334 PH ILOSOPHY Of MUSIC EDUCATION (3) An investigation of philosoph ies of music educotion and the resulting aesthetic implicotions for teaching music in all grodes. (Music majors. ) · 340 SPECIAL STUDIESINMUSIC THEORY/COMPOSITION (2-3) One or more courses offered periodicolly in such areas as Orchestrotion, Chorol Arronging, Basic Techniques for Arrongers, ElectronicMusic. Anolyticol techniques. Prerequisite: 312 or con sent of instructor. 350 A, BADVANCED KEYBOARD SKI LLS(1 + I) This course is designed to teach church service ploying skills at an advonced level to pianists and organists. Areas of work include: harmonization, tronsposition, modulation, improvisa tion, hymn playing, accompanying (solo and charol ) and repertoire. Required of all students using argon os a principal periorming · medium. 350A - Open to pianists and organists. Moy be repeated for credit. 350B - Open to organists only. Will prepare the student to take the colleague examination administered each June by the Americon Guild of Organists. 360 A, BPIANO ACCOMPANYING (2) Study and perlormance of piano accompaniment for vocol and instrumental literoture; discussion of styles and periormance proctices; experience in public periormance.
215 MUSIC THEORY AURAL EMPHASIS (I) Sight-singing of melodies that ore ch romoticond/or modulote. Ability to dictate four-port diatonic harmonic phroses containing simple triods in oll inversions. Prerequisite: 112. 216 MUSIC THEORY AURAL EMPHASIS (I) Sight-singing of melodies that ore chromotic ond/or modulote. four-port dictotion of passoges thot modulate ond/or conta in seventh chords. Prerequisite: 215. 250 A, BKEYBOARD PROFICIENCY (I,I) literoture, technique, scoles, hormonizotion, sight reoding ond transposition. Designed to prepare the student for the piono proficiency examinotion. Closs instruction.
460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION (For Music Majors) Beyond degree requirements, any music degree objective. (1-3) Same areas of instruction as under 121 and 131 above: 470 SEN IOR RECITAi/FiNAL PROJECT (0) Preparation forsenior level music educotion major (30-minute reci tal). 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Independent study in areas such as history, literoture, pedagogy, church music. Each student assigned to a foculty member for guidance and evoluation. Prerequisites: junioror senior standing and consent of instructor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL, 60 minutes (2) Preparotion for senior level applied major (60-minute recital ). Credit/no credit course. Ensembles 001 BIOLA CHORALE (I) Periormance of standard chorol literature representing a vori ety of styles and periods. Membership by audi tion (60-70 mem bers). 002 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE (I) Encompasses a wide voriety of chamber groupings and cham ber music li terature. The fo llowing ensemble combinations ore commonly organized under this heading: brass quintet, woodwind quintet, flute ensemble, string quartet, percussion ensemble, piano chamber ensembles. Open to keyboard and other instru mental students by audition. 003 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (I) Periormance of standard chamber music literatureencompass ing owide vo riety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. 004 UNIVERSITY SINGERS (I) Periormance of trad itional and contemporary Gospel music. Primary periormonce in worship chapels. Membership by audition. 006 LA MIRADA SYMPHONY (I) Open by audition to string, woodwind, brass and percussion periormers. Periormance of standard orchestral literature. 007 STAGE BAND WORKSHOP (I) To provide music educotion majors and other interested stu dents experience injazz techniques and literoture. Alarge volume and awide voriety of literature is played, discussed and evoluated as to its prospective use at the vorious levels of secondary and collegiateeducot ion. At least one public periormance per semester is scheduled. Membership by audition. 008 SYMPHONIC BAND (I) To provide experience in ensemble techniques and perior mance of band literature. for band instrument majors andother copable students. Membership byaudition. 009 HANDBELL CHOIR (I) Periormance of a wide spectrum of handbell literoture as a separate ensemble and in a conjunction with other instrumental and vocol ensembles. Membership by audition.
251, 252 SONG LITERATURE-DICTION (1,1 ) See description under 151, 152 above.
260 A, BKEYBOARD SIGHT READING (I,I) Anolysis of sight reoding skills ond procedures. Emphasis on development of obility to read with musicol understonding ond adequate fluency at first sight. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. 270 A, BKEYBOARD PROFICIENCY FOR THE KEYBOARD MAJOR (1,1 ) Hormonizotion, tronsposition, improvisation skills. Designed to prepare the keyboord mojor for the keyboard proficiency examino tion. Course is one semester hour with no unit credit toward groduation. 300 CONCERT MUSIC (0) Attendance ot specified number ond types of concerts eoch semester. Three semesters required for groduation. Pass/foil, no tuition. 306 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: LATE ROMAN TICTHROUGH 20th CENTURY (2) Ahistoricoland criticolsurvey of the period including importont contributions in music literoture, theory ond perlormance proctice. Special ottention will be given to the onolysis of selected vocol and instrumentol works. 3IO ELEMENTARY MUSIC WORKSHOP (2) Instruction in moteriols for teoching music in the elementory school. (Non-music majors - by permission .) 31 1MUSIC THEORY: WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Counterpoint. Emphasis on eighteenth century two- ond three voice techniques. Analysis of representative literoture ond writing of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 212. 312 MUSIC THEORYWRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Twentieth century compositionol techniques ond onalysis of Impressionism to recent developments. Prerequisite: 311. 315 MUSIC THEORY AURALEMPHASIS (I) Sight-singing of melodies containing leaps and thot ore chro matic and/or modulate. Dictation of harmonic passages thot ore chromat ic and/or contoin 9th ond 13th chords. Prerequisite: 216. 320 MUSIC EDUCATION (I) A. Bross; B. Percussion; C. Strings; D. Woodwinds; E. Music Droma; F. Fretted Instruments. Workshops in preparotion for teaching instrumental music andmusicdroma in elementary and secondary schools. 323 BASIC CONDUCTING (3) Bosic conducting skills; the psychology of conducting; observo tion of charol and orchestrol rehearsals. 324 ADVANCED STUDIES IN CONDUCTING (2) Oneormore sections offered periadicolly in the areas of chorol and instrumental conducting. Continuation of the objectives of Music 323 related specificolly to the technicol and interpretative ski lls of either chorol or instrumental conducting. Prerequisite: 323.
370 JUNIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preparotion for junior level applied major 30-minute recital.
380 PERFORMANCE SEMINAR (I) Group periormance, discussion of periormonce proctice and perlormance evoluotion. May be repeated for up to four units credit. Possible secti ons in voice, piano, argonand vo rious band and orchestrol instruments. 390 OPERA WORKSHOP (1-2) The study and periormance of chamber operos, one-act operos, scenes from major operos and selected Broadway musi cols. Open to all students by audition. 410 MUSIC CULTURES Of THE WORLD (3) An introductory study of the interrelationships between 'music and culture through the examination of the music of vorying cultures. Basic elements of music as they ore found in world cultures will be studied withspecific applicotion to the workof the church. 420 SPECIALSTUDIES IN MUSIC LITERATURE (2) An in-depth study of music literoture as it relates to specific instruments, ensembles, periods of history, geographicol lacotions, individual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as piano li teroture, chorol literoture, organ literoture, instrumental literoture (strings, wood winds, brosses, percussion instruments), Americon music, the symphony, the string quar tet, the concerto, the sonata. 430 PEDAGOGY (2) for the privote teacher. Procticol procedures in troining a student in generol musicianship, memorization, proper proctice habits, sight-reading and other areas peculiar to specific instru ments. Survey of groded literoture andmethods. Sections will be offered in areas such os: piano, organ, voice, bandand orchestrol instruments. 440 CHURCH MUSIC (2) The biblicol foundation for church music; its historicol develop ment; current trends; the development of a church music progrom. 450 MUSIC PRACTICUM (1-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field. Open to junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music foculty.
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