

Course Descriptions Department of Bible Exposition JamesE. Rosscup, Th .O., Ph.D. , Chair FACULTY Professor: Rosscup Associate Professor: Busenitz(Talbot Valley Campus), Enns, Hunter Since there is no substitute for an efficient ministry in the preacher's native tongue, special emphasis is devoted to the exposition of the Bible. The entire curriculum of the seminary - theology, original languages and other sub jects- is designed tocontribute in the effective exposition of Scripture. It is possibleto study only cer tain pivota l books, but the method employed is applicable to the entire Bible. Correlation with present-day life and world problems will be made. The more techni cal phases of Old and New Testament problems will be reserved to those departments. Mattersof Hebrewand Greek are related where they influence an interpretation, but these arenot an emphasis in the overall exposi tion. Special examina­ tion is given important passages and concepts in this branch of study. BE 505 HERMENEUTI CS AND GENESIS (4) Astudy of the fundamental principles for asound interpreta­ tion of the Bible, including general rules for all Scripture and special principles for poetic, parabolic, prophetic and typological portions. Also, an exposition of the book of Genesis, with special effort in demonstrating the use of hermeneuticol principles. Particular emphasis given to the developing themes in the flow of thought, as well as toproblem areas. Th emes studied in relation­ ship to later Old Testament and New Testament revelation. Prescribed for MDiv, MA (B.S., O.l ), M.A. (Min.) and M.A. (Mis.) students. BE 506 MATTHEW AND ROMANS (4) An exposit ion of these two books, their backgrounds, themes, lines of thought through verses, chapters and sections, doctrinal significance, solutions toareas of difficulty and relevan t practical application. Prescribed for M.Div., M.A. (Min.) and M.A. (Mis.) students. BE 515 HERMENEUTICS(2) Astudy of fundamental principles for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and special principles for poetic, parabolic, prophetic and typological port ions. Meet with Hermeneutics portions of any section of BE 505 or 517. Pre­ scribed for and limited to, M.A. (B.S., N.l) students.

EDD 826 CROSS-CULTURAL LEARNING (2) Education within the cross-cul tural context, designed to devel­ op concepts of educational philosophy and practice, learning styles, teaching roles, nature of content, culture, specific educa­ tional programs, and anticipated results. EDD 828 INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING (2) Analysis of literature, material, and practice concerniny intergenerational learning. Specific field project developed.

BE 517 HERMENEUTICS ANDBIBLE STUDY METHODS (4) Astudy of hermeneuticol principles for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and specialized principles for parables, types, prophecies and poetry. An application of Bible study methods, including the synthetic, analytic, doctrinal, bio­ graphical and others. Prescribed for M.A. (B.S. , B.E.) and M.A. (CE. ) students. BE 518 OLDTESTAMENT SURVEY (4) Abroad su rvey of Genesis through Song of Salamon; overall themes, divisions, main problems and spiritual lessons of these books in relation to their background andCh ri stianministry today. Prescribed for M.Div. studentswho are deficient in undergraduate biblical studies, M.A. (Min.), M.A. (B.S., B.E. ) and M.A. (CE.) students. BE 601 ISAIAH AND JEREMIAH (2) Astudy of the life and times of each prophet, his character, message and Messianic emphasis andthe valueof each book for the believer today. Elective. BE 603 NEWHSTAMENT SURVEY (4) A general overview of the New Testament, including the background, theme, major divisions, problems and lessonsof each book. Prescribed for'M.A. (B.S., B.E. ), M.A, (Min.) and M.A. (CE.) students. BE 700 EXODUS AND LEVITICUS (2) An exposition of the books with a focus on the background, themes, special problems and the redempt ive plan as in the tabernacle, priesthood, offering, feastsand ordinances, in relation to the New Te stament. Elective. BE 701 STUDIESIN JOSHUA THROUGH ESTHER (2) An exposition of selected portions on the conquest of Canaan, the periods of the judges and the kings; also a focus on backgiounds and customs, relationship of truths to the New T~stament and spiritual lessons in the lives of the biblical charac­ ters. Elective. BE 702 THE POETICAL BOOKS (2) An examination of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, noting features of Hebrew poetry and the significance of the contents of each writing. Elective. BE 703 THE PSALMS (2) Astudy of the structure of the Psalter and a survey of the contents as they point toavariety of subject matter and purpose, with special focus on prophetic and devotional values. Elective. BE 704 EZEKIEL (2) Astudy of the life and times of Ezekiel and an exposi ti on of the book with emphasis on God's deal ings with Israel and solutions to key interpretive problems. Applications to believers today ore highlighted Elective. BE 706 THE MINOR PROPHETS (2) Astudy of the place and function of the prophet in Israel's life, o rapid survey of each book in view of the political, social and religious conditions of thetimes, and the special message of each prophet as clarified by the exposition. Elective. BE 707 THE GOSPEL OF JOHN (2) Astudy of John's Gospel in the light of the author's stated purpose, wi th emphasis an its contribution to the knowledge of the person and work of Christ. Elective. BE 708 ACTS (2) An expos ition of the book with special attention given to interpretive questions and the relation of the message to other Scripture. Elective.

Spiritual Development Emphasis EDD 831 COGN ITIVE, PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT (2)

Review of research on the cognitive and physical growth processes. The work of developmentalists examined to discover structures of cognitive and physical changes that occur in the life span of normal and exceptional persons. EDD 832 PSYCHOSOCIAL, AFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT(2) Principles and stages of psychological development learned in · social contexts, and the principles of attitudinal development as they relate to sp iritual growth and development. The implications of the significant influences, variations of development and envi­ ronmental factors of psychosocial and affective development an spi ri tual development examined. EDD 833 MORAL AND VALUE DEVELOPMENT (2) Principles and sequence of moral development and the devel­ opment of commi tment to values; consideration of significant influences on development by Christian educators and parents; examination of developmental variations with implications for spiritual growth. · EDD 835 CHRISTIAN FAITH DEVELOPMENT ( 4) Def inition of the development of Christian faith, its assess­ ment, and comparison of research on faith development with the Biblical data and theological perspectives. EDD 837 INTEGRATI ON OF TH EOLOGICAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH ( 4) Examination of the relationships between developmental prin­ ciplesand Biblical doctrinal themes. The applica tions of integration explored in areas such as discipleship and socialization. Character­ istics of optimal environmental factors influencing development will be considered.

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