

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A. Satisfoctarily complete 68 semester units . B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Marriage and Fomily Ministrv curriculum. C. 400 hours of supervised field ministrv approved ·by faculty advisor. D. Complete the program in no mare than five years. E. Amaximum of six uni ts toward the degree of Marriage and Fomily courses can be transferred. f. Christian education care courses must be taken in residence. G. Receive 30 hours of approved personal counseling ot own expense of which 15 hours must be didactic. Astudent must have at least o3.0 grade point overage (on a 4.0 scale) ta graduate. Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average far any semester falls below 3.0 and remain an probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which ta bring their academic \VOik up to the requi redlevel (3.0) far continuance in the semin □ rv Astudent cannot graduate while an probation. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS The academic program leading ta the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Fomily Ministries is structured ta include (1) biblical and theological foundations; (2) understanding Christian education principles, ministry and skills; (3) a care curriculumconsisting of foundation courses and practical skills in ma rriage and family ministrv. THE STANDARD PROGRAM The program leading ta the Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Fomily Minis trv includes a minimum of 68 units. The student who is able ta enroll for 17 units each semesterof the academic program can complete the degree in Im yeors The student who enrolls far less thon 17 units, will require additional time to complete the degree program, in which cose the program must be completed within five calendar years from first enrollmeit. THE PROGRAM REDUCTION BASED ON PRIOR ACADEMIC STUDY Evoluations far reduction are considered for undergraduate courses with satisfoctorv parallel content, provided that the collegiate courses are approximately double the unit volue of the corresponding semin□ rv courses. Ta qualify for suchreductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the specific course(s) and be able ta demonstrate competency in the subject matter. MASTER Of ARTS IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES CURRICULUM FIRST YEAR l st Semester BE 603 New Testament Survey . 4 BE 517 Hermeneu tics, Bible Study Methods ... 4 CE 673 Biblical Foundations of the Fomily . 2 CE 629 Group Counseling and Therapy . . .. 2 CE 603 Counseling Ministrv in the Church .... 4 Electives . . . ... 2 18


SECOND YEAR l st Semester TH 603 Theology II .

. ... 4

The student mus t present occeptoble Bachelor of Arts ond Bachelor or Master of Divinity degrees. Specifically, they must have maintained at least a3.25 overage in their Divinity program ond have completed ot least eight semester hours of Greek beyond beginning Greek and 12 semester hours of Hebrew, four of which moy be Aromoic. Applicants deficient in the biblica l lan­ guages moy take the prerequisite units at Talbot while taking other Th.M. courses but such deficiencies must be mode up before more than 16 units in other subjects may be taken. Divinity degrees presented from non-accredited seminaries ond theological schools are individually evoluated. Deficiencies discerned in such cases moy be made up by course \l'Ork at Talbot or other speci fi ed accredited insti tut ions. Students must olso have the personal qualificotions necess □ rv faro minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They must be spiritually qualified by provid­ ing evidence of oborn-again experience ond oconsistent Christian manner of life. Graduates of other seminaries must file a full application with the office of admissions ond records. Moster of Divinity students currentlyenrolled at Talbot moy file for admission by submittingo written request to the Graduate Committee in care of the director of admission. All applicants are required to submit ostatement of one to Im double spoced typewritten poges explaining their career goals and personal objectives in seeking Th.M. training. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS A. Residence Requirements : Aminimum of Im semesters in residence ot Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. No mare than four advonced graduate semester course units from an accredited semin □ rv or the­ ological school will be accepted toward fulfillment of Th.M. course requirements. B. Time Limit for Degree : All course, exominotion ond thesis requirements must be completed within five years, beginning on the date of the student's first registration far Th.M. courses at Tolbot. C. Major Areas of Academic Study: Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the departments of Bible exposition, missions ond intercultural studies, New Testa­ ment, practical theology, semitics ond Old Testament, and systematic theology. A\l'Orking knowledge of French or Germon is required of Th.M. mojors in semitics ond Old Testament. This requirement may be satisfied in one of the fallowing woys: 1) Im years of college level instruction with a grade of "B" or better or 2) a satisfoctorv score on on examination administered by the department Students must fulfill this requirement during their first 16 units of course \l'Ork in order to continue in the program. D. Course Work : The Th .M. program requires the completion of 26 semester hours of course \l'Ork dis tr ibu ted as fo llows: lOunits in the major depar tment, six units in the ma jor department or closely related areas approved by the major advisor, 10 units in any area (Im of which must be 1CE 720. Students majoring in systematic theology must take TH 709). Students are required to take a minimum of 14 units in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. !CE 720 is required of all students, regardless of major. Additional research and reading assignments will be made in 600 and 700 level courses ta make the \l'Ork of Th.M. character. At the discretion of the advisor, a maximum of four units in any department at any level may be credited toward the course requirements. ATh.M. student must carrv nine (9) or mare units to be considered a full-time student Those carrving less than nine units are considered part-time stu­ dents . Amaximum of six (6) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study" courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any cose the advonce apprevol of the major departmental advisor and faculty member concerned is re­ quired.


515 Methods, Resources Ministrv ............ 3

675 Fomily life Education .

. ...... 4

621 Philasophicol Foundations of Ministrv

... 2

693 Advonced Practicum .

. ... 1


. ..... 2 16

2nd Semester OT 506 Old Testament Introduction

. 2

TH 604 Theology Ill

.. ..... 4

. 2

NT 606 New Testament Introduction 722 Counseling Troubled Fomilies


.. 1

694 Advonced Practicum .

. 2

622 Philosophical Issues in Ministrv .

.. 2

Elective .

.3 16

Master of Theology Program

Program Director: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph .D. PURPOSE The Moster of Theology curriculum is ochalleng­ ingpost-graduate degree program designed to equip the student wi th specia li zed academic knowledge and advanced professional skills. The program re pre­ sents not merely on extra year of formal theological study but o high level of academic attainment, refinement of research capabilities and personal professional development. The program prepares students for both increased effectiveness in profes­ sional pas toral ministry and further study at the Ph .D.ond Th.D. Level. Since both A.T.S. (the Associ­ ation of Theological Schools) and A.A.B .C. (the American Association of Bible Colleges) consider the Th.M. degree the minimum educational credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredited seminaries and Bible schools, the Moster ofTheology is of special interest to students pursuing o teaching career. Qualified students aspiring to excellence and leadership in many areas of ministry and service for Christ find the Th .M. program person­ ally enri ching and academically stimulating.

2nd Semester TH 502 Theology 1.

. . . 4


518 Old Testament Survey . 615 Education Administration

. . 4


628 Marriage and Fomily Counseling .

. ... 4

692 Educational Internship .

. . 1 17

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