
TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY AND MISSIONS STM 560 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINISTRIES (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the'people, needs ond opportunities for e11Jngelism in the city.

Department ofPhilosophy ofReligion The minister often deols with problems which are related to contemporary trends in philosophical and scientific thought. For this reason, he needs aknowl­ edge of the intellectual heritage of the western v.urld and the apologetic techniques and postures which are of most value. Four hours of credit from the offerings may be applied as elective credit toward the maior in systematic theology. PHR 602 APOLOGETICS (2) The acceptability of the Christion faith in the light of the biblical, historical and archaeological records, Christian experience, science ond philosophy. Prescribed for M.Div and M.A. (T.S.) students. PHR 702 BIBLE AND SCIENCE (2) Crucial aspects of the relationship between the biblical record ond the methods ond findings of science. Elective. PHR 708 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY FROM ATHEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (2-3) Development of philosophy with special emphasis upon the junctures where philosophy has influenced Christianity. Elective. PHR 710 MODERN APOLOGETIC OPTIONS (2) Reading and e11Jluation of crucial modern apologists, os, Burier, Poley, Edwards, Machen, \Im Til, Cornell ond Montogomery. Elect ive. PHR 711 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (2) Philosophy of religion in terms of such topics os the origin ond growth of religion, the traditional proofs for God ond the problem of evil. Elective. PHR 714 RELIGIOUS EXISTENTIALISM (2) Leading existential writers ond concepts with their implications for Christion faith in thought. Elective. PHR 716 PROBLEMS Of KNOWLEDGE IN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT (2) Major approaches to rel igious epistemology, including contem­ porary contributions to the meaning of inspiration and authority. Elective. PHR 720 THEOLOGICAL LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLISM (2) The significance and criticism of theological language with an analysis of biblical usage. Historical and contemporary Christian sysmbols. Elective. PHR 722 CULTS Of AMERICA (Same as CH 722) (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Christian doctrine. Elective. PHR 724 CURRENT PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES (2) An intensive study of the thought of particular philosophers of relig ion or important philosophical issues as they relate to theol­ ogy. May be repeated with different course content. Elective. PHR 758 IWRLD RELIGIONS (Same as HTM 556) (2) The distinctive features of the world's ethnic religions, the philosophical and psychological implications ond the significant cultural patterns surrounding their development. Eiective. PHR 767 DIRECTED STUDY (2-4) Reading and research in selected and concentrated areas, as epistemology, ethics, existentialism, theological language ond non-Christian religions. Elec tive.

Department ofPractical Theology

STM 562 CULTURE CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed ond intensity of change. Implications of such processes ore examined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. STM 570 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (2 or 3) An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communication with special emphasis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. STM 66l INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH GROWTH (3) Abasic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of worldwide e11Jngelizotion, with due emphasis on the Church Growth school of thought. STM 665 LEADERSHIP (3) Cross-cultural study of leadership including diverse patterns of authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, ond training os they affect communication, church growth and devel­ opment worldwide. STM 672 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Principles of the semantic analysis of discourse structure. Prerequisite: Adlllnced Linguistics. STM 680 IWRLD MISSIONS AND THE LOCAL CHURCH (2 or 3) Designed to integrate principles of cross-cultural communica­ tion and theology ond strategy of missions within ototal concep­ tual framework to aid the local church in mission in11Jlvement. STM 775 HERMENEUTICS IN ETHNOHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES (3) Principles of biblical interpretation developed through the ethnohistoricol methodology. STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD IWRLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method ond role of the e11Jngelicol church in societies undergoing socio-technological change. Elective for Th .M. students, others by departmental persmission. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) The concept of theological education by extension, including its history, objectives, methodology and the writing of programmed instruction with particular emphasis on missionary application. Elective for Th.M. students, others by departmental permission. STM 872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Discourse considerations in translating from Greek into indig­ enous languages. Prerequisite: Greek.

FACULTY Associate Professor: Conway Assistant Professor: Anderson Instructor: George

The purpose of the Practicial Theology depart­ ment is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to equip Christians to build up one another; to train them to reach their community for Christ. HOMILETICS AND WORSHIP PT 609-6lOSERMON PREPARATION (3, 3) Aconsideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pulpit ministry. Astudy of the techniques ond fundamentals of sermon construction and persuasive delivery of expository sermons. PT 609 is prerequisite to PT 610. Prescribed for M.Div. students; PT 609 prescribed for M.A. (Min.) students. PT 617 THE PASTOR AND MUSIC (2) Astudy in the-theory and practice of church music, on analysis of contemporary music and the development of basic skills in leading congregational singing and worship. Elective. PT 620 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Of IWRSHIP (2) Exploration of biblical psychological, practical, historicol and contemporary dimensions of Christion worship. Elect ive. PT 71 l ADVANCED SERMON PREPARATION (2) A skill-refinement practicum in the essentials of expository preaching, including e11Jluotion of off-campus pulpit ministry. Prerequisites: PT 609, 610. Elective. PT 715 PRINCIPLES AND ETHICSOF COMMUNICATION (2) An explanation of the principles of communication and how they effect learning and change. An examination of the ethical issues of persuasion such as emotional appeals, use of guilt, fear and personalities. Elect ive. PT 718 CREATIVE PREACHING (2) An exploration of several ways to proclaim God's Word such as topical, textual, inductive, dialogicol, dramatic narrative, e11Jngel­ istic ond life situation preaching. Prerequisites: PT 609, 610. Elective. CHURCH GROWTH PT 510 EVANGELISM The practical examination of the theology of e11Jngelism ond discipleship with on emphasis on developing the skills of personal e11Jngelism and equipping others to shore their faith. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 612 ADVANCED EVANGELISM (2) Asurvey of the history of e11Jngelism ond revi11Jls. An exami­ nation of 11Jrious strategiessuch as T.V., mass, crusade, street ond pulpit e11Jngelism and the giving of invitations and altar coils. Prerequisi tes: PT 510. Elective.

For additional courses see The School of lntercultural Studies, page G-29.

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