2nd Semester PHR 602 Apologetics
Timeliness of the Program The Christion education program is designed -to meet the speci ficneedsof thechurch at th is point in time. lothe light of increasing demandsfor persons trained in Christion education the prog ramis struc tured to preparepersonstoserve competently in the field. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applicants must hold the Bachelor of Arts degree, or its ocodemic equi11Jlent. They must hove o2.6 grade point overage (ono 4.0 scale). Those accepted who do not meet this lotter requirement will be placed on probation. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, though exceptions may be mode when the grade point overage is 3.0 or higher. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfactorily complete 66-68 semester units. See (D.) below. B. Toke the courses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Christion education curriculum. C. 400 hours of supervised field ministry approved by faculty advisor. D. Complete the program in no more than five years. E. Complete on acceptable thesis (four units) or thesis project chosen in consultation with the major advisor or ot the option of the major advisor and in lieu of the thesis or thesis project complete six units of electives. Students who wnte o thesis will hove ototal requirement of 66 units and those who toke six units of electives in lieu of o thesis will hove o total requirement of 68 units. Two unbound copies of the thesis or Astudent must hove ot least o2.75 grade point overage (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Students ore placed on academic probation if their grade point overage for any semester falls below 2.75, and will remain on probation os long os the single semester or cumulative grade point overage remains below 2.75. Probation students ore granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (2.75) for continuance in the seminary. Astudent cannot graduate while on probation. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS The acodemic program leading to the Moster of Arts degree in Christion educotion is structured to include (I) biblical and the ological foundations; (2) o core curriculum consisting of foundational courses and practical skills; (3)11Jcotionol specializa thesis project ore to be submitted to the librarian. At least 24 units must be token ot this seminary. The program leading to the Moster of Arts degree in Christian Educotion includes a minimum of 68 units (or 66 units if a thesis is written). The student who is able to enroll in seventeen units each semester con complete the degree in two years. The student who enrolls for less than seventeen units will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which case the program must be completed within five colendor years from first enroll ment. Athesis or thesis project may be required of candidates. The thesis project is reserved for students doing exceptional work. Requirements for these ore listed in the appropriate section of the Talbot graduate student handbook. tion; and (4) additional elective courses. THE STANDARD PROGRAM
2nd Semester OT 506 OldTestament Introduction NT 606 New Testament Introduction
.. 2
Biblicol/Theologicol/Philosophy of Religion electives
.... 2
.... 10
Biblical or Theological electives . .
. .... 12
. 4
Elective .
796 Thesis··
......... .. ... 0 16
...... 0 16
796 Thesis··
•·some preliminary steps must be completed pnor to toking the thesis course. See the Talbot student handbook for details. Master of Arts Program in Christian Education PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PROGRAM The scopeand significonce of theChristion edu cat ion prog ram ore determined by the four dimen sions which follow. Theological Orientation The Christ ion education program is on integral por t of the theological environment of the seminary. The prog ram re lates educational pract ice to the theological principl es, seekingto merge life sciences and theology. Both life sciences ond theology view man in descriptive terms. ThereforeChristion educo tion is committed to the development of the whole person. Ministerial Preparation The Christioneducotion program exists to prepare ministersinthe New Testament sense, with ovariety of functional roles implied for service in local churches ond related institutions. This focusonministry includes the impl icit view thot responsibility extends beyond theclassroominto thechurches and related institutions where students ond graduates funct ion. Individual ized Program The program is characterized by emphasis on odoptotion to the individuality of the students, both in regardtopersonal distinctives andin regardto the distinctives embodied in varied forms of Christion educotion ministry. It is presumed that students will enter the program withclearly established Christion fa ithand, normal ly, wi th definite professiona l orientat ion. The programis designed to affordeach student a fourfold opportunity (o) the acquisition of knowl edge (b) the development of professional skill, (c) personal growth arid (d) the deepening of personal commitment to Christ.
EMPHASIS IN OLD TESTAMENT: lst Semester BE 505 Hermeneutics, Genesis . OT 603 Elements of Hebrew . NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis .
. . 4 . . 4
. ... 4
Electives .
. 4 16
2nd Semester OT 604 Adlllnced Hebrew .
. ....... 4
OT 716 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction . .
. 2
716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction ..... 2 Old Testament electives . . . 4 Hebrew Exegesis electives ... 4
OT 796 Thesis··
.. 0 16
EMPHASIS IN NEW TESTAMENT: lst Semester BE 515 Hermeneutics OT 603 Elements of Hebrew . NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis . NT 727 New Testament History .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. .... 4
.. 2
Elect ives .
2nd Semester OT 604 Adlllnced Hebrew . NT 506 Exegesis Selected Episries
....... 4 NT 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction ..... 2 New Testament Exegesis electives ..... 4 Electives . . . 2 NT 796 Thesis·· . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 0 16 MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGICAL STUDIES FIRST YEAR CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR lst Semester BE 515 Hermeneutics . . 2 BE 603 New Testament Survey ... .... ... ..... 4 TH 603 Theology II . . . 4 NT 501 Beginning Greek . . ... 2 Biblical or Theological ~lectives . . . . 2 14
2nd Semester BE 518 Old Testament Survey .
. .. 4
TH 502 Theology I . TH 604 Theology Ill
... 4
. ... 2
NT 502 Beginning Greek .
. ...... 2 16
Biblical or Theological electives ..
SECOND YEAR lst Semester TH
709 Contemporary Theology .
. ... 4
NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis .
....... 2
CH 701 History of Doctrine ..
Systematic Theology electives .
Biblicol/Theologicol/Philosophy of Religion elective
.. ... 4
. . .. .. . .. . . . . 2 16
Elective. .
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