

Department ofNew Testament Language and Literature

OT 704 OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY (2) The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophecy, with o treatment of principles of prophetic interpreta­ tion. Elective.· OT705 ADVANCED HEBREW READING (2) Selected passages of the Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. Prerequisite: OT 604. El ect ive. · OT 706 ADVANCED HEBREW GRAMMAR (2) Astudy-of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Prerequisi te: OT 604. Elective.· OT707 OLD TESTAMENT POETRY (2) The natore, scope ond principlesof Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the Near East. Elec­ tive: OT 709-710 READING Of SELECTED PSALMS FROM THE HEBREW TEXT (2, 2) Particular emphasis upon the devotional ond practical values. Prerequisite: OT 604 . Elective: OT711-712 MESSIANIC PROPHECIES (2, 2) TheMessianic prophecies in their prog ressive unfolding on the basis of the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT604. Elective: OT714 READINGS IN THE MINOR PROPHETS (2) Selected possoges from theminor prophetswith reference to the versions ond interpretative problems. Prerequisite: OT604. Elective: OT 716 OLD TESTAMENT TEXT, CANON ANO INTRODUCTORY STUD­ IES (2) Text, canon ond exominotion of the foundations ond conclu­ sions of modern hi stori col-cri ticol methods, with particular refer­ ence toPentoteuchol criticism; special introduction of selected Old Testament books. Prescribed for M.Oi~ ond M.A. (B.S., O.T.) students. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 717 ARCHAEOLOGY ANO THE OLD TESTAMENT (2) A treatment of the orchoeologicol method. Survey of the history of excovotions in Pal estine, Egypt ond Mesopotomio, ond the bearing of discoveries on the Old Testament. Elective.· OT 718 ARCHAEOLOGY Of PALESTINE (2) The history of excovotion, the history ond geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Elective: OT 725 APOCRYPHAANO PSEUOEPIGRAPHA (2) Consideration of the non-cononicol literoture from the period between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries before the advent of Christianity. Elective.· OT 730 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS(2) Asurvey of thediscoveries, the originof the Qumran Commu­ nity, its beliefs ond practices ond the relationshipof the finds to Old ond New Testament studies. Elective.· OT 731 BIBLICAL ARAMAIC (4) Astudy of the grommor with emphasison comparisons with Hebrew; translating of all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezro. Prerequi si te: 604. Elective: OT 732 SEMINAR IN HEBREW EXEGESIS (2-4) A consideration of selected Old Testament possoges with emphasison historical background ond detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective:

OT798 THESISFINAL DRAFT (2) final draft of thesis...

OT 801 THE BOOK Of JOB (2) Theunderlying problems in the book, the interpretation of the text, its light on the problem of suffering, ond comparison with the poetry of Ros Shomro ond other Near Eastern texts. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· OT 803-804 EXEGESIS Of ISAIAH (3, 3) Atreatment of the text in the light of its historical background and style, with emphasis on the fullness of the lsaianic contribu­ tion in the field of Messianic prophecy. Prerequisi te: OT 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· OT 805-806 EXEGESIS Of JEREMIAH ANO EZEKIEL (3, 3) Adetailed considerationof the historical background of these prophets, o treatment of the significant Messianic predictions of each book and emphasis on the textual ond interpretative prob­ lems of the books. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· OT 807 OLD TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (2) Astudy of the Massoretic notes, the parallel passages and the versions with an onempt ot explanation of the voriotions. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· OT 808 OLD TESTAMENT SEMINAR (2-4) Detailed research in some phase of the Old Testament field, such as exegesis, specific topics in history ond introduction, or archaeology of selected geogrophicol areas. Prerequisite: OT 604 ond departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. Moy be repeated for credit with different emphasis.· OT 811 SEMINAR IN SEMITIC LANGUAGES(2-4) Introductory grommaticol studies in Ugoritic, Arabic, Akkodion, Syriac or Modern Hebrew; readingsin ancient Hebrew ond Aramaic inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 604 ond departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. May be repeated for credit wi th different emphasis: OT 812 READINGS IN THESEPTUAGINT (2) Asurvey of the origin, nature ond value of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the tronslotors. Prerequisite: OT 604 and NT502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· 'Electives ore offered by rotation and on request. ..OT 797 and 798 ore prescribed for the M.Oiv. students majoring in this deportment who will write o thesis. OT 797 will be taken ot the completion of 64 units ond OT 798 ot the completion of 80 units. Neither of the tlVO is applicable toward groduotion unless both have been completed.

Robert L. Thomas, Th.D., Choir FACULTY Professor: Thomas Associate Professor: McDougall Assistant Professor: Hutchison

The purpose of this deportment is to import to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testa­ ment which includes three principal areas: historical backgrounds, Greek grammar and exegesis of the text. The pion is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study and in exposition af the Word of God . Aqualifying examination in Greek is available to all students with previous Greek training. Those with a grade of "(" or higher onthe examination will be enrolled in NT 505 and the rest in NT 501. NT 501-502 BEGINNING GREEK (2, 2) An introductory studyof the basicelements of New Testament Greek. Translation of portions of the New Testament in the second semester. for those who ore deficient in Greek and pion to study the language in seminary. Prescribed for those who do not qualify by examination for NT 505. NT 505 GRAMMAR ANO INTRODUCTION TO EXEGESIS (4) Translation, building aGreek vocabulary, consideration of syn­ tactical principles and the use of these in developing ocompre­ hensive exegetical method. Prescribed for M.Oiv., M.A. (B.S. ) and M.A. (T. S.) students. NT 506 EXEGESISOf SELECTED EPISTLES (4) Exegetical study of four episttes taken from the following list: I Thessolonians, II Thessalonians, James, I Peter, I John. Anention given to content, author's styles ond the epistles' chorocteristics and toassisting each student todevelop an exegetical method­ ology. Prerequisite: NT 505. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (B.S., N.T. ) students. NT 603 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS (2) Advanced exegesis dealing with the original text. Special attention given tothe structureand to the interpretative problems of the epistte. Prerequisi te: NT 505. Elective.·

OT 796 THESIS(0) Prescribed for M.A. (B.S. , O.T.) ond Th .M. (O.T. ) students.

OT 797 THESISFIRST DRAFT (2) first draft of thesi s. "

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