
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Department ofNursing

their environment. These three systems (intra­ personal, interpersonal and community) are also constantly interacting with internal and external stressors which may affect the integrity of the sys­ tems. It is our view that the purpose of nursing is to support and promote adoptive processes that facili­ tate the system's ability to achieve and maintain adoptive equilibrium. This is accomplished through use of the nursing process which is ongoing and involves assessing, diagnosing, planning, imple­ menting, and evaluating. The essence of this process is caring. Nursing is a dynamic profession based on a growing body of scientific knowledge Behavioral, biological, and physical sciences have been funda­ mental to the development of nursing'sown unique body of knowledge. Nursing is both art and science; its uniqueness does not reside in any specific com­ ponent of theory or action, but can be found only in the whole. As one of the major health care professions, we believe nursing is accountable to society for provision of quality health care services. Nursing endeavors to meet this responsibility through: (1) independent practice; (2) collaborative activities with clients and other health care professionals; and (3) involvement in research to improve clinical practice and further the development of nursing science. In a rapidly changing world, adequate and equi­ table delivery of health care is acritical problem. We believe that equal access to health care services is the right of every individual in society. Through its unique contribution, nursing can and must be an effective social force in promoting the quality and availability of health care services. To effect positive changes nurses must be involved in all aspects of the health care delivery system, including the legislative process, manpower planning, and community organi­ zations. We believe initial preparation of the professional nurse to meet these needs of society is best accom­ plished through the learning acquired in baccalaure­ ate education. As educators it is our responsib il ity to provide an environment which facilitates this learning and prepares the graduate for advanced professional education. It is our belief that the goal of learning is behavioral change in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Learning is apurposeful, dy­ namic process and involves a change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and/or bel iefs. It occurs more efficiently, is more pervasive, and moreendur­ ing when the learner actively participates in all phases of the learning process. Previous experience provides the foundation for current learning. Learning is facilitated when experiences move from the famil iar to the unfamiliar and from simple to complex. Learning which involves discovery of organizing prin­ ciples rather than specific content facilitates the transfer of learning to novel situations.

We believe critical and creative thinking are essential for the professional nurse. Development of these ski lls is fostered in a learning environment that: (1) provides opportunity for involvement in problem-solving and decision-making early in the learning process; (2) creates tension as astimulusto inqui ry and discovery; (3) provides exposure to a variety of problems in a variety of sett ings; (4) encourages maturation of the ability to ut ili ze inter­ nal and external evaluative feedback; and (5) pro­ motes increasing self-direct ion and independence. The teacher as arole model enhances the learn­ ing process by demonstrating the ski ll of inquiry and discovery. Acting as afacilitator and resource person, the teacher guides the learner through the educa­ tional experience. We believe that the educational process is part of the continuing development of the learner's potentialities for cont inued growth as a person, ci tizen, and professional nurse. Statement of Purpose: 1. Ta provide aliberal and professional education in aChristian setting as a foundation for practice, advanced education, and productive living. 2. To develop graduates who are sensitive to the total needs of their fellowmen and who recog­ nize and respect the value of each individual as uniquely created in God's image. 3. To provide abroad theory base as a foundat ion for dynamic nursing practice required to meet current and future health care needs of society. 4. To foster intellectual inquiry and competency in critical and creative thinking es sential for con­ tinued growth as a person, citizen, and profes­ sional. 5. To prepare the graduate for independent prac­ tice, for collaborative activities, and for involve­ ment in research required to fulfill the responsi­ bi lities of the professional nurse. Objectives: Upon completion of the nursing curriculum, the graduate is expected to: l . Base nursing practice on aphilosophical founda­ tion consistent with what Biol □ University and the department of nursing believe about the nature of man. 2. Integrate knowledge of behavioral, biological and physical sciences in nursing practice and in understanding the development of nursing sci­ ence. 3. Base nursing practice on aformulati on of theo­ retical knowledge incorporating communica­ tion/co llaboration, teaching/learning, problem­ solving/decision-making and leadership/man­ agement principles. 4. Utilize rese·arch techniques to collect relevant data systematically from all pertinent inter­ actional systems, the environment and the knowledge base to facilitate effective use of the nursing process and contribute to the existing body of nursing knowledge.

Rebekah Fleeger, M.N., Chair Faculty Associate Professors: Fleeger, Guilbert, Kilander, Westcott Assistant Professors: Gewe (Associate Chair), Caltabiano, Lee, Lilja, Mclaughlin, Speers Instructors: Bright, Moses, Murphy, Taylor. Biol □ University offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in nursing which is accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing and the Na­ tional League for Nursing. The program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in professional nursing. The generic student may select afour or five year option. The nursing department should be consulted for these options. Graduates of licensed vocational, diploma and associate degree nursing programs may be admitted as transfer students and evaluated individually Policies are available from the nursing department. Clinical nursing experiences are provided with the cooperation of hospitals and agencies throughout both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. In compli­ ance with State Board regulations, the candidate will be eligible to take the examination required by the Board of Registered Nursing for licensure as a regis­ tered nurse. Upon graduation, application can be made for certification as apublic health nurse. Both acceptance to and continuation in the nursing major will be determined by the student's preparation, performance and personal qualities, as assessed by the faculty of the department of nursing. Philosophy: The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is in agreement with that of the university. As such, we believe nursing is concerned with the individual's total being. Each individual is asynergis­ tic being, an integrated whole, uniquely created in God's image with inherent dignity and worth. The entry of sin into the world has placed oconstraint on the individual's wholeness which can only be remedied by the power and love of God through faith in Jesus Christ. God has created each individual as a dynamic being endowed with a capacity for growth and with the right to make decisions which influence this wholeness. Each individual, created as a social being, re­ quires social interaction to achieve and maintain wholeness. The family within the context of its culture is the fundamental unit through which the socialization process is advanced. We believe the focus of nursing activity is the three human interactional systems and the dynamic interaction between them within the context of

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