Department ofWorld Missions
CH 560 THE EVANGELICAL TRADITION (3) Ahistorical ond theological comporative study of the origins ond development of Lutheranism, Colvinism, Anglicanism and the Anobaptist and free Church traditions. Emphasis on the beliefs and practices of these graups today and their relationship to the e111ngelicol Christian. CH 701 HISTORY Of DOCTRINE (2) Ahistoricol survey of the development of selected Christion doctrines fromthe first century to the present. Emphosis upon the factors underlying their formulation in the light of church history. Prerequisites: TH 502, TH 603, TH 604, CH 505 and CH 506. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. r.s.) students, others by depart mental permission. CH 702 THE CHURCH FATHERS(2) An introduction to the Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers with special emphasis upon the development of doctrine and church. Elective. CH 705 HISTORY Of REVIVALS(2) Thebackground, development and resultsof the great revi111ls in Ameri co. Elective. CH 708 CLASSICS Of THECHRISTIAN CHURCH (2) Astudy of some of the outstonding literary productions of Christian leoders ond writers. Elective. CH 710 DENOMINATIONAL DISTINCTIVES (2) Thehistory, distinctives ond poli ty of the student's denomino tion or church. Prescribed for M.Div. students not taking CH 506 in this seminary. CH 718 RESEARCHSEMI NAR (2-4) Supervised research, with periodic reports to seminar mem bers, in an approved orea of speciol interest to the student. Elective. CH 722 CULTS Of AMERICA (Same os PHR 722) (2) The distinctive feotures of the cults of America with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective.
ICS 510 GENERAL LINGUISTICS(3) The study of descriptive linguistics and its rele111ncy in lan guage learning ond Bible translation. ICS 520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating tointercultural living with focus on personal and interpersonal adjustment with nationals and other missionaries; language, 111lue confl icts, status· and role, culture shock, stereo types, cultural limitations and related topics. ICS 622 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Principles and processes of communicating from one culture to another. focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, 111lues, non-ve rbol expression, languoge expression ond sub-groups within a culture as they relate to themedia ond the message. ICS791-792 FIELD PRACTICUM (2, 2) Aprogram designed to give experience in 111rious phases of intercul turo l ministry. field in111lvement 100 hours each semester, and regulor meeting far reporting and discussion. Prerequisi te: 48 units of doss work. Prescribed far and limited to M.Div. students majoring in missions. ICS 897-898 RESEARCH SEMINAR (l-4, 1-4) Supervised reseorch intosome problem of special interest to the student approved by the professor. May be taken for one semester or continued throughout the year wi ththe same problem under conside ration. Elective for Th.M. students, others by depart mental permission. HISTORYAND THEOLOGY OF MISSION HTM 546 HI STORY Of THE EXPANSION Of CHRISTIANIIY (3) Thebackground, origin, development and spreod of the Chris tion foith from the opostolic period until today. Emphosis will be given to the modern ero, especially contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, Asia and Latin Americo. HTM 550 CHRISTIANIIY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropology opproach to Christion theologizing; interrelation ships bel¼l:en suproctulturol Christianity and humon cultures. focus on conversion, revelotion, communicotion, transformation, indigeneity ond other related topics. HTM 555 INTRODUCTION TO WORLD MISSIONS (2) The nature of Christian outreach: ostudy of principles, history, and methodology of worldwide missions. HTM 640 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FOR MISSIONARIES(2) The nature of man and his culture, special emphosis on intercultural communication of the Gospel. HTM 655 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGYOf MISSION (3) An overview and critique of the 111ri ous theologies- of mission ad111coted by 111rious branches of the Church down through the centuries, beginning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liberation theol ogy debate of our day. HTM 742 HISTORY Of MISSIONS(3) The bockground, development and spread of Christianity through world missions; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures. HTM 751 THEOLOGY Of MISSION (2 or 3) An anolysis of the tensions within the Church focusing around the mission of the Church in the contemporary world with on attempt to formulate a biblical-contemporary expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of those tensions.
ADivision of The School of lntercultural Studies
Dean: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. Lloyd Kwast, D.Miss., Chair FACULTY Professors: Cook, Hess, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Moyers AssociateProfessors: Bruce, Dol lar, Kroft, Liao Assis tant Professor: J. Lingenfelter The minister is faced with cross-cultural chal lenges in his community and congregation, isexpect ed to provide a degree of mission vision to the congregation, and will likely recruit people for mis sions. The missionary needs cross-cultural training along wtih theol og ical training. The church needs a true vision for evangeli sm and worldwide mission. The program of this department is designed to provide suchtraining based on Biblical principles that have been proven valuable in cross-cultural ministry, mi ssions, and human services. Any Talbot student may take elective courses through the School of lnterculturol Studies. Students in the Master of Divinity or Master of Theology programs wi th a maior in missions, or Master of Ministry studentswith an emphasis in missions, are required to take ICS 502 or 560, STM 570, HTM 640, HTM655 or HTM751 , STM 66 l and STM 772. Studentsshould plan to takeSTM 570 and HTM 640 as early in their study program as possible. Mission maiors should plan to take as many electives as possi ble from the courses listed below. For acomplete list of courses and course descrip tions see the School of lnterculturol Studies in the university catalog. INTERCULTURAL STUDIES ICS 502 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) Cross-cultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and community, engoging the student in field methodology and research, and application of principles and dato of social organiza tion to mission strategy.
CH 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) first droh of thesis.'
CH798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) final droh of thesis.'
"CH 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M.Div. students majoring in this department who will write a thesis. CH 797 will be taken at the completion of 64 units and CH 798 at the completion of 80 units. Neither of the 11111 is applicable toword graduation unless both have been completed.
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