821 lntegrotion· of theology and educotionol process
(6) RESEARCH TOOLS: Tl\ll research tools which provide re seorch skills suitoble for the student's area of dissertation study ore to be mostered. \\Jlidotion of competency in eoch tool sholl be determined by the progrom committee. Successful completion of certoin courses moy serve as research tools subject to occeptance by the committee. Appropriote research tools include: l) biblical Hebrew longuage; 2) New Testament Greek languoge; 3) modern Germon longuoge; 4) stotistics; S) computer progromming; 6) historical onolysis; 7) philosophical method; 8) interoction onoly sis; 9) interview design and procedure ond l0) questionnoire, survey design ond procedure. (7) ADVANCEMENT TO CANDIDACY: Upon the successful com pletion of oll requirements except the dissertotion ostudent will be ad11mced to condidocy. Upon reaching candidocy o student must register for dissertation. . (8) DISSERTATION. (9) ORAL DEFENSE Of DISSERTATION. CURRICULUM OUTLINE Co re Seminars 15 units 801 History ol biblicol education 2 802 Philosophy of Christion educotion 2 803 Humon development and Christion nurture 3 804 Administrotive orgonization ond leadership 3 805 Models of teaching 2 806 lntegrotion of foith, life ond learning 3 Electi ves 12 units BIBLE/THEOLOGY: Elective courses to be token from existing 700 or 800 level courses at Talbot School of Theology or Rosemeod School of Psychology. (8 units) WORLD VIEW: Elective courses to be token from existing 700 or 800 level courses in philosophy of religion, church history, missions or interculturol studies from Talbot School of Theology or the School of lnterculturol Studies. (4 units) Emphasis (Choose one) 14 units
EDD 806 INTEGRATION Of FAITH, LEARNING & LIFE (3) An investigotion of the models of integrotion which serve to incorporote the lllnous disciplines of study oppropriate to Chnstian educotion into on e\llngelical Chnstion theology in o consistent ond Biblical foshion. Also to be considered ore the brooder implicotions of such an integrotion os the church intertoces with society as awhole. This required course will explore severol areas and levels of integrotian in Christian educotion in order to introduce the natu re ondscope of the tosk to be continuedin the student's choice of doctorol emphosis.
4 2 2 2 2 4
822 Principles of teaching
824 Curriculum design and development
826 Cross-culturol leorning 828 lntergenerotionol leorning
823 Seminar in educational processes
Additional Courses to be Used as Electives with Approval of Advisor : See cotalog for prerequisites. RPSY 510 Moti11Jtion RPSY 513 Sensation and perception RPSY 530 History ond systems of psychology RPSY 55 l Personolity I RPSY 553 Personality II RPSY 604 Leorning ond motillltion RPSY 606 Developmental psychology RPSY 608 Sociol psychology RPSY 610 Development of religious understanding in children ond odolescents
Research Cou rses (requi red) EDD 880 DIRECTED RESEARCH (l-4)
lndividuol study, directed reading or field research into topic of student interest. Such study must be done with the approllll ond supervision of o foculty professor of record. The student is expected ta submit odetoiled course proposol ond bibliogrophy an a leorning controct form a11Jiloble from the admissions and records office. EDD 885 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN CHRISTIANED UCATION (3) Development of competency in using and interpreting both descriptive and inferentiol statistics os reloted to educational research. To enable the student to appropnotely choose ond compute lllrious stotisticol pockages, onolyze the resultont data correcrly, in Christian Educotion oriented research. Emphasis is given to the use of the computer in the computation of data and statisticol opplicotions most rele11Jnt for the needs of Chnstion Educotors. EDD 888 RESEARCH DESIGN (2) Pion ond complete a modest reseorch project and study reseorch methods ond techniques. These include: design, som pling, direct obser11Jtion, dato processing, interviews and ques tionnaires. Competency demonstrotive of o reseorch technique required for completion of seminor. EDD 890 DISSERTATION RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Discussion ond development of doctoral dissertotion reseorch. Approllll of the dissertotion proposal . is necessary for successful completion of the seminor. EDD 89 l CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION: DISSERTATION (0) Reseorch ond writing of on opproved doctorol dissertation under the direction of major odvisor and dissertotion committee. Educationa l Processes Emphasis EDD 821 INTEGRATION Of THEOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (4) Historicol studies in both Old Testament ond New Testoment institutions foreducotion from Biblicol ond other sources. Analysis of the teoching ministry of Jesus for principles ond processes in individual instruction, group teaching ond troining. Speciol empha sis of study in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in relationship to learning theories, Biblicol instruction, and teocher-learning pro cess. Aresearch seminar withemphosis on creative opplicotions. EDD 822 PRINCIPLES Of TEACHING (2) Analysis ond proctice of principles of teaching. Emphasis on how to effectively lecture, motilllte ond teach for retention. Wnting of objectives, lesson plons, high level thinking, use of questions also discussed. field experience required. EDD 823 SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES (4) The educotianol process in relation to the purpose of educo tion, humon growth, the noture of learningand the dynomics of groups in olllnety of situotions. Emphosis on the development of self-esteem, creativity, importonce of offect in the clossroom, ond different forms of education (formol, non-formal, and informal). EDD 824 CURRICULUM DESIGN ANO DEVELOPMENT (2) Curriculum issueS' and problems, their rotionale, ond implico tians for ministry. Emphasis on the development of curnculum for the integration of foith, learning, and li fe. Different models for designing curnculum and instruction. Curriculum designed for specific settings required. Previous course in curriculumdesign suggested.
3 2 2 3 3 2
Research in religious behavior
RPSY 61 l
RPSY 622 Attitudes, 11Jlues and belief
The nature ond scope of integrotion
721 722 741 745
Systems of integrotion
Guilt, conscience ond socializotion Moturity; psychologicol and theologicol perspectives
Christion community
748 750
Perspectives on human nature
502 Social Orgonizotion
Interpersonal ond lnterculturol Adjustment
520 622
lnterculturol Communication
706 Ideological Conflict HTM 550 Christianity ond Culture STM 561
Topics in Applied Culturol Anthropology
Cultural Change
STM 562 STM 761
Sex Roles in Society COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Core Courses (requi red) EDD 801 HISTORY Of BIBLICAL EDUCATION (2) History of the Christion Church's educotion ministry troced through the educotionol opprooches of the Hebrew notion, the early Christions, the Romon Cotholic Church, the Protestont Refor motion ond the modern ero of the church. Speciol attention given to the development history of certoin ogencies, such os the Sunday Schaal, the Christian school movement ond the history of current educationol proctices of the church, such as oge-level ministries ond professional, \IJCOtional staff. EDD 802 PHILOSOPHY Of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) An ad11Jnced investigotion of the western and eostern philo sophical bases for the educotional ministries of the church. The ways in which educotionol ideas ond proctices ore shaped by philosophicol systems ond specific philosophers discussed. EDD 803 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ANO CHRISTIAN NURTURE (3) Principles and chorocteristics of life-spon development with particular ottention to cognitive, morol, psychosocial, llllues commitment, offective, ond physicol developmental theories ond reseorch; investigotion of relotionships between development and spirituol growth; implicotions of developmental chorocteristics for nurture in the fomily ond in church-reloted ministries. EDD 804 ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP (3) An investigotion of current theories ond principles of effective odministrotian with on emphasis on the integrotion of odministro tive theory with theology. Administrotive ond leadership patterns anolyzed reloting to the ministries of churches, porochurch agen cies, ond religious institutions. EDD 805 MODELS Of TEACHING (2) Aloborotory course for developing o repertoire of teoching skills ond strotegies based an severol contemporary modes. Provides an opportunity for students to discuss issues ond ques tions fundomentol to teaching.
7 units
3 2 2
885 Statistics
888 Research design
890 Dissertotion research seminar
48 units plus dissertation
Emphasis: Additional courses may be used with advisor's ap prollll. Spiritual Development Emphasis The focus of this emphosis is on the integrotive relotionship between oreos of human development ond spiritual moturity. Sources for areas of humon development ore the reseorch studies in the literoture ond the main source for spiritual development is biblicol. The emphasis is thus primarily integrotive in its opprooch and scope. The belief that oll truth is God's truth is centrol to this emphosis os "secular" studies ore scrutinized for their relelllnce to the establishment ond od11Jncement of spirituol moturity in the life of individuols of all ages and in o fomily context. 831 Cognitive, physicol development 832 Psycho-sociol, offective development
833 Morol ond llllue development 835 Christion foith development 837 lntegrotion of thealogicol ond developmental research Educational Processes Emphasis
This emphosis focuses on the educationol process in relation to the purpose of educotion, pnnciples of teoching, human growth, the noture of learning and the dynomics of groups in o\llriety of situotions. Considerotion given ta the teoching ministry of Jesus for principles ond processes of educotion, ministry of the Holy Spirit in relotionship to the teocher-learning process ond Old Testament and New Testoment educotional institutions. Focus on fomilies or specific oge level possible.
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