NT 604 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE TO THEHEBREWS (2) Ad111nced exegesis of the Greek text. Preparation of o com mentary by the student on o selected portion. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.' NT 606 NEW TESTM\ENT INTRODUCTION (2) New Testament historical backgrounds; English translations of the New Testament; formation, history, extent ond transmission of the canon; special introduction of each New Testament book. Prescribed for M.A. (B.S., B.E.) ond M.A. (C.E. ) students. NT 706 EXEGESISOf THEEPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS (2) Translation ond exegesis of the epistte. Preparation of o commentary by the student. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 707 EXEGESISOf THE EPISTLE TO THECOLOSSIANS (2) Introduction to the epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in the Colossionchurch. Exegesisof theepistle. Prerequi site: NT 505. Elective.' NT 708 EXEGESIS Of THE EPISTLE Of SECOND CORINITHIANS (2) Adetailed study of theGreek text of the epistle with special attention given to problems of grammar and interpretation. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective. · NT 709 LIFE Of CHRIST (2) Astudy of the mission, life ond teachings of Christ on the basis of a harmony of the Gospels. Attention given to the similarities and differences in the Gospel accounts. Elective.· NT 714 THESYNOPTIC DISCOURSES Of CHR IST (2) Christ's major discourses in the Synoptic Gospels, with principal emphasis upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom ond the Olivet Discourse. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 715 RAPIDREADING IN THE GREEK NEW TESTM\ENT (2) Directed reading designed to supplement the student's knowl edge of the Greek New Testament, to increase his 111cobulory, ond toprovide him with further application ond understanding of Greek grammar. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 716 NEW TESTM\ENT TEXT, CANON AND INTRODUCTORY STUDI ES (2) Textual cri ticism; formation, history, extent ond transmission of the canon; special introduction of selected New Testament books. Prerequisite: NT 505. Prescribed for M.Div ond M.A. (B.S., O.T. ond N.T.) students, others by departmental permission. NT 717 SEN IORSEMINAR (2-4) Supervised research of designated problems inNew Testament literature, history, interpretation or theology. Elective.· NT 718 EXEGESISOf THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS (2) A detailed exegesis of the original text together with o consideiotion of the historical problems which ore in111lved. Pre requisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 719 EXEGESISOf THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) An examination of I Timothy, II Timothy ond Titus; research on selected portions by the student. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT720 EXEGESISOf THEAPOCALYPSE(2) Astudy based onthe original text; term project by the student on on assigned subject. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 722 EXEGESISOf THEGOSPEL OFLUKE (2) Extensive translation in the Gospel. Exegesis of selected portions. Consideration of the contribution of this book to one's knowledge of the life of Christ. Examination of style ond 111cobu lory of Luke. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 725 EXEGESISOf I CORINTHIANS 12-14 (2) An exegeticol analysis of this section with particular attention given to oreos of difficulty regarding the subject of spiritual gihs. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.·
NT727 NEW TESTM\ENTHISTORY (2) New Testament historical backgrounds ond archaeology. Pre scr ibed for M.A. (B.S., N.T. ) students. NT 728 ENGLISHTRANSLATIONS Of THENEW TESTM\ENT (2) Astudy of the history, philosophy, textual basis, theological perspective ond style of 111rious English translations of the New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.· NT 730 EXEGESIS OF THEEPISTLETO THE PHILIPPIANS (2) Adetailed study of the Greek text of the epistte with special attention given to the problems of grammar ond interpretation. Prerequisite: NT .505. Elective.·
'Electives ore offered by rotation ond on request. "NT 797 ond 798 oie prescribed for the M.Div. students majoring in this deportment who will write othesis. NT 797 will be token ot the completion of 64 units, ond NT 798 ot the completion of 80 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unless both hove been completed. Department ofChurch History
NT 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for M.A. (B.S. , N.T. ) ond Th.M. (N.T.) students.
NT 797 THESISFIRSTDRAFT (2) first droh of thesis...
NT 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final droh of thesis.' ·
Jomes H. Christian, Th .O., Chair FACULTY Professor: Christian
NT 801 TEXTUAL CRITICISM OF THE NEW TESTM\ENT (2) The origin ond history of textual criticism. Study of the relative 111lue of manuscripts ond the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT 716. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· NT 802 THE INTER-BIBLICAL PERIOD (2) The political, social, religious ond literary history of the Jews in the period between the Old ond New Testament as on oid to o clearer understanding of the Gospel accounts ond the Apostolic Age. Prerequisite: NT 727. Elective.· NT 803-804 ADVANCED GREEK GRAMMAR (2, 2) An intensive study of A.T. Robertson's AGrammar of the Greek New Testament in the light of Historical Research along with other standard works on grammar. Prerequisite: NT 505, 506, 603 ond 604. Elective.' NT 805 THESYNOPTIC GOSPELS (2-4) Introduction to ond examination of the Synoptic Problem in o Greek harmony of the Gospels and scholarly works on the subject Special attention to the similarities ond differences, the impor tance ond unique contribution of each Gospel account. Prerequi site: NT 716. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental perm1ss1on. NT 806 THE ACTS OF THEAPOSTLES (2) Introduction to the book, the emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Translation of the text wi thexegesis of certain sections. Comparison of style with that of Luke's Gospel ond comparison of Peter's ond Poul's speeches with their epistles Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· NT 807 MORPHOLOGY AND ETYMOLOGY OF NEW TESTMIENT WORDS (2) Astudy of the historical ond dialectal development of the formation ond meaning of words in the Greek New Testament. Prerequisite: NT 505, 506, 603, 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.· NT 808 COMPARATIVE STYLE OFNEW TESTM\ENT WRITERS (2) Comparison of style, 111cabulary and theological concepts of the 111rious New Testament writers on the basis of selected portions of the writings of each in the Greek New Testament. Elective for Th.M. students; others by depar tmental permission. NT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR' (2-4, 2-4) Principles of thorough research. Supervised research into some problem of special interest to the student approved by the professor. Periodic reportsof progress to the other members of the seminar and abstract of conclusions reached. May be token for one semester or continued throughout the year with the some problem under consideration. Prescribed one semester, for Th.M. (N.T. ) students; others by departmental permission.'
The aims of th is deportment oretoacquaint the student with the enviromnent of early Christian ity; thespiritual culture and heritagewhich have consti tuted the mission, purpose and obj ectives of the Christian church; and subsequent developments in the church's outworking of its commi ss ion. CH 505 EARLY ANDMEDIEVALCHURCH HISTORY (3) Church history from Pentecost to the Reformation. Emphasis upon the development of doctrine, organization ond the Romon Ca tholic Church. Place ond importance of monas ticism, scholosti cism, mysticism ond the Renaissance. Influence of leading person- . olities. Prescribed for M.Div. students. CH 506 PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND MODERN CHURCH HIS TORY (3) Church history from 1517 to the present. Emphasis on the causes ond development of the Reformation, Protestant denomi nations, English ond Americon Christianity. Opportunity provided for each student to familiarize himself with the history and polity of his or her church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. CH 508 THE CHURCH IN THE M\ERICAN EXPERIENCE (3) Areligious history of theUnited States from the colonial to the contemporary period, emphasizing the Church's effect on ond its response to Puritanism, the westward movement, social ond intellectual ferment, industrialization, immigration, urbanization and wor. Offered al ternate years. CH 522 RENAISSANCE ANDREFORMATION (3) Europe from the latefourteenth to early seventeenth century. Stress on changes inaugurated by the Renaissance ond Reforma tion; rise of notion-states ond foundation of modern European society. Offered alternate years. CH 558 PURITANISM (3) A survey of the Puritan movement with emphasis on its establishment ond practice in New England. Theological, social, political, economic ond cultural aspects considered, including analysis of the Puritan influence on American E111ngelicolism.
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