CE 625-626 MINISTRY THROUGH SPECIALEDUCATION (2, 2) Educotionol procedures useful in Christion instruction of the deof ond blind ( 625). An intensive study ond survey of the menta lly retarded ond the emotionally disturbed os well os the gifted, with emphasis upon educotionol techniques ond method ology (626). The development of oprogrom of Christion educotion within the locol church o m □ ior portion of the course. Elective. CE 651 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENTAND EDUCATION (2) The child from birth to oge five yeors with emphasis on porentol educotion within the church, implicotion of development for Christion educotion ond orgonizotion of church minisnies related to preschool educotion. Consideration given to bosic teaching ond ministering skills. Elective. CE 653 CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ANDEDUCATION (2) The child from oge six to 12 yeors with emphasis on development of morol ond religious 111lues, cogni tive processes ond sociol relationships In addition, on onolysis is mode of home ond church ministries related to childhood educotion. Emphasis given to bosic teaching ond ministering skill s. Elective. CE 661 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) finding ond meeting adolescent needs, writing obiectives for youth niinisny, leadership of learning experiences ond ouneoch experiences, disciple-buiiding ond review of 0111iloble resources. Development of personal plons for ministry. Elective. CE 662 YOUTH LEADERSHIP (2) Emphasis on the leadership role in the locol church, college compuses ond mission field. Development of o youth leadership progrom within the locol church. Study of extro-church orgonizo tions ond porent-teen relationships ond ministry emphasized. Elective. CE 671 YOUNG ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (2) Survey of issues confronting young odultsin contemporory life ond opportunities for the church within the concept of minisny to ossist those in young adulthood in meeting these issues. Special attention to the oreos of single odultsond single parents. Elective. CE 672 OLDER ADULT DEVELOPMENT ANDEDUCATION (2) focus on the gerontologicol needs (i.e., physiologicol, socio logicol, psychologicol ) of older adults ond on the opportun ities for the church, within the concept of ministry to work with the community to assist in meeting these needs. Emphasis on the 111lue of educotionol development ond the older person's signifi conce ond need to connibute to the church body. Elective. CE 678 MIDDLE ADULT DEVELOPMENTAND EDUCATION (2) Astudy of issues ond developmental tosks of odults in the middle yeors. Attention to the minisny of meeting the needs ond utilizing the potentioi of mid-li fe odults. Elective. EDUCATIONAL PRINCIPLES, METHODOLOGY AND SPECIAL SKILLS CE 515-516 METHODS ANDRESOURCES Of MINISTRY (3, 3) Analysis of ministries of edificotion os they relote to the personal, the interpersonal, the congregotionol ond the odminis trotive aspects of ministry with people of oll oges (515). Analysis of worship ond witness ministr ies in ond emonoting from the church (516). In both courses focus is on the explorotion of 111rious methods ond resources 0111iloble for ministry ond on the develop ment of individual skills in communicoting ond leoding in these minisnies. Prescribed for M.A. (LE.) students. CE 515 prescribed for M.Div. (Cl moior) students. CE 530 STUDIESIN PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS (2) Designed for those with limited backgrounds in philosophicol foundations of ministry. Content selected on the bosis of deficien cies. Admission by signature only.
CE 540 APPLIED MUSIC (l -2) Includes pri111te study os well os ensemble. Moy be repeated toomaximum of six units. El ective. CE 621 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS Of MINISTRY (2) Investigation into the theologicol, historicol ond philosophicol foundations which undenie Christion minisny. Designed to oid students in forming o foundation in which to respond to crucial issues in minisny. Prescribed for M.A. (CE. ) ond M.A. (MJM.) students. CE 622 PH ILOSOPHICAL ISSUESIN MINISTRY (2) Investigation of current proctices of minisny through on ono lyticol perspecti ve. Designed tohelp the minister e111luote minis hiesond respond with remedial or enrichment snotegies. Prereq uisite: CE 531 or equi111lent. Prescribed for M.A. (Cl) ond M.A. (MJM.) students: CE 633-634 PRINCIPLES Of RESEARCH (l, l ) Bosic methods of educotionol research with assessment of eoch method for use in religious educotion. lnnoduction to stotisticol measurements. formulation ond implementation of research proiects in minisny situations. Required of reduced M.AU. students. CE 638 CURRENTTRENDS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Identifying ond understanding those issues which ore of primary concern to the field of Christion educotion todoy. Oppor tu ni ty will be provided for individual ond group research in oreos of personal concern. The course will investigate current educotionol trends, olternotive church education patterns ond new forms of ministry. Elective. CE 641 RELIGIOUS DRAMATICS (2) The ploce ond 111lue of religious dromo. Criteria for ploy selection ond reading in the field. Elements of production wi th procticol woys of making lighting equipment, costumes ond set designing. Elective. CE 642 LEISURE, RECREATION AND THE CHURCH (2) Explorotion intothe biblicol concepts of leisure ond the use of leisure time. Patterns of recreotionol ond sociol activities in the locol church. l eadership development in recreotionol skills. Elec tive. CE 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (2) The ploce of music in the church's progrom. Criteria for the selection of oppropriotemusic Techniques for leoding music ond teaching 111rious groups The relationship of music to worship, insnuction ond fellowship. Elective. CE 648 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM (2) The fundomentol principles ond bosic forms of writing. Atten tion to writing for newspapers, denominotionol ond interdenomi notionol publicotions, rodio ond television. The writing of dromo for Christion mogozines. The 111lue, principles, planning ond promotion of church publicity. The ploce of public relations in the life of the church. Proctice in preporotion of bulletins, news releases, promotional letters ond display advertising. Emphasis on direct moil, rodio ond television. Elective. CE 649 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2) Administration of the oudio-visuol progrom for the locol church. Methods for use of moteriols for 111rious oge levels. Study of equipment ond source moteriols, principle ond proctices. Elective. CE 720 COLLEGE TEACHING PROCEDURES (2) Consideration given to the 111nous philosophies of education, theories of learning, the factors thot influence learning ot the undergroduote ond groduote level. Emphasis givento becoming o more effective teacher. '«!nobles in moti111tion, retention, nonsfer ond high level thinking wi ll be discussed. Asupervised classroom teaching experience is required. Prescribed for Th.M. students.
Study of design ond building for the worship, educotion ond fellowship functions of the church. Bosic procedures in bu ilding ond remodeling. Proiections, e111luoti on ond purchase of equipment for these functions. Elective. CE 615 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION (4) An onolysis of odminishotive principles ond processes os they opply to the church ond porochurch agencies. Special attention to the relation of odminisnotive functions ond minisny. Prescribed for M.Div. (Cl m□ iors ) , M.A (Cl) students ond M.A. (MJM.) students. CE 616 PRINCIPLESOF CURRICULUMDEVELOPMENT Consideration of essential elements in curriculum formation. Intensive study of 111ried existing curricula. Analysis of contempo rory trends in curriculumproduction. Elective. CE 683 CAMP LEADERSHIP(2) The philosophy, obiectives, odminisnotion, progrom ond lead ership of .o church-related comp. The use of worship, study, crofts, recreation ond counseling in church comping. Investigation into trends of comping, centrolized ond decentrolized comping. Tech niques in planning ond directing o comp progrom, including counselor troining. Elective. CE 684 CAMP AND CONFERENCE (2) An od111nced course in comping odministrotion, progromming ond stoff relationships. The student wiil be in111lved in o direct \\llrk proiect ot o locol Christion comp with foculty-stoff supervi sion. Elective. CE 735 CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION (2) Research into the primary odministrotive patterns of the Christion college ond investigation into m□io r proctices in gover nance. History ond nends of Bible institutes, Bible colleges, Christion liberal orts colleges ond theologicol seminaries. Elective. EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL - AGE-LEVEL SPECIALIZATION CE 520 STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (2) Designed for those with limited backgrounds in psychologicol foundations of ministry Content selected on the bosis of deficien cies. Admission by signature only. CE 521 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS Of CHRISTIAN MINISTRY AND LIFESTYLE (3) Investigation into the moior issues of educotionol psychology including growth ond development, learning theory, moti111tion, individual differences, self-concept, humon nature, determinism, social interaction, mol □ diustment, discipline, morol influence ond retention. ·Discussion of the m □ ior theories ond theorists of psychology. lntegrotion of theology ond psychology on emphasis. Also investigation into personality development os it relates to Christion growth ond lifestyle Prescribed for M.A. (Cl) students. CE 550 LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENTINMINISTRY (3) A survey of humon developmental research witli attention given to physicol, cognitive, socio-emotional, morol, ond foith aspects os they oll relate to spiritual development os obosis for o holistic Christion educotion minisny. Prescribed for MACE progrom. CE 557 MORAL AND FAITH DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY (2) An od111nced study of the leading theories of morol ond foith development with attention directed toword implicotion for inten tional educotion minisnies thot develop oBiblicol 111lues system. Prescribed for reduced MACE program. CE 623 TESTSAND MEASUREMENTSIN EDUCATION (2) Theory of testing ond the functions of measurements in religious educotion. Supervised practice in the use ond interpreta tion of specific tests ond measurement devices rele111nt to the educotionol progrom of the church. Elective.
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