
APPLICATION - Director of Admissions Biola University 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California 90639


for Undergraduate Admission

The applicant should be a high school graduate and born-again Christian fo r at least one year. The appl ica tion will be conside red only ofter all of the

NOTE: All potentialgraduate studentsmust apply withthe graduateappli cationavai lable inthe admis­

sionoffice. necessary forms have been received by the admisTo be filled out by the applicant and mailed sions offi ce. to the director of admissions. This must be Bio la Univers ity has strong evangelical Christian accompanied by a $25 non-refundable fee . commitment and requi res that in ordertobe considReturning students must file application for ered for acceptance, the student be an evangelical readmission accompanied by a $5 non­ bel iever. However, it is and shall be the policy and refundable fee, (form available at admissions practi ce of Bio la Univers ity, in the admission of office). Applications for spring semester filed students, the hi ring of employees or the operat ionof after January first or for fall semester filed anyof its programsand activities, not to discriminate after August first must submit a $35 non­ on the basis of the appli cant's race, color, sex, refundable fee rather than $25 .

Attach a recent photograph of yourself here.

handicap or nat ional orig in. We welcome all appl i­ cantswhoore personallycommitted to fa ith inChrist.

INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION Socia l Secu rity number _ _ ____ ___ Nome in fu ll _________________________ _______Mole_ Female _ LAST FIRST MI DDLE Home address--------- -------------------- STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE Temporary address (If not at home for on extended time) ___________________________ STREET AND NUMBER CITY STATE ZIPCODE PHONE What is the lost dote moil wi ll reach you at temporary address? _______________________ ______ Planning to enter Fall 19_ Spring 19_ Acceptance into the foll orspring semester is automatic acceptance intothe precedingsummer session or interterm. Students interestedinatten dingon ly these specia l sessions must complete the summer session/interterm applica tion . Age _ Da te of birth_______ ___ Place of bir th------------- -------- MO. DAY YEAR Hove you ever previously applied to Biolo? __ Attended Biolo?__ If so, whichsemester?___________ _____ _ U.S. citizen □ Ye s □ N o If no, cit izen of ___ U.S. Immigration Status----- --~~------- Do you consider the Engl ish language your nat ive tongue? D Yes D No Race: D l. Asian or Pacific Islander D 2. Block D 3. Ame ri can Indian D 4. Hi spanic □ 5. White D 6. Non-resident alien D 7. Resident AlienCord # _______________ Marital status (check): Si ngle_ Married_ Number and ages of chi ldren______________________ Dote of marriage ___ _ Separa ted or divorced (ind icate dote) __________ ____________ _

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