

TRANSFER OF CREDIT Transfer credit for acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be allowed for courses which are parallel to those required in the curriculum. Applications received by May l wi ll be provided with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Trans fer credit for late applications will be accomplished during the fall semester. Graduate courses with grades of Cor above at accredited institutions or those validated with grades of Bor above from approved unaccredited schools are considered as acceptable on atransfer basis. For validation procedure for unaccredited work, con tact the admissions and records office. TALBOT VALLEY CAMPUS The seminary began offering Master of Divinity classes at the Talbot Valley Campus in the fall of 1977 to serve San Fernando Valley residents . The Valley Campus is part of Talbot School of Theology and all records and administrative functions are centralized at the La Mirada campus. All courses taught are applicable toward the degree programs of the seminary, wi th the curriculum focusing on courses required in the M.Div. program. Ta provide greater breadth in acommunity al learning for Talbot Valley students, it is required for graduation that aminimum of 20 units for the M.Div. degree and 24 units for M.A degrees be taken at the LaMirada campus. Excellent facilities for classrooms and offices are provided by the Groce Community Church al the Volley, located in Sun Valley, while considerable effort and expense are being under taken by the seminary and the church in a joint ven ture to build a quality library. The center has its own resident faculty as well as shared faculty who commute from the La Mirada campus. The same high quality instruction and academic standards are maintained as are enjoyed in La Mirada. For admission to this program, the applicant must follow normal application procedures with the university office of admissions and records in La Mirada, adding to the application the notation that studies are desired ot the Talbot Volley Campus. LOS ANGELES EXTENSION CENTER Talbot offers at least 2 courses each semester in the Los Angeles area as a service to studentsinvolved in inner city ministries. This allows students to maintain a high level of commitment to and involvement in their current min istries, while equipping themselves further. Courses are offered Monday and Thursday evenings and apply primarily toward the M.A. in Ministry degree, as well as other degree programs. The LosAngeles ExtensionCenter uses the facilities at 7225 South Main Street, Los Angeles. Aminimum of 24 units toward the M.A. degree must be taken on the La Mirada Campus. Far more details, please contact the Office of Admissions and Records, Biol □ University. HISPANIC EXTENSION CENTER The needs of Southern California's rapidly growing Hispanic community for theological education are provided for in Talbot's Hi spanic Extension program. To aid the student for whom English is a recent second language, courses are taught in Spanish These courses apply primarily toward the Master of Arts in Ministry degree. (losses are conveniently scheduled evenings to allow the Christian leader to continue to be active in ministiy and/or job. Far the present, courses are offered on the La Mirada campus. Additional information or application may be obtained from Late afternoon and evening classes which meet one or two days aweek are regularly offered at the La Mirada campus and the various extension centers. This arrangement provides an opportunity for anumber of individuals to obtain acourse or two each semester, when other responsibilities prevent enrollment as a regular student. The courses offered are identical in content to those provided in the regular schedule and are applicable toward the degree programs of the seminary. An Extended Day Applicationmay be secured from the office of admissions and records. HOLY LAND STUDIES the Office of Admissions and Records, Biol □ University. EXTENDED DAY CLASSES Talbot School of Theology will transfer up to 12 units of elective credit ·for graduate level courses taken at the Institute of HolyLand Studies, Jerusalem, Israel.

INSTITUTE OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Talbot School of Theology is a charter member of the Institute of Theological Studies, a program in which graduate level courses are offered by extension or independent study off-campus. This is a cooperative effort of several seminaries. General oversight to the program is given by the Deans' Council, which is composed of the Academic Deans of the member schools. These include Denver Conservative Bapt ist Seminary, Covenant Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Grace Theological Seminary, Talbot School of Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School , and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Lectures for each course are provided on cassette tapes prepared by outstanding evangelical scholars. Along with the album of tapes is a printed syllabus which includes a broad outline of the lectures, review questions and a bibliography. Requirements for credit also include textbook assignments, collateral read ing, research papers and examinations, all of which are outlined in a programmed syllabus. The regular lnterterm/Summer School tu ition fees are charged for each course regardless of the number of units for which astudent is already enrolled. Students may order the tapes from the Talbot Associate Dean's office. Credit for Insti tuteof Theological Studies courses wiil be given only to students who need prerequisites in Biblical stud ies or who experience unresolvable schedul ing problems. Its courses may not normally be used in lieu of required courses. Students who desire graduate credit for approved courses of the Insti tute of Theological Studies must meet the normal requirements for admission to Talbot and register for the courses through the Office of Admissions and Records. Amaximum of 12 units in LT.S courses may be applied as elective credit to the M.Div. and M.A. programsat Talbot. I.T.S. courses which may be taken for credit are listed on page G-25. Further details including costs of cassettes may be secured from the Talbot Associate Dean's office. DEGREES OFFERED Talbot School of Theology offers the Master of Divinity, the Master of Arts in Ministry, theMaster of Arts in Biblical Studies, the Master of Arts in Theological Studies, the Master of Arts in Christian Education, the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries, the Master of Theology, the Doctor of Ministry and the Doctor of Education degrees. Acertificate in Ministry is also offered. Candidates for degrees must demonstrate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to communicate the truth of the Word of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carrying less than the full-time load are considered part-time students. A student is normally permitted to carry amaximum of 18 unitseach semester. To exceed this maximum load, the student must petition the director of records. Aunit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) aweek for asemester. In some cases, such as laboratory sessions, aunit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. As indicated on the curriculum charts for each degree program, the various curricula require 14-18 units per semester in order to graduate in a specified number of years. However, studentswho find it necessary to work 20 or more hours weekly to provide living expenses should plan to reduce their academic load. Such a reduction would extend the time required for adegree program, though participation in summer sess ion and interterm could help offset the difference.

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