Systems J. Vincent Morris, Ed.D. Vice President, University Student Affairs Kenneth R. Cosey, B.A. , C.P.A Vice President Business Affairs Richard J. Dunham, Th.M. Vice President, Advuncerner1t Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. Deon, School of Arts 011d Soences and Undergraduate Studies Wendell G. Johnston, lh.D. Dean, Talbot School af Theology S. Bruce Norromore, Ph.D. Dean, Rosemead School of Psychology Marvin K. Moyers, Ph.D. Dean, Schaal af lntercultural Studies

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