TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY requirementsof thot emphasis during the progrom. Three empho ses ore currenriy offered: postorol, missions ond Christion educo tion. The courses required in eoch ore listed below
Master ofArts Programs in Biblical and Theological Studies PHILOSOPHY OF BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES PROGRAMS The Master of Arts deg ree in Bibl ical Studies and the Master of Arts degree in Theological Studies are intensive and highly speci al ized programs designed for those whose calling to Christian service is not in the area of professional ministry. It is ant ici pated that candidates fo r these programs will have pu r poses that co incide with the fo ll owi ng : l . The tra ining of college graduates who desire a more thorough grasp of the Bible in order to engage in Chri st ion ministries at levels other than those that are usually performed by the ordained clergy This would include medical doc tors on the miss ion fi eld, mi ssionary pilots, church administra tors, counselors, lay leaders in the local chu rch and others. 2. The furn ishing of a biblical background for those who are preparing for teaching in non-theolog i cal fields . 3. The furnishing of an academic background fo r those who find the Master of Arts degree ample for a teaching pos ition either at home or in a foreign country. 4. Providing a shorter program of study for mis sionaries who have only their furlough time in which to further thei r fo rmal tra ining in the Scriptures. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Appliconts, to be accepted, must possess o boccoloureote degree. Each should be o groduote lrom o recognized ond/or regionally occredited college with ominimum grode point overoge of 3.0 (on o4.0 scole). The Moster of Artswith emphosis in Bible exposition is designed primorily for those who desire to toke groduote biblicol studies later in life. Therefore, those who apply for the progrom with this porticulor emphasis should be oge 35 or older. All oppliconts must submit owritten statement outtining their vocotionol objectives ond how the degree might relote to those objectives.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Sotisfoctorily complete 62 semester units os outtined in the oppropriote curriculum. B. Submit on occeptoble thesis chosen in consultotion with the moior advisor. Two unbound copies ore to be submitted to the librorion. C. At least 24 units must be tokenat this seminory 0. Obtain o3.0 overoge with no grode below o "C - " in all courses to be credited toward groduotion. E. Complete the entire progrom in no more than five yeors. Studentsore ploced on ocodemicprobotion if their grode point overoge for ony semester lo lls below3.0 and wil l remain on probation os long os the single semester or cumulotive grode point overoge remains below 3.0. The probotion students ore granted ·one semester in which to bring their ocodemic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminory. Astudent connot groduote while on probotion. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS The Program Structure The ocodemicprogroms leading tothe degrees Moster of Arts in Biblicol Studies ond Moster of Arts in Theologicol Studies ore comprised of ·62 units structured in common to include I) biblicol ond theologicol foundations in the first yeor, 2) ocodemic speciol ization in one of four theologicol disciplines in the second yeor ond 3) odditionol elective courses determined by the advisor in consultation with the student. The Program Reduction Based on Prior Acodemic Study Appliconts who hove token undergroduote courses in biblicol or theologicol studies moy request o progrom reduction bosed on their collegiate work. An evoluotion will be mode by the director of records following estoblished guidelines in order to determine competency within the following perimeters: 1) undergroduote biblicol studies which ore porollel in con tent withrequired courses ond 2) undergroduote biblicol studies which may justify a reduc tion in elective units. On this basis the 62 unit progrom may be reduced by as much os 30 units, so thot certain quolified oppliconts moy earn the Moster of Arts with ominimum 32 unit progrom.
The following chart presents the curriculum sequence for . students who wi ll be "full -time" in the progrom. Students who will be enrolled on o "holf-t ime" basis should pion tocomplete eight units eoch semester, normolly toking courses indicoted os "first yeor" before those in the "second yeor" group. 1st Semester BE 603 New Testoment Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 HIM555 Introduction to World Missions . 2 PT 510 Evongelism . . .. 2 Emphasis or electives . . .. 8 16 FIRST YEAR
2nd Semester
518 Old Testoment Survey .
. .. 4 ... 4 . .. 8 16
502 Theology I .
Emphasis or electives .
SECOND YEAR 1st Semester TH
603 Theology II .
. .. 4 ... 3 . .. 7 16 .. 2
PT 601 Christion Educotion locol Church
PT 703 Church ond Society
Emphosis or electives . .
2nd Semester
604 Theology Ill
... 4 . .. 3 . .. 9 16
CH 506 Reformation, Modern Church History .
Emphosis or electives .
... 4
. ........ 4
BE 506 Matthew, Romans ..
724 Doniel, Revelotion .
. .. 4 ... 4
PT 705 Postorol Counseling
PT ... 3 PT 610 Sermon Preporotion . . ...... .. . . ... 3 PT 704 Postorol Ministry . . . 4 PT 773 Biblicol Foundation of Fomily ... 2 Electives . . . 4 32 609 Sermon Preporotion .
. 4
605 Bibliology, Theology Proper, Anthropology
NT 501 Beginning Greek .
. .. 2
Biblicol or Theologicol electives· .
. . 4 14
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CE 615 Educot ion Administrotion
2nd Semester BE 518 Old Testoment Survey
.. 4
. . 4
517 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods 515 Methods, Resources Ministry 516 Methods, Resources Ministry . Biblicol or Theologicol electives . .
... 4 ... 3
TH 606 Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology 4 NT 502 Beginning Greek ................... 2 Biblicol or Theologicol electives· .... 6 16 ·students enrolled in the Old Testoment Emphosis may toke OT 603 ond 01 604 in the first yeor in order to allow greoter flexi bility with electives in the second yeor.
. . 3
. .. 4
Christion Educotion electives
. 8
Electives .
. .. 6 32
505 Hermeneut ics, Genesis .... 4 SIM 560 Urbon Reseorch ond Ministries ........... 3 HIM546 History of the Exponsion of Christionity .. 3 HIM 640 Culturol Anthropology for Missionaries ....... 2 STM 661 Introduction to Church Growth . 3 HTM 751 Theology of Mission . . 3 Biblicol or Theologicol electives . . .. 4 ICS, HTM, STM electives ... 6 Electives . . . 4 32
SECOND YEAR EMPHASIS IN BIBLE EXPOSITION : 1st Semester BE 517 Hermeneutics, Bible Study Methods
.... 4
Elective in Old Testament Prophets . Biblicol or Theologicol electives .
. .. 2
. ... 6 . ... 4 16
Electives .
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