



J :-:.~,:~- ~ Ro9ted inca ~kh_i -9-y9ar hi~tory:of · faithfulness to the ·\vord of God, Biola: ,. -":. • _~• ., ... . , . ·.. -~ .. "/Upiv~rslty l~~egr-a'.teda4ili, 'l~arnirtg and- ._ · < -~ ·.:·· ,. . 'Jiving-to provide YQ.U- with _oppor-funhies.- no ; . =· '>/ o_tqerurriversitfcanpffer·--· ·:-.>; ·: .,. _ -, . , , .r:M,Biola tJniversity, you .can-.pursue ac:a- · ·- ,. J,

:~---:· . ~~~Ic ei [ellence thrvtiS,Q ·a~y.9.f o~do11_r ~ :. ._. - '.y_·_; · d1stmct ·schools:-- .Scho-01:of A'.rts and . · , ·•· ~ ,.• ~ · ; ,·Sd~nces, 'falbor Schoof ~( ni·iotomf ~ - ~ -. _-:


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: .Ros¢rriead.School of .psycho1ogy_and -SchooL ·: !')f-intereultural St_µdi~: And'as yorr do,· · •. you'll have.. acce~ t9· r@ol{rces.th_at incluc!e: - . .. ----La state~of-the2·ar(cQmput.~r-scfetice ien- ·~ / ·: · ter-~quipped-\vit_h 20 AppJe. lle ,.:, "·-;··: ,:,. microcompµters .w;id a ~igitalVax 1.11 - ~. :. ~two"hundrecl and sixty faculty -members; ✓-" ;~..,, 3' -60%. of whom hold earned·doetoral _: · .. -·_#:degrfes. _ /- :. ~~ #- .! - : ~a-185,000-volume libacy and access to · ':·,' ' ' ; \~ter-lihrary IQ{!} ~yst_ems. . :_ V :·. ·~·- , , ryn-.c~mpu_s sefVtfes such as earetr,:plan- . , r riiRg and._place:111ent, ·counseJing;-learn- . i_u& as.sistalice_a~rcl. a·health_~ca_re ceoter. .. ----,-a 95-acre C~!TIPUS with housing,for up ' <. _ ' tQ 14Q0'studen:ts. .-: : . · . . ~ Real/zing, bo~er, that there 1 s JTiore to . 'life than acadeipics, our strong programs·,, - .. and\iried resources ~re balanced by our . commitment to •your :spiritual growth. Dai• ly ch~el servic~, annual Bi9Je a~d mi~: .siof1_conferences, mini~try opp6rtmii1ies .as .'well -35,30 u9i~ of Bible .and theqlogy taken as a part of our undergraduate program give you opportunities to deepen your 1,m­ derstanding of God as you pursue your epucational goals. · - ·secau~ ~t- Biola, we beli~e education sho9ld do more than equip you for a eareer --'-- it should help you prepare for life. , .


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