

Department of Communication

490 SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT (l) An introduction to research types and procedures in Christian education that culminates in a research project of interest to the student. Prerequisi te: Senior level CE. major; suggested for the final semester. Electives 192 BIBLE TEACHING RESOURCES (2) Geography of Bible lands as well as mannersand customs of Bible times to enrich Bible teaching. Ottered spring semester. 319 MEDIA IN MINISTRY (2) Skill development in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry for all age levels and in a wide 111riety of teaching settings. Ottered foll semester. 412 MISSIONS EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administra tion of a program within the church's educa­ tional program through which missions is taught to all agelevels. Ottered spring semester, alternate years. 416 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential elements in curriculum formation including intensive study of 1111ied existing curricula, contemporary trends in curriculum production and curriculum writing experience. Ottered spring se­ mester. Prerequisite: one of the CE. age level courses: 372, 373 or 374. 417 PRACTICEBIBLE TEACHING (2) Skill development in Bible teaching, with part icu lar emphasis upon lesson preparation and e111luatian of lessons practice taught in doss. Ottered foll semester. Prerequisite: C.E. 252. 422 SINGLESMINISTRIES IN THE CHURCH (2) Issues and needs of never-ma rried and formerly married persons, including iden tity crisis, role definition, self-acceptance and the development of intimacy. Resources, programs and skills for ministering to these needs ore emphasized Ottered spring semester, alternate years. 423 COUNSELING THEORIES AND ISSUES FOR THE CHRISTIAN WORKER (2) Introductory investigation of selected counseling theories em­ ployed by stott membersof church ond porachurch agencies. The examination of each theory will include: historical background, basic concepts, process, mechanisms, case examples, e111luotion and application to specific counseling issues. Ottered foll semester. 424 TECHNIQUES Of COUNSELING FOR USE IN THE CHURCH (2) Distinctives of the counselor in achurch or parochurch agency, their qualifications and necessary counseling techniques. Special emphasis will be placed upon the student's development through experiential practice of "people-helping skills" from a Christion perspective. Ottered spring semester. Prerequisite: CE. 423. 428 FAMILY MINISTRIESIN THE CHURCH (2) Biblical conceptsof the family; survey of the needs of whole and fragmented families in the church; resources and techniques 0111ilable far churches and parachurch agencies to meet these needs. Ottered spring semester. 4 70 DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT (2) Exploration of the biblical teaching about the disciple-making ministry; personal requirements, objectives, essential components and applications to the local church and parochurch agencies. Emphasis wi ll be on developing apersonalized follow-up program that leads a new believer to be able to train another to do the same. Ottered both semesters. Prerequisite: C.E. 25 l. 480 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (l-3) Development of skill in independent study of topics in the field of Christian education. Ottered both semesters. Prerequisi te: Senior level Christian education majors only ond departmental appro111I. May be repeated.

260 FOUNDATIONS OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS (3) Essentials of theory and experience necessary ta ini tiate, develop and maintain effective interpersonal communication skills. Development and maintenance of trust, fellowship, cohesiveness, effective communication styles, constructive confrontation and conflict resolution ski lls ore opplied to ministry situotions. 261 FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT (3) Introduction to human develapmentol chorocteri stics. Aspects of development will include the physical, intellectual, social, personal, morol , faith ond spiritual covering the whole lifespan as o base for o more holistic Christion education ministry. 372 CHILDHOOD CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) Di scovery and e111luotion of methods and materials appropriate for achieving learningobjectives which meet the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs of children (birth through grode six). Studentsmay choose CE. 373 or 374. Prerequisites: CE. 150, 261. 373 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphasis upon designing oministry to this oge level within the context of the local church and parochurch agencies. Each student will prepare a model ministry to this age level (junior high through college-age) for use in enlistment and troining of llllrkers and parents. Studentsmay choose CE. 372 or 374. Prerequisites: CE. 150, 261. 374 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS (3) Examination of needs, curricula, progroms, methods and audio-visuals used by church and other agencies with adults. Includes llllrship, counseling, recreation and stewardship. Students may choose CE. 372 or 373. Prerequisites: CE. 150, 26 l. 350 FIELD EXPERIENCE I (2) Structured experiences in obser111tion of three age levels, including adults. Also emphasized will be the e111luation of each student's personal skills, gihs ond abilities to aid in placement for subsequent field experiences and future employment in Christian education. For Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: CE. 150, 251, 252, 261. 360 FIELD EXPERIENCE II (2) Structured experiences in teaching the Bible ino fieldsetting wi th o selected age group. lesson preparation, execution and e111luotion will be emphasized. Christion education majors only. Prerequisites: C.E. 350, 260. 382 FOUNDATIONSOf CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY (3) Introduction to philosophy that bears directty upon the Chris­ tion ministry with particular attention to the teaching ond learning process. Each student will be expected to analyze hisawn view of the teaching and learning process to establish the framellllrk for a personal and biblical philosophy of Christian education. Prerequ i­ si tes: CE. 150, 251, 252. 450 FIELD EXPERIENCEIll (2) Structured experiences in enlistment and training for Christian education in afield setting with aselected age group. Assessment of leadership training needs, preparation of training materials, implementation of training programs and e111luotion of training effectiveness will be stressed. for Christian education majorsonly. Prerequisite: CE. 360. 460 FIELD EXPERIENCE IV (2) Structured experiences in the supervision of a limited educa­ tional ministry program in a selected field set ting. The final semester of field experience will util ize all of the knowledge, attitudes and skills in the fulfillment of a viable ministry of Christian education. For Christianeducation majors onl y. Prerequi­ site: CE. 450.

Thomas l. Nash, Ph.D., Chair Faculty Professor: Saunders Associate Professors: Cochran, Lewis, Nash, D. Shanebeck Assistant Professor: Peirce

l Objectives: It is the purpose of the communica­ tion department that when you complete our major you will have: (l) Well developed personal commu­ nication skills and be able to think, write, and speak clearly and effectively; (2) Learning skills which wi l enable you to continue to develop personally and professionallyafter graduation; (3) Entiy level ski lls for employment in your chosen field or else hove suitable preparation for graduate study; (4) At least the beginnings of a workable world view which unifies your life 's work and your Christian faith. Concentrations: Communication Disorders Object ives : The concentration in communication disordersis a pre-professional degree that provides the student with afounda­ tion in normal communication and an understanding of the complexities of communication problems. It is the oim of the deportment to set this knowledge within the frame\\llrk of a Christian perspective and afocus on the individual rather than the disorder. Students completing this concentration should be fully prepared for the graduate \\llrk necessary for the certification or credential s in this area. Concentration : 42 units of which 36 must be upper division and include: 312, 321, 324, 326, 458 and 478. Students ore expected totake communication 100 to fulfill the general educa­ tion requirement, but it does not count toward the concentration requirements. Biology 311 is required as asupportingcourse. The remaining 21 unitsmust be selected with faculty advice from the following courses: 220, 328, 421, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428, 429, 436, 437, 470. Public and Interpersonal Communication Objectives : When you have completed this concentration you should be prepared for employment in fields where excellent interpersonal and group communication skills are especially im­ portant. This concentration is olso excellent preporotion for gradu­ ate training for careers in fields such as the ministry, education, or law. Concentration : 36 units, of which at least 27 must be upper division, and include 385, 386, 458, 475, 478. Of the 21 remaining units, 18 must be selected from the following courses: 170, 181,270,280, 282/283, 284,383,387,388,440,450, 461 , 470, 472, 474, 476, 480. Print Media Objectives : Since the invention of writing and the subsequent inno111tion of the printingpress, man hos used the written media asamajor and permanent means of communication. The need for skill ed writers, editors, and photographers is perhaps greater now than at any other time in history. This is particularly true of the Christian field in which there ore 1111ied and immediateopportuni­ tiesfor llllrk domestically and in other countries. The objective of the print media concentration is ta prepare students for careers in writing and/or production for media such as newspapers, maga­ zines, or books.

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