

Department of Systematic Theology

BE 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for M.A. (8.5., B.E. ) and Th.M. (Bible) students.

BE 709 THE CORINTHIAN EPISTLES(2) An exposition of each epistte in the light of the socio! ond moral conditions of the times, with special focus on the doctrinal and ethical values ond their opplicotion to church problems of todoy. Elective. BE 710 GALATIANS (2) An exposition of the epistte which devotes special attention to interpretive questions concerning justificotion by faith ond thelife of the Christion according to theprinciples of divine grace. Elective. BE 711 THE PRISON EPISTLES (2) An exposition of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossions and Phile­ mon which unfolds divine revelation obout the church and its colling, its relationship to Christ and its life in the mrld today. Special attention given to more crucial interpretive problems. Elective. BE 712 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) The episttes tu Timothy ond Titus expounded in the light of their special emphasis upon pastoral ministration ond church discipline. El ective. BE 713 THE ESCHATOLOGICAL EPISTLES (2) An exposition of first ond Second Thessalonions ond Second Peter with regard to truth concerning our Lord's return and related molters. Elective. BE 714 HEBREWS (2) An exposition showing the relation of the Old Testament priesthood ond sacrificial systems to New Testament fulfillment in Christ. Elective. BE 715 THE GENERAL EPISTLES (2) Jomes, first Peter and Jude studied os to the occosion, purpose, structure, contents and message of each writing. Elec­ tive. BE 716 THE JOHANNINE EPISTLES (2) Adetailed study of these episttes which unfold the procticol solution to the problems of fellowship ond falsity. Elective. BE 718 HIG~LIGHTS Of THE SPIRITUALLIFE (N.l) (2) An exposition of key passages on the life of the believer, with o survey of various systems of belief in regord to spiritual living and a correlation of various facets in the Christion experience. Elective. BE 719 BIBLI CAL EXPOSITION Of PRAYER (2) An exposition of representative prayersand the teaching about prayer in the Old and New Testaments, with special emphasis on thenature of the father, the example and teaching of Jesus, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the requirements of discipleship. Elective. BE 720 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION Of REWARD (2) An expositoiy survey of the believer's future reword according to representative passages in both testaments, also acomparison with concepts in the Apociypha and Pseudepigropha, Dead Sea scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism. Elective. BE 721 PROBLEM PASSAGES (l-2) A study of selected important problem passages of both testaments in the light of hermeneuticol principles, including o survey of literature in the field. Elective. BE 722 BIBLICAL SEMINAR (2) Guided research in some biblicol area relating to exposition, according to the student's need and relevancy to ministry. Elective. BE 724 DANIEL AND REVELATION (4) An exposition related closely in eoch cose to the historicol background, theme, flow of argument through chapters and sections, problem areas ond spiritual opplicotions. Special atten­ tion de11Jted to the propheticol relationship between the l\l'O booksand to their correlation with other Scripture. Prescribed for M.Div. studentswith background in undergraduate biblicol siudies.

BE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) first draft of thesis."

BE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) final draft of thesis."

BE 801 PARABLES (2) Asurvey of theparables in theBible with special emphasis on theparables of Christ, rules governing their interpretation and their dispensotional import and opplicotion in modern preaching. Elec­ tive for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 802 MIRACLES (2) Astudy of themiracles of Christ, their setting, interpretation, dispensotionol significonce and opplicotion in modern preaching. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE803 BIBLICALGEOGRAPHY (2) A presentation of the cultural development of theHoly Lond and notions of the fertile Crescent in relation to Israel, the strategic locotion of the Holy Lon d, the climate ond topography, ond the locotion of important ploce names. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 804 THE HISTORY Of THE ENGLISH BIBLE (2) The fascinat ing stoiy of how our English Bible is traced from theancient manuscripts to the latest modern versions. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. (Same as NT 728.) BE 805 BIBLICALCHRONOLOGY (2) Asurvey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial oreos, such as Genesis l, the judges and the kings, and matters relating to Christ. Elective far Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 806 BIBLE EXPOSITION SEMINAR (l -4) Special guided research for BE majors who wish to coriy out some study that meets their need in an oreo of Bible exposi tion. The nature of the content moy be determined in consultation with afaculty member in the deportment. Elective far Th.M. Students. BE 807 EXPOSITIONOf MATTHEW 13 and 24-25 (2) Aspecial concentration on exposition that goes beyond the survey in BE 506 with regord to culture, textual problems, views ond the integration of the passages with o biblicol propheticol picture overall. Elective for Th.M. students;others by departmental permission. BE 808 THE JOHANNINE CONCEPT Of THE OVERCOMER (2) A focus on the passages in Johannine books that relate to overcoming os they integrate with the Christion life, grace, fruit, reword and the general picture of ultimate blessedness. The course fomiliorizes the student with the problems andliterature on these oreas os well os with principlesand opplicotions. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. BE 809 ADVANCED STUDIES IN PRAYER AND WORSHIP(2) Acourse designed to examine from on evongelicol perspective the background and exegeticol issues (such os: literoiy criticism, sacromentolism, Judaism, Hellenism, Oriental mysticism, nascent gnosticism and primitive liturgy) which ore said to hove influenced New Testament texts on prayer and the 111Jrship of eorly Christian communities. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. 'BE 797 ond 798 ore prescribed for the M.Div. students majoring in this deportment who will write othesis. BE 797 will be token ot the completion of 64 units ond BE 798 ot the completion of 80 units. Neither of the l\l'O is opplicoble toword graduation unless both hove been completed.

Robert L. Saucy, Th.D., Chair

FACULTY Professors: Saucy, Hollomon Assistant Professo r: Mueller (Talbot Valley Campus) It is the purpose of the department of systematic theologyto give the student a thorough grasp of the great doctrines of the Christian fait h. Basedupon the Scripture as the ultimate source of authority the doctrines are developed through the systematic ex­ amination and integration of relevant Scriptures with consideration given to doctrinal interpretations throughout church history. Along with the acqui sition of a knowledge of the theological doctrines of the Scriptures, it is the goal of the department to develop in the students a facility which will allow them to continue their owntheological development. TH 502 THEOLOGY I (4) The noture, method and rationale of Christian theology. Rev­ elation, both general ond special, inspiration, cononicity, authority ond illumination of the Word of God. The doctrine of God, including His existence, attnbutes and Trinitarian nature; and angels, both good and evil. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (C.E. ) students. TH 603 THEOLOGY II (4) Mon, his creation in the image of God, his nature, foll and the effect of sin upon the race. The sal11Jtion of God, including the person and mrk of Christ. The opplicotion of sal11Jtion to men including election, regeneration, justificotion, sonctificotion and perseverance. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (U. ) students. TH 604 THEOLOGYIll (4) The church, its inception, its natureas aliving organism and on organization, its ordinances and mission. The study of future things relating to the destiny of individualsand histoiy, including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eternal state. Empha­ sis is placed upon the broad kingdom purpose of God. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (U.) students. TH 605 BIBLIOLOGY, THEOLOGY PROPER AND ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systematic theology including its natureand method. The study of bibliology including revelation, inspiration, _cononicity, authority ond illumination of the Scriptures. The doc­ trine of God, His existence ond nature. Angels, both good and evil, and man, including his creation, nature ond sinful condition. Prescribed for M.A. (8.5., B.E. ) students.

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