100 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Elementary concepts of computers ond doto processing. Simple problem solving techniques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, business and social science. BASIC pro gromming. Cannot be counted toward the moior. Fee: $15. 101 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE I (3) lntJoduction to computer hardware and sohwore. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. PASCAL programming. Fee: $15. 102 APPLICATIONS PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT (3) Elementary concepts of doto structures, file organization and processing. Computer problem solving methods. PASCAL progrom ming. Prerequisite: 101. fee: $15. . 201 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DATA ORGANIZATION (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle. Techniques ond tools of system documentation and logical system specifications. Concepts ond techniques of structuring doto on bulk storage devices. file processing techniques. COBOL progromming. Prerequisite: l02. fee: $15. 202 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING (3) Basic concepts of computer systems ond computer architec ture. Assembly language progromming. Macros, progrom segmen tation and linkages. Prerequisite: l 02. 230 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Organization and structure of progromming languages. Run time behavior and requirements of programs. Introduction to progromming language specificotions and analysis Study of 1111- ious alternative languages. Prerequisite: 202. Fee: $15. 300 DATA STRUCTURES (3) linear lists, strings, orroys and orthogonal lists; grophs, trees, binary trees, multilinked structures, searching and sorting tech niques, dynamic storoge allocation; opplicotions Prerequisite: 201 or 202. fee: $15. 302 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (3) Organization ond structuring of the moior hordwore compo nents of computers. Mechanics of information tronsfer ond control within o digital computer system.· fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. fee: $15.
310 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING (3) Design and implementation of operoting systems, loaders, language tronslotors, and utilities. Progromming techniques. Ap plicotions to business, scientific, engineering, and real-time prob lems. Prerequisites: 202 ond 302 or consent. Fee: $15. 325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organiza tions, linear progromming, queueing and inventory models, net work analysis ond dynamic programming and production schedul ing and contJol. Prerequisites: 100 or 101, Moth 210 or BUS 190, Moth 103 or BUS 223 or consent. Fee: $10. 326 SYSTEMS SIMULATION (3) Development ond analysis of systems models through com puter simulation, optimization in continuous models, lineor pro gramming queuing and inventory models. Prerequisite: 325 or Moth 333. Fee: $15. 400 THEORY Of ALGORITHMS (3) Analytic techniques for the determination of algorithmic effi ciency, NP-complete problems, complexity hierorchies, proveobly introctoble problems. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $15. 402 DATABASE MANAGEMENT (3) lntegroted database systems, logical organization, doto de scription language (DDL), doto manipulation longuoge (DML), of hierorchicol netv.urks and relational databases, overview of select ed database management systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $15. 425 APPLIED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (3) Integration of knowledge and abilities gained through other courses in the curriculum within o comprehensive system for development proiect. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $15.00. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR (l -3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior stand ing or consent.
Computer Science Computer science is the discipline which studies the represen tation, storoge ond tronsformotion of information utilizing o computer. The deportment of computer science ot Biolo University providestv.u primary oreos of concentrotion in addition to obasic core curriculum. These tv.u oreos ore information systems ond scientific opplicotions. Thedeportment olso offers o selection of courses for those m □ ioring in other fields who wish o minor emphasis in the oreo of computer science. The resources 0111iloble to the deportment include o Digital Equipment Corporotion VAY, 11 /780 and twenty Apple lie microcomputers. Obiectives: The deportment endeo111rs to provide each stu dent with on understanding of the organization and operation of modern computer systems. The curriculum emphasizes sohwore design and development and is designed to prepare students for careers that include systems analysis, computer progromming ond operations and 111rious computer-oriented business occupations and to enable those who wish further study to pursue groduote work in computer science or in closely related fields. Such fields include business odministJotion and applied mathematics. There is o concerted attempt by the deportment to integrate foith and learning in the study of modern computer systems and their impact upon our society. Department Major: All majors ore required to toke ocore curriculum of l01, l02 ond 300. Each student must also fulfill the requirements of one of the following concentrations: Information Systems (52 total units): 201, 325, 402 and 425. One of 202, 302 or 400. Business 202, 211,212,330, 370 ond 415. Moth 103, 112 and 210. Scientific Applications (50 total units): 202,302,310,400 ond 480. One of 201, 326 or 402. Moth l05, 106, 112, 291 ood 333. Two of 315, 321, 331, 332 or 430. The generol educotion requirement for mothemotics and sci ence is three units of science for o computer science moior. The general education requirement for oforeign longuoge for those following o computer science moior may be met by tv.u years of high school longuoge or the first four units of ocollege longuoge. Deportment Minor: 21 units. Students pursuing ominor ore required to toke ocore curriculum of l01, l02 and one of 201 or 202. The remaining requirements ore fulfilled according to interest in consultation with deportment odvisor. At least tv.u courses must be ot the 300 or 400 level.
In the same way that Bio/a business students learn not to apologize for their skills,
-they learn the importance of not apologizingfor their beliefs.
"A nfter I left Biola and began to pursue a career in public accounting, I was real nervous about how I would rate with graduates from schools like USC, Berkeley and UCLA," remem bered Mark Thomas, a 1983 graduate of Biola's Department of Business and Economics. "When other Biola students and I took the CPA exam, I found that we passed quicker and our scores, on the average, were higher than those of graduates from the big name universities." Now a senior accountant with the Big Eight firm of Peat Matwick Mitchell and Co. , Mark pursued a business education at Biola Un iversity because, he says , Biola offered the best opportu-
nity to integrate biblical and business principles. ''I'd seen, through the business department at Biola, men and women who had made it-had shown that it was possible to have an impact for Jesus Christ on the business world. Iwanted to have that kind of impact." According to Mark, Biola students have a positive reputation among the decision-makers of his firm: "Peat Marwick recently decided to visit the Biola campus each semester, interviewing accounting seniors for job openings ," he said. "They' re finding that Biola grads have more to them than just head knowledge."
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