Department of Christian Education Robert Radcliffe, Ph.D., Choir FACULTY Professors : Brooks, D. Brown Associate Professors : Dirks, Radcliffe Assistant Professors: Anthony, Johnson, Wilson Instructor: 8. Brown The aim of the department of Christian education is that of developing Christion educators who under stand the significance of on educational ministry and who possess the skills necessary to function as Christion educators. To this end, course offerings hove been designed to blend theory and practice. Most elective courses are designed for tracking to accommodate thestudent's vocational specialization. ADMINISTRATION CE 500 INTRODUCTION TO MINISTRY (2) Investigati on int □ biblical principles of ministry; development □fa philosophy of ministry and its relation to amulti-staff context. Discussion of personal and professional growth, family life, rela tionship with staff boards and total life management. Develop ment □f creative problem salving, decisi □ n-moking and time management skills. Elective. CE 510 STUDIES IN ADMINISTRATION (2) Designed for those with limited backgrounds in educational odministlotion. Content selected on the basis of deficiencies. Admission by signature only. CE 51 l FOUNDATIONS Of LEADERSHIP (2) Investigation into leadership theory and practice leading to the development of abibliocentricphilosophy □ f leadership; practice in basic leadership skills; study □ f application □ f concepts in the church and porachurch agencies. Prescribed for M.A. (CE.) stu dents. CE 513 WOMEN IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (2) An investigation of the role □ f women inministry and leader ship in the light □ f Scripture and current trends. Assessment of role expectancies and role relationships. Elective. CE 610 LEADERSHIP RELATIONSHIPS (2) Consideration of interpersonal relations betlwen members of a multiple staff as well as management principles in church related groups. Elective. CE 6 ll BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN EDUCATION (2) The management □ f program development, financial affairs, property, office work, personnel and public relations. Deals with the responsibilities □ f pastor, director of Christian education and other personnel. Elective. CE 612 MISSIONARY EDUCATION (2) Objectives, programming, activities and □ dministTotive meth ods of implementing a program of missionary education. Investi gation into the auxiliary □ rgoniz□ ti □n □ f the church's educational program through which missions □ re taught. Elective.
PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING PT 703 THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY (2) Astudy of CUITent social, political and moral issues, with special attention ·ta the responsibility of the church as acontributor to change. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 705 PASTORAL COUNSELING (4) lntToducti □n to the principles and techniques □f counselingwith on emphasis of the characteristics of on effective counselor, the development of counseling skills, the making □ f referrals, the wrious theories of counseling and the place of counseling in the church. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 72l PASTORAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT (2) Combining □f classroom experience wi th field !Tips to i □ ils , prisons, hospitals, sanitariums and wri □ us self-help groups. Expo sure to the problems of humanity and specialists who work with those problems. Prerequisities: PT602. Elective. PT 740 MINISTERIAL ETHICS (2) Astudyof the ethicol issues unique to the pastor, his fomily ond the congregation. Astudy of the practice □ f church discipline as it relates to scripture and society. Elective. PT 774 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRISTIAN LEADER (2) Aconsideration of the special ond unique problems foced by wco ti on□ I Christian workers and their fomilies. Includes oll phases of occupational Christian ministTy. Elective. PT 802 SPIRITUAL WARFARE (2) Astudy of the conflict betlwen the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light with on emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability □f the believer. The tech niques of counseling the spirituallyafflicted ore also considered. Elective for the Th.M. students; others by departmental permis sion. PT 807 INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (2) Asurvey of the different approaches, models ond attitudes for teh integration of psychology and theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. RESEARCH PT 6 ll PRACTICAL THEOLOGY SEMINAR(l-2) Discussion of one □ r more facets of the ministry with an emphasis an serving in the local church. Elective. PT 717-718 RESEARCH SEMINAR (l-2) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Practical Theology department using stond □ rd research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by department opprowl. Elective.
PT 622 CHURCH PLANTING IN THE USA (2) The study of thecomponents, such as geography, demography, stTotegy and implementation, that goes into church planting in the USA. Elective. PT 624 PRINCIPLES Of CHURCH GROWTH IN THE USA (2) Abiblical study of church growth principles. An onolysis of contemporary practices. Prerequisites: PT 510. Elective. PT 630 DISCIPLESHIP (2) An examination of interpersonal relationships and character development os applied to the process of discipleship. Prerequi si te: PT 510. Elective. PT 724 SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES (2) Roles of small groups in the church in providing fellows hip, mutuol ministry and edificotion. Skills for organizing ond leoding groups. Introduction to dynamics of small group interoction. Elective. (Some os CE 624) CHURCH MINISTRYAND MANAGEMENT PT 601 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH (3) The Biblical basis and process of Christian Education as applied tolocal church m~istTies. Includes the educational process, the ort of teaching and the □ dmi ni stT □ tion of Christion Education minis tries. PT 602 PASTORAL MINISTRY (4) Astudy of the pastor's coll, philosophy □f minis try, orientation, role, ethics, spiritual life and ministry, with attention to leadership in warship and special services. Considerotion given to long-range planning, □ dminis t roti □ n and church and community relations. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 730 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (2) The biblicol principles and proctices of developing leaders within the church including theological tTuth, spiritual character and practical skill. Prerequisites: PT602. Elective. PT 733 CHURCH MANAGEMENT (2) An examination of contemporary management concepts, orga nization and interpersonal theories as applied to the local church. Prerequisite: PT 602. Elective. PT 734 CHURCH FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION (2) An examination of the biblical principles □f financial steward ship, fund raising and budgeting. An i ntTodu ct i □n into financial bookkeepingand the use of the computer inthe church. Prerequi sites: PT 602. Elective. PT 591 INTRODUCTION TO FIELD EDUCATION (l) lntT□ducti □n into the practical elements □ f ministly. Emphasis will be placed on coreer planning, field experience and preparation for field Education Internship in the M.Div. programs. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 592 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministly with s □ tisfoctory completion □f student's self-evaluation farm, supervisor's evaluation form and pastoral interview form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 691 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly involvement in ministly with s □ tisfoct□ ry completion of student's self-evaluation form, supervisor's ewluotion form and lay leader's interview form. Prescribed for M.Div students. PT 692 FIELD EDUCATION (0) Weekly inwlvement in ministly with s oti sfoc t □ ry completion of student's self-ew lu □ tion form, supervisor's ewluotion formand sermon ewlu□ ti □n form. Prescribed for M.Div. students. PT 791-792 FIELD EDUCATION (2, 2) Aprogramdesigned ta give supervised experience in wrious phases of Christion min istTy. One hundred hours □ f field experience each semester, including classroominteraction. Prerequisite: com pletion □f first half of the M.Div. degree program. Prescribed for M.Div. students.
PT 796 THESIS (0)
Prescribed for Th.M. (P.T.) students.
PT 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) first draft of thesis.·
PT 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) final draft of thesis. ·
PT 817-818 RESEARCH SEMINAR (l-4, l-4) Elective for Th.M. students; others by dep□ rtmentol permis sion. ·pr 797 and 798 □ re prescribed for the M.Div. students moiori ng in thisdeportment who will write athesis. PT 797 will be taken at the completion □ f 64 units, and PT 798 at the completion of 80 units. Neither of the tw□ is applicable toward graduation unless bath have been completed.
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