

Master of Arts Program in Ministry PHILOSOPHY OF THE MINISTRY PROGRAM The Master of Arts in Ministry is desig ned for individuals who hove been in ministry for o signifi­ cant number of years and have not had the opportu­ nity to earn o baccalaureate degree. Quality gradu­ ate level trai ning is provided in several essential aspects of professional ministry in order toenhance sign ifica ntlythe effectiveness of part icipatingmi nis­ ters. In establishing th is program, the seminary is endeavoring to address spec ific needs of the Church as it functions in the moior ethn ic communities within the Southern California area. The two primary fo ci of the program ore biblical and practical studies. The biblical emphasis provides an increased breadthin knowledge of the content of the Word of God, includ ing its background andsound principles of litera ry interpretation. Pract ical studies concentrate on the enhancement of mini stry and communication sk ill s. The goal of bo th emphases is improved expertise in a ministry of the Word as it relates to the daily lives of people and their eternal destiny Several courses each semester ore offered in an ex tension center located at 7225 South Main Street, Los Angeles. This provides opportuni ty for those in ministry in the inner city toattend. Necessary libra ry resources ore be ingmode ava ilable at the extension cente r. Aminimum of 24 units must be taken on the main campus to provide the advantages inherent in o brood community of lea rning. To make the program accessible to the many ministers and other Christian leaders whose daily schedule is already full, the program has been structured at a pace of about eight units per semes­ ter. Each course meets one even ing a week and different classes ore available two to three evenings oweek, one or more at the La Mirada campus and others at an extensi on location. The rote of progress through the programmay be increased by the fol­ lowing alternatives: studi es during summer school or interterm and additional classes at the La Mirada campus in the morn ingor evening duringthe semester.

COURSES IN SPANISH Courses which apply to the M.A. in Ministry degree ore-also taught in Spanish. These courses ore offered on the maincompus and ore generolly scheduled weeknight evenings. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. PERSONAL QUALI FICATIONS I. Completion of five years in ministry and presenriy on o church staff in an official copacity. 2. Participation in the Master of Arts progrom in Ministry presumes o significont level of ministry experienced and personal maturity. for this reason, oppliconts must be ot least 30 years of age, and the degree is rorely gronted to persons less than 35 years of age. 3. Appliconts usually will not hove the B.A. or equivolent degree. Talbot offers other progroms for appliconts who hove the boccolaureote degree. 4. Three references ore required: church or denominati onal endorsement; personal friend; and ministry colleague (or employer if currently employed outside the church). B. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS I. Equivolency of two years of collegiate level studies. 2. Proficiency in English language. C. ADMISSION PROCEDURES I. The opplicont's potential to compete sumssfully in o groduate progrom will be determined by the Moster of Arts Guidance Committee, which will interview each opplicont and evoluote all credentials. 2. Eoch approved applicont will be enrolled tentatively in the Master of Arts in Ministry progrom until 32 unitshove been completed, of which 24 must be in core courses os described below. 3. At the completion of 32 units, on evaluation will be mode regarding admission to condidocy status in the Master of Arts in Ministry progrom. Students with a grade point overoge of of least 2.50 will receive condidocy status. Students with o grode point overage between 2.00 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete on odditionol 8 units (for o tota l of 40) to be credited toward o certificote in ministry. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MASTERS OF ARTS IN MINISTRY A. Sotisfoctorily complete 64 semester units os outlined in the curriculum. B. Qualify for condidocy status ot the conclusion of 32 units. C. Complete ot least 24 units ot the lo Miroda compus and no more than 40 units at extension locotions. D Obtain o 2.50 grode point overoge with no grode below "C- " in all courses to be credited toward groduation. E. Complete the entire program in no more than six years. f. Prior to condidocy status, students with ogrode point overoge below 2.0 ore placed on probation and remain on probation as long os the single semester or cumulative grode point overage remains below 2.0. Atter condidocy status is gronted, the minimum grade point averoge is adjusted upward to 2.50, with probation colculoted accordingly. Students on probation ore gronted one semester in which to bring their ocodemic work up to the required level for continuance in the seminary. Astudent connot grodua te whi le on probation. MASTER OF ARTS IN MINISTRY CURRICULUM The Moster of Arts in Ministry curriculum incl udes courses in three cotegories: I ) core curriculum, 32 units; 2) ministry empha­ sis, I 08 units; and 3) electives, 4-18 units. The total require­ ment is 64 units. The courses specificolly identified by deportment and number in the chart below ore required in the core curriculum. In addition, each student must select oministry emphasis .and complete the



l st Semester

. . . .. .... 4


603 Elements of Hebrew . SOS Hermeneutics, Genesis . SOS Eorly, Medievol Church History

.. 4


. 2

HTM 555 Introduction to World Missions .

.......... 2


SI O Evongelism ..

. I 16

591 Introduction to field Educotion

2nd Semester


604 Advonced Hebrew .

. 4

S 18 Old Testament Survey . .

. . 4

502 Theology I

. 4 .

. .. 3

506 Reformotion, Modern Church History .

. 0 IS

592 field Educotion


l st Semester NT SOI Beginning Greek or Elective.

.. 2



603 Theology II


705 Pastorol Counsel ing 609 Sermon Preparotion . 61 S Educotion Administrotion

. 3

. . 4


691 field Educotion


2nd Semes ter

....... 2


502 Beginning Greek or Elective .


506 Motthew, Romans .


604 Theology Ill

. . . . . . . . . . 3

610 Sermon Preparotion

0 4


692 field Educotion




l st Semester

.. 4


SOS Grommor, Introductory Exegesis

. 2

701 History of Doctrine . 703 Church ond Society

... 2

. 3

SIS Methods, Resources Ministry .

.. 2 Thesis I st Drott or Elective . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 I 5-17

791 Educotional Procticum .

2nd Semester


506 Exegesis Selected Epistles

.... 4

716 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction . 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction


. 2 . 2

PHR 602 Apologetics


792 Educotional Procticum .

. . 2


.. .... . . . . . .. 2

Thesis final Drott or Elective

.... 2 16

MODERN CHURCH HISTORY: Those tronsferring CH 506 from onother seminary must toke CH 710 to obtain denomina­ tional distinctives unless this requirement hos already been met. THESI S COURSE SEQUENCE : Thesis first Drott will be token at the completion of 64 units and Thesis final Drott ot the completion of 80 units. Neither is opplicoble toward groduotion unless both hove been completed. Some preliminary steps must be completed by the end of the semester prior to toking Thesis first Drott. See the Talbot groduote student handbook for details. BIBLE EXPOSITION ALTERNATIVE : for one of the three required Bible Exposition courses (excluding BE 505) the student may substitute four units of Greek or Hebrew exegesis electives.

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