Elllllll COURSE DESCRIPTIONS bloc cover journalism, writing, speech communication ond droma. Each student is olso required to take cammunicotion education seminar 476 for two units, moking atotal of thirty-three units in this special progrom. Those interested are advised to consult with the departments of English and communicotion.
230 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN JOURNALISM (3, 3) Sections A and B. Fundamentals of journalistic theory and proctice. (See Communication 233, 234 for complete description.) Both sections may be taken. 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE (3) Designed to fulfill the generol education literoture requirement and as aprerequisite for advanced studies in literature. Sections offered every semester in specific areas: English literoture I and II, Americon literoture, World literoture. Prerequisite: l lOA/B. 320 STUDIES IN GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE (3) Introductory language course for education students: history of language, grommatical systems, usagekomposition; teaching ap plicotians. 330 STUDIES IN WRITING (3) Theory and proctice in the various types of writing, aiming at publication. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Creative Writing, Research and Writing, Writing for Publication. 350 STUDIES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (3) Both standard and speciolized offerings in English language studies. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Generol English linguistics, Modern Grommar, Development of Modern English, Ward Formation and Function, Current English Usage, Oialectology/Sociolinguistics/Psycholinguistics. 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE (3) Specific eros and movements in American literoture. One or more sections offered every year in oreas such os: Coloniolism and Puritanism, Revolution and the Young Republic, Romanticism and Tronscendentalism, Realism and Naturolism, Twentieth Century literoture, Contemporory literoture. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 370 STUDIESIN ENGLISH LITERATURE (3) Specific eros and movements in English literoture. Sections offered every year in areas such as: The Middle Ages, Elizobethan and Jacobean literoture, Metaphysicol and Baroque literoture, Restorotion literoture, The Augustan Age, The Age of Johnson, Romantic literoture, Victorian literoture, Twentieth Century litero ture, Contemporory Literoture. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 380 STUDIES IN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE (3) Astudy of children's literoture, kindergarten through eighth grode. This courseis not applicable toword an English or human itiesmojor. 420 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE (3) Comparative studies of a specific culturol li teroture. Sections offered in areos such os: African, Sponish, Russian, Jewish, German literoture. 430 SPECIAL STUDIESIN LITERATURE (3) Studies in generol areas of literory interest such as allegory, science fiction ond folklore or in such specific literory topics as the city, apocalypse, the hero, the Foll. 440 STUDIESIN MAJOR AUTHORS(3) An in-depth study of the works of one or more significant authors with attention to the chronological development of the author'sstyle, his main themesand hisrelationship to the literory tradition. Sectionsoffered include suchauthors os: Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Blake and Coleridge, Faulkner and Hemingwoy. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 450 STUDIESIN LITERARYCRITICISM (3) Studies in the history of criticism, contemporory literory theory and application of the principles of literary analysis.
470 SEMINAR (l) Reading, research and discussion in areas determined by student need and interest. Three units required for English majors, junior or senior stonding required. Not restricted to English majors. Only one unit in one semester but may be repeated for a moximum of four units toward groduation. Prerequisite: 250 or consent. 490 ENGLISH PRACTICUM (l-3) Proctical experience in English teaching and/or research on the college level. limited enrollment. Prerequisite: permission of the English Professionol Standards Committee required. Literature literature forms one possible area of concentration for the humanities major (page 36). This concentration consists of 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division; the six lower division units must be taken in English 250, Introductory Studies in literoture: English literoture. Humanities mojors choosing the literoture concentration are advised through the department of English. Following is a list of the literoture courses offered in the departments of English and foreign languages. English 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LITERATURE English 360 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE English 370 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE English 420 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Engl ish 430 SPECIAL STUDIES IN LITERATURE English 440 STUDIES IN MAJOR AUTHORS English 450 STUDIESIN LITERARY CRITICISM English 460 STUDIES IN LITERARY GENRE English 470 SEMINAR French 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE German 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE ANO LITERATURE Greek 411 , 41 2 READINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK Sponish 401, 402 SURVEY OF SPANISHAMERICAN LITERATURE Spanish 403, 404 SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE Sponish 407 THE SPANISH AMERICAN NOVEL Spanish 411 LITERATURE DEL SIGLO XIX Spanish 412 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE
Deportment Minar: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division. The student selects units from three or more of the courses listed obove under the deportment major. Humanities Major: English or Literature Concentration: The department of English offers two possible areos of sub ject concentration for the humanities mojor (page 36). This concentration may consist of either English ar literoture. It is basically aminor in English, but more flexibility is possible through department advisement.
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, acourse may be repeated with different content (section title).
90 BASIC ENGLISH WORKSHOP (3) Workshop in English fundamentals emphasizing grommar, punctuation, spelling and paragroph writing. Students scoring less than 400 an the verbal section of the SAT must take and pass Basic English Workshop within the first year of residence (before English 110). If a student wishes to challenge his SATscore he may toke a diagnosti c test administered by the English depart ment. If he foils this test, he must take Basic English Workshop; three semester hours with no unit credit toward groduation. 103 ENGLISH FOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER PARAGRAPH DEVEL OPMENT ANO GRAMMAR REVIEW (3) Intensive grommar review, note-toking skills ond paragroph development. Emphasis on pre-writing, outlining, unity, summariz ing, and mechanics of composition. This course will be required of all students whose native language is other than English and whose English diagnostic test demonstratesneed of these skills. Must be taken during the first semester of residence. Only six units of English for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied toward groduation. 105 ENGLISHFOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER: CONVERSATION ANO PRONUNCIATION (3) Emphasis on listening skills, pronunciation, intonation, and conversational strategies. Weekly interviews and field work will be required. This course will be required of all students whose native language is other than English ond whose English diagnostic test demonstrates need of these skills. Prerequisite: departmental placement. Only six units of English for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied toward groduation. l 07 ENGLISH FOR THE NON-NATIVE SPEAKER: ESSAY ANO ACADEM IC WRITING (3) Studies in essay organization and development and research skills. Individualized work in grommar and mech □ Pics. This course will be required of all students whose native language is other than English and whose English diagnostic test demonstrotes need of these skills. Prerequisite ENG l 03 or departmental placement. Students must successfully complete 107 before they will be permitted to enroll in 11 OA ond 11 OB, which are required of all students. English l lOA must be taken in the semester immedi ately following successful completion of 107. Only six units of English for the Non-Native Speaker may be applied toward groduation. 110 STUDIES IN CRITICISM AND COMPOSITION (3, 3) Sections Aand B. Reading, discussion of ideas and methods of writing, stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation; experience in writing essays and the research paper. Both sections required. Section Aprerequisite to section B. 210 WRITING FOR COMPETENCY (3) Intensive proctice in writing at the college level. Designed for the student with unsatisfoctory scores on the Writing Competency Exam. Agrode of C + or better will fulfill competency require ments. Prerequisite: ENG 110 A&B.
460 STUDIES OF LITERARY GENRE (3) Studiesin specific literory genres such as poetry, droma, novel.
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